
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In a world where magic intertwines with reality and ancient spirits cast dark shadows, a young warrior named Amukelo embarks on a journey fueled by love, revenge, and destiny. From the haunting death of his mother to the brutalities of the formidable Valarian, his path is strewn with challenges that test not just his swordsmanship but his very spirit. But every hero needs a companion. Enter Eliss, a gifted mage whose own past is intertwined with Amukelo's. Together, they traverse uncharted lands, confront formidable enemies, and forge an unbreakable bond. Their adventures lead them to face the deadliest of foes, Valarian, whose ambitions threaten to drown the world in darkness. Dive into a world of epic battles, undying legacies, and a love that transcends lifetimes. Experience a tale where legends never fade, and every sword slash tells a story.

Pixelrexgunner · Fantasy
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233 Chs

Deciding Confrontation

In the heart of Elandria Heroes Academy, in the sun-dappled courtyard where students honed their combat abilities, Amukelo was engrossed in a meticulous solo practice. Each swing of his dual swords was executed with lethal precision, a dance of blade and balance.

As he finished a complex set of movements, a pair of familiar figures approached: Eliss, her dark hair flowing elegantly behind her, and Kael, his confident posture mirroring his status as a top student.

"Amukelo," Eliss called out, her voice steady yet carrying a hint of playful challenge. "We think it's time to test our progress. Care for a duel?"

Amukelo halted, his swords still in mid-air, and turned to face them. A knowing smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"A duel?" he replied, raising an eyebrow. "Against both of you? You know I barely scraped a win against Kael last time."

Kael's stern face broke into a half-smile. "That's not true at all. after our last match you wasn't even out of breath" he replied. "Think of it as a chance for revenge. Or proof that you're truly the best."

As they tried to sway Amukelo, a resonant voice intervened. "It's an excellent idea," said Master Therion, who had been observing from a distance. His gaze was sharp, yet encouraging. "It will push all of you beyond your limits, and inspire others. You'll learn more from this than weeks of normal training."

With their teacher's endorsement, Amukelo's reluctance melted away. His competitive spirit flared to life.

"Well," he conceded with a determined nod. "I accept your challenge."

. . .

The following day was designated for rest and recovery. The entire academy, it seemed, was abuzz with anticipation. News of the duel between the top three students of the first year had spread like wildfire, igniting excitement throughout the student body and faculty alike.

In classrooms and dining halls, students eagerly debated predictions and strategies. Amukelo, the unexpected prodigy; Kael, the disciplined and experienced swordsman; and Eliss, the gifted mage with a repertoire of extraordinary spells—it was anyone's guess who would emerge victorious.

. . .

As the three combatants took their positions, whispers fluttered through the spectator stands like a fervent breeze. High above, in the reserved section for esteemed faculty, the Principal of Elandria Heroes Academy sat with a composed demeanor that belied the interest in his eyes.

"This will be an interesting fight," he murmured to his closest advisor, his voice imbued with a wisdom that came from decades of guiding young heroes. "They are the future of Elandria, each a shining star in their own right."

Beside him, a tall and confident figure leaned casually against the railing. Lyon, the top student of the academy's senior class, let out an amused huff. "Interesting, certainly," he said, a wry smile playing on his lips. "But I'd wager I could best all three of them alone."

The Principal simply chuckled, his gaze never leaving the young warriors below.

. . .

Down in the magically constructed forest of the arena, the duel commenced with the sharp ring of a gong.

Eliss acted first, her staff raised high as she summoned a torrent of magical energy. "Aqua Shield!" she intoned. Almost instantly, a swirling barrier of water materialized around her and Kael, ready to deflect any incoming attacks.

Kael, always the tactician, quickly used the defensive posture to his advantage. Moving as if he and Eliss were one entity, he launched into a flurry of strikes and jabs aimed at Amukelo. His blade was a blur, slashing towards his opponent from unpredictable angles.

Amukelo, his twin swords shining in the simulated sunlight filtering through the trees, met each attack with fluid, masterful grace. He parried a high strike from Kael, then ducked and rolled to avoid Eliss's follow-up spell, "Flame Serpent," which sent a living stream of fire slithering in his direction.

"Keep moving!" Eliss called to Kael as she began chanting the incantation for her next spell. "We need to keep the pressure on him."

Despite their well-coordinated assault, Amukelo's defense was airtight. He seemed to be everywhere at once, his swords a pair of flashing streaks that turned away each attack without him seeming to lose breath.

The crowd watched in awe as Amukelo, despite facing two formidable opponents, appeared unflustered. With each passing second, the atmosphere in the arena became more charged, the audience's anticipation palpable.

"Why isn't he striking back more?" a student in the crowd whispered, leaning towards her friend. "He's just dodging and blocking."

"Maybe he's waiting for the right moment," her friend speculated, "or just he can't, yet they are number two and number three."

Amukelo, agile and fluid, continued to effortlessly block and dodge the relentless onslaught from Eliss and Kael. His calm and steady demeanor was beginning to unsettle Eliss, who, even in the heat of the duel, was a sharp and perceptive fighter.

Something was off.

"Why hasn't he used any of his advanced skills yet?" Eliss thought to herself, feeling a knot of unease form in her stomach. Given Amukelo's prodigious talent, he should have mastered those techniques by now.

Noticing Eliss's furrowed brow, Kael shot her a questioning glance mid-strike. She gave a subtle shake of her head, a signal they had established in their training. Kael's eyes widened slightly in understanding; something indeed was amiss.

And in that instant, as if on cue, the tide of the battle shifted dramatically.

"Crescent Wave!" Amukelo bellowed, his voice finally breaking its steady calm. In a sweeping motion, he unleashed a razor-sharp wave of energy that rocketed towards Kael. It was a feint, a distraction, but one that Kael couldn't afford to ignore. He pivoted on his heel, narrowly dodging the attack, his focus momentarily pulled away from Eliss.

In that split-second, Amukelo executed a "Flash Step," his form blurring as he appeared beside Eliss in the blink of an eye. "Shield Breaker!" he commanded, his twin swords arcing down with force towards Eliss's Aqua Shield.

His aim was a bit off because he tried not to hurt Eliss, but his strike was precise and powerful, designed to shatter her magical defense. The Aqua Shield quivered under the onslaught and then burst like a bubble, leaving Eliss exposed.

But Eliss was not to be underestimated. In the crucial moment as her shield broke, her eyes flared with resolve. "Wraith Embrace!" she cried, and shadowy figures emerged from the ground, latching onto Amukelo, seeking to drain his energy.

Kael, regaining his composure from the earlier feint, seized the opportunity. He lunged at Amukelo with a series of rapid and ferocious strikes, aiming to capitalize on his momentary vulnerability.

As Amukelo strained to break free from the clutches of the Wraith Embrace, Kael charged, his sword aimed squarely at his vulnerable opponent. In a desperate move, Amukelo lashed out with a powerful kick. Kael was sent sprawling through the air, but this left Amukelo's attention divided— a fatal mistake.

Seeing opening, Eliss's eyes sharpened.

"Temporal Pause!" she invoked, and the world around her seemed to freeze. Unseen and unfelt by her opponents in this paused moment, she moved with grace through the stillness, closing the gap between her and Amukelo.

"Iceberg Spike!" she whispered, while time was still frozen. A nascent shard of ice began to form at her command, positioning itself to ensnare Amukelo once time resumed.

"Elemental Avatar!" she silently called, summoning her powerful beings of fire, water, earth, and air. They materialized slowly, in sync with her will, ready to act as soon as Temporal Pause ended.

By the time the spell's effect wore off, close enough to him, and the world sprung back to motion. The massive, sharp spike of ice erupted from the ground, effectively pinning Amukelo in place.

Amukelo's eyes widened; he saw the deadly combination she had crafted. He struggled fiercely, but the ice held firm.

"Flame Serpent!" Eliss intoned, her voice steady but laced with power. A living stream of fire slithered towards Amukelo, its heat palpable even from a distance

With a mere nod from Eliss, her Elemental Avatars surged forward, their energy spiking for a devastating detonation.

In the last desperate moment, Amukelo tried to activate "Shadow Slip," aiming to melt into the shadows under the trees. The wraiths' drain on his life force, however, had taken its toll; his reaction was a hair too slow.

A deafening explosion resounded as the Flame Serpent and Elemental Avatars' detonation converged. A cloud of smoke and dust obscured the view, leaving the spectators in breathless anticipation.

When the dust finally cleared, they saw Amukelo — not at the epicenter of the explosion, but slumped in the shadow of a tree, battered and visibly strained, but conscious. He wasn't unconscious as everyone expect, but he wasn't able to fight anymore.

The referee, having carefully observed the entire duel, raised his hand and announced in a clear, resonant voice, "Victory to Eliss and Kael!"

The spectators erupted into applause and cheers for the intense and awe-inspiring match they had just witnessed.

. . .

"Do you still believe," the principal asked, his voice steady and imbued with a quiet authority, "that you would have won that battle alone?"

Lyon paused, "I may have spoken too soon." he admitted, a rare concession from the academy's top student.