
Realms of Infinity

This is a story about a boy who had an average life and was given another chance as a god's chosen. Ace was an ordinary man in every sense of the word; he had an average job, education and income, but he always aspired to be a hero, and leave this world like one.

Azure_Shard · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A New Journey

[Welcome to the system, host] 

[Name: Ace Williamsons]

[Race: Human (10%) ??? (90%)]

[Titles: Chosen one (X2 growth rate)

[LVL: 1]

[EXP: 0/100]

[HP: 100/100]

[MP: 100/100]

[STR: 10]

[AGI: 10]

[CON: 10]

[INT: 10]

[LUCK: ∞]

[Skills: Attribute Plunder (Obtain 1% of enemy's attributes when you kill them) Analysis (See enemy's attributes)


A large grin bloomed across Ace's face.

This was the beginning of a new journey; one where he would not be ordinary.


(Narrative in first person from Ace's perspective)

I heard rustling in the trees around me. I quickly sprung to my feet and brought my fists up in a guard. A dog, or what looked like one leapt out of the foliage in front of me. 'Analysis,' I said, and the stats of the wolf-like creature appeared in front of me.

[Race: Wolf]

[Titles: None]

[LVL: 3]

[HP: 150/150]

[MP: 0/0]

[STR: 15]

[AGI: 12]

[CON: 15]

[INT: 0]

[LUCK: ?]

[Skills: Bite (Bite your foe for high damage)]

'Easy,' I thought.

Jumping towards me, the wolf bared its fangs and growled. I ran at it, delivering a solid uppercut to its furry maw.


A notification popped up above the wolf's head.


'Alright, I can do with this,' I thought

The wolf slashed at me, but I dodged and responded with a bone-shattering kick to its jaw.

[CRIT: -70HP]

Blood leaked from the side of its mouth, staining its fur and the ground around it red. 'Die!' My scream came with one final haymaker to the face. The wolf keeled over, dead.

[EXP+ 70]

[EXP: 70/100]

'Yes,' I cheered in relief. This world really was like a videogame. The gamer part of me half-expected I would ''respawn'' but the rational part of me knew I would really die if I hit 0HP. Making up my mind, I continued exploring the forest. Then, I heard a "Ding" in my head.

[Host, you have a mission:]

[Level up!] 

[Description: Please level up to LVL 2]

[Time limit: 2HRS]

[Rewards: Dagger (Uncommon), Map of the world, 100 Copper coins]

[Penalty: No EXP gain for the next 24HRS]

I raised my eyebrows. 'The rewards would be amazing, but the penalty is horrible ,' I thought. Just then, what looked like a rabbit popped out of a nearby bush, except its eyes were blood red. 'Analysis' I commanded.

[Race: Killer Bunny]

[Titles: None]

[LVL: 1]

[HP: 75/75]

[MP: 0/0]

[STR: 8]

[AGI: 9

[CON: 6]

[INT: 0]

[LUCK: ?]

[Skills: Claw (Claw at your enemy for moderate damage)]

I didn't expect it to lunge at me. The bunny took the opportunity and landed a claw on my leg.



'Ow!' I exclaimed, and in retaliation, punched it in its neck.



[LVL UP: 1>2]

[Name: Ace Williamsons]

[Race: Human (10%) ??? (90%)]

[Titles: Chosen one (X2 growth rate)]

[LVL: 1<2]< strong>

[EXP: 0/200]

[HP: 140/140]

[MP: 120/120]

[STR: 10>14]

[AGI: 10>13]

[CON: 10>14]

[INT: 10>12]

[LUCK: ∞]

[AP: 5]

[Skills: Attribute Plunder LVL1 (Obtain 1% of enemy's attributes when you kill them) Analysis LVL 1 (See enemy's attributes)

'Cool,'  I thought, 'I will save my AP for an extreme situation later.'

[Mission complete:]

[Dagger (Uncommon), 100 copper coins and Map have been sent to inventory]

'Inventory,' I said

[Inventory: Dagger (Uncommon)x1, Mapx1]

'Remove map and dagger from inventory.' The dagger and map appeared in my hands. Looking at the map, I walked in the direction of the nearest town. After a long, arduous journey, I finally reached the town of Riverside. The guards at the gate stopped me and demanded a 25 copper entrance fee. I paid it and waltzed inside the town. I asked a passer-by for directions to the adventurers guild. They graciously guided me in a direction, after which I promptly ran off.

I arrived at the adventurers guild, a bustling building filled with adventurers of all kinds. The sounds of chatter and the clinking of armor filled the air. I approached the reception desk where a middle-aged woman with a friendly smile greeted me.

"Welcome to the adventurers guild. How can I assist you," she asked.

"I'm here to register as an adventurer and take on quests," I replied with excitement.

The woman nodded and handed me a registration form. I quickly filled it out, providing my name, race, and newly-acquired level. Once I handed it back to her, she processed it and handed me a guild card.

"Here is your guild card, Ace Williamsons. This card will serve as your identification as an adventurer and can be used to receive rewards and track your progress. Good luck out there," she said cheerfully.

I thanked her and clipped the guild card to my belt. With newfound confidence, I walked further into the guild, looking for the quest board. As I scanned the numerous requests written on the board, one caught my eye - a hunt for a dangerous creature lurking in the nearby forest.

Without hesitation, I tore off the request and headed back to the reception desk. The woman glanced at the quest I had chosen and nodded approvingly.

"Be careful out there. This creature is known to be quite formidable," she warned.

I assured her that I would be careful and set off towards the forest. As I entered the dense trees, I could sense a looming presence. My heart raced, but I reminded myself of my newly gained strength and the mission at hand.

After what felt like hours of searching, I finally stumbled upon the creature's lair. It was a massive, towering beast with sharp claws and glowing red eyes. 'Analysis,' I commanded.

[Race: Shadow Beast]

[Titles: None]

[LVL: 10]

[HP: ???/???]

[MP: ???/???]

[STR: 20]

[AGI: 18]

[CON: 22]

[INT: 5]

[LUCK: ?]

[Skills: Dark Roar (Release a powerful shockwave), Shadow Pounce (Lunge at the enemy with enhanced speed)]

My heart pounded in my chest as I assessed the creature's strength. This would be my biggest challenge yet, but I couldn't back down now. I tightened my grip on the dagger and took a deep breath.

With sheer determination, I dashed towards the Shadow Beast, dodging its initial attack and drove my dagger deep into its side. The creature howled in pain, but it retaliated with a powerful swipe of its claws, sending me tumbling to the ground.

I gritted my teeth and pushed myself back up, refusing to let the pain deter me. I dodged, parried, and counterattacked with everything I had. Blow after blow, I continued to chip away at the creature's health, each strike bringing me closer to victory.

After what felt like an eternity, I landed a final, decisive blow. The Shadow Beast let out an agonizing roar before collapsing to the ground, lifeless. I stood there, panting heavily, covered in sweat and dirt with a victorious smile on my face.

[EXP+ 800]

[LVL UP: 2>4]


I felt a surge of satisfaction and pride as I realized I had not only completed my mission but also achieved a new level. I took a moment to catch my breath before looting the creature's remains, finding valuable materials and a hefty sum of gold.

With my newfound strength and wealth, I returned to the adventurers guild, feeling accomplished and eager for more challenges. Little did I know, this was only the beginning of my extraordinary journey in this fantastical world.