
Realms of Eternity

"Realms of Eternity" follows the extraordinary journey of Li Wei, a young man who wakes up in a mysterious and magical world. As he explores this unknown realm, he discovers a profound connection between himself and the land, unveiling hidden secrets and embarking on a transformative adventure. In this captivating world, Li Wei encounters towering trees, luminescent creatures, and mythical beings that defy imagination. Guided by his insatiable curiosity, he sets out to decipher the enigmatic script etched into the ancient trees, unravelling the language's secrets and discovering his own unique place in this enchanted realm. Join Li Wei as he navigates the wonders and perils of the "Realms of Eternity," unlocking the true nature of this realm and his own destiny in the process.

AshenDao · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: A New Morning

As the first rays of dawn painted the sky in shades of rose and gold, Li Wei stirred from his slumber, his body replenished by a restful night's sleep. Stretching his limbs and inhaling the crisp forest air, he felt a renewed vigour coursing through his veins, awakening his senses to the possibilities that lay ahead.

The events of the previous day, the encounter with the majestic blue-furred wolf and the breathtaking beauty of the enchanted forest, echoed in his mind as he sat up. A deep hunger gnawed at his stomach, reminding him of his basic needs. He realized that he needed sustenance to fuel his exploration and unravel the mysteries of this otherworldly realm.

Rising to his feet, Li Wei ventured forth in search of nourishment. Guided by his instincts, he navigated through the ancient trees, following an invisible thread that led him closer to the sound of rushing water. The distant melody of a nearby river grew louder with each step, drawing him inexorably toward its life-giving source.

Finally, he arrived at the river's edge, where crystal-clear waters flowed with a gentle murmur. Cupping his hands, Li Wei scooped up the cool liquid, quenching his thirst with long, satisfying gulps. As he leaned over to drink, his reflection danced upon the rippling surface of the water.

Gazing into the depths, Li Wei saw his own image staring back at him—a young man with jet-black hair, adorned with an air of elegance. His grey eyes, sharp and observant, reflected a curious mix of determination and wonder. The features of his face bore an aristocratic quality, hinting at a lineage that spanned generations.

Refreshed and invigorated, Li Wei splashed his face with the river's water, cleansing away the remnants of sleep. The cool droplets revived his senses, awakening him to the vibrant world around him. With a renewed sense of purpose, he set out to forage for food, seeking sustenance among the bountiful offerings of the forest.

With each careful step, he scanned the verdant undergrowth, his eyes trained to recognize the edible treasures hidden within. Fruits of various hues dangled from branches, tempting him with their luscious aroma and vibrant colours. Li Wei plucked them delicately, savouring their succulent flavors and the burst of sweetness upon his tongue.

The forest embraced him as he moved through its lush tapestry, guiding him to patches of wild mushrooms, tender shoots, and edible roots. He gathered them with reverence, mindful of the delicate balance between taking from nature's bounty and preserving its harmony. It was a dance of gratitude and sustenance, a mutual exchange between Li Wei and the realm that had become his new home.

Satiated by the fruits and plants he had gathered, Li Wei's attention turned to the carcass of the deer—the remains of the hunt that had unfolded before him the previous night. The sight stirred conflicting emotions within him, a reminder of the intricate web of life and death that governed this realm.

With careful precision, Li Wei stripped the remaining meat from the deer's bones, a task both practical and respectful. His fingers worked deftly, guided by an unspoken understanding of the necessity and sanctity of the act. Each morsel he salvaged would sustain him, a testament to the cycle of life and the interdependence of all living beings.

Carrying the meat in his arms, Li Wei made his way to a suitable spot to build a fire. With collected twigs and dry leaves, he arranged a makeshift hearth, ensuring that the flames would dance without endangering the forest's delicate equilibrium. As the fire crackled to life, warmth embraced him, casting flickering shadows upon his surroundings.

With great care, Li Wei skewered the strips of meat on makeshift spears, suspending them over the fire. The aroma of roasting flesh filled the air, mingling with the earthy scents of the forest. It was a primal communion with nature's bounty, a ritual that connected him to the ancient rhythms of survival.

While the meat sizzled and cooked, Li Wei indulged in the ripe fruits he had gathered earlier, their sweetness complementing the smoky aroma that filled the air. He relished each juicy bite, savoring the flavors and textures that nature had so generously bestowed upon him.

As the meat gradually cooked to perfection, Li Wei's hunger intensified, anticipation building within him. When the moment finally arrived, he retrieved the succulent meat from the fire, its charred exterior revealing tender, juicy flesh within. It was a feast fit for a weary traveller, a reward for his efforts and a testament to his resourcefulness.

Seated by the crackling fire, Li Wei savoured each mouthful, savouring the rich flavors that danced upon his palate. The meat nourished his body, infusing him with renewed strength and vitality. He relished this simple act of survival, recognizing that it was a privilege bestowed upon him by the abundance of the forest.

As the last morsel disappeared, consumed by the flames, Li Wei felt a deep sense of gratitude. He expressed his thanks to the forest that had provided him with sustenance, acknowledging the delicate balance between his own existence and the intricate ecosystem that thrived around him.

With the meal complete, Li Wei allowed himself a moment of repose, his body and mind content. He gazed into the dancing flames, their flickering glow casting an ethereal light upon his face. The mysteries of the forest beckoned to him, urging him to continue his exploration, to unravel the enigmas that lay shrouded in its depths.

Filled with a renewed sense of purpose and determination, Li Wei resolved to embrace the wonders that awaited him in this mystical realm. He knew that each step would bring him closer to the truths he sought, to the revelation of his own purpose within this tapestry of existence.

As the fire crackled and the day unfolded before him, Li Wei prepared himself for the adventures that lay ahead. With a heart filled with gratitude and a mind open to the mysteries of the forest, he stepped into the unknown, ready to embrace the challenges and revelations that awaited him in this extraordinary world.

Li Wei approached the majestic deer carcass with a deep sense of gratitude. He knelt down beside the fallen creature, a solemn reverence in his eyes. With a bowed head, he whispered words of appreciation, expressing his gratitude for the deer's sacrifice that had provided him sustenance in this unfamiliar realm. As he extended his hand to touch the deer one last time, his gaze fell upon a glimmer amidst the remains.

A bright blue gem nestled within the carcass, catching the sunlight and radiating a captivating brilliance. Li Wei's curiosity was piqued, and he delicately retrieved the gem, cradling it in his palm. Its smooth surface, cool to the touch, seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. He knew instinctively that this gem held significance in the intricate tapestry of this realm, and he vowed to uncover its secrets in due time.

Leaving the deer behind, Li Wei continued his journey through the verdant forest, his steps guided by an unspoken intuition. The towering trees whispered their ancient wisdom, their leaves rustling in a symphony of natural harmony. As he walked, a sense of purpose resonated within him, drawing him ever closer to his next destination.

After a while, the dense forest gave way to a clearing, revealing a road that cut through the wilderness like a lifeline of civilization. The path beckoned to him, promising new encounters and opportunities for discovery. Li Wei followed the road, each step imbued with a quiet determination.

As he ventured forth, the forest began to recede, and the sounds of bustling life gradually reached his ears. A small village materialized on the horizon, nestled amidst the idyllic landscape. From a distance, he observed the humble cottages with thatched roofs, smoke curling from chimneys, and villagers going about their daily routines.

Li Wei stood at the outskirts of the village, absorbing the scene before him. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, mingling with the cheerful chatter of villagers going about their daily tasks. Although a sense of familiarity tugged at his heart, he remained an outsider, an observer, not yet ready to make his presence known.

With a mix of anticipation and caution, Li Wei made a silent promise to himself—he would enter the village soon, eager to engage with its inhabitants, to unravel the mysteries and forge connections in this realm that had become his new home. But for now, he allowed the village to exist as a distant tableau, waiting patiently for the right moment to step into its embrace.

As the sun sank lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the landscape, Li Wei turned away from the village and retraced his steps into the forest. His heart was filled with a newfound energy, a resolve to delve deeper into this realm and uncover the truths that lay hidden within.

Nightfall descended upon the forest, and as darkness enveloped the land, Li Wei sought shelter beneath the canopy of ancient trees. He found solace in the familiarity of the forest, its whispers a comforting lullaby. Laying beneath a moss-covered boulder, he closed his eyes, allowing exhaustion to carry him into a peaceful slumber.

In his dreams, visions of the village danced before his eyes—its vibrant colors, the laughter of its people, and the tapestry of lives intertwining. Li Wei sensed that the village held answers, connections that would lead him closer to the core of this enigmatic world. With each dream fragment, his anticipation grew, propelling him forward on his path of discovery.

As the night wore on, the forest embraced Li Wei in its protective embrace, shielding him from the unknown. And with the dawn of a new day, he knew that the time had come to venture into the village, to immerse himself in its rich tapestry and unlock the secrets it held. The next chapter of his journey was about to unfold, and he was ready to embrace it with open arms.

Hi y'all this is author-san here.

I'm going to be publishing roughly 3 chapters a week, on Saturdays, Mondays, and Thursdays at 8:00 AM PST.

If you wish to have more chapters a week, every 10 stones will get you one more chapter. The stones have to be in by Saturday for the bonus chapter to register. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

Ashen Dao

AshenDaocreators' thoughts