
Realm Reborn: New life as a Demotic Fae

Nathaniel Cromwell's life takes an unexpected turn when a tragic accident claims him at a construction site on Earth. Summoned by the God of Balance, Nate is given the choice to reincarnate into a new world with the option to customize his rebirth. Now born as a charming Half-Fae, Nate continues on starting new adventures and finding plenty of power and love along the way.

CirceCat · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Quest for Coin

The next morning, Nate woke up feeling refreshed and content. Spending time with Gwen had helped him forget the grueling training his mentors had put him through. As he stretched his body, Nate decided to allocate his accumulated status points. The familiar blue screen appeared in front of him and he evenly distributed his points between Perception and Dexterity.


Name- Nathaniel Cromwell 

Level- 5 / Exp (0/500)

Class- Illusionist Duelist

Race- Half-Fae/Half Unknown (SEALED)

Age- 16

Strength- 10>16

Perception- 11>20

Dexterity- 13>22

Intelligence- 7>10

Endurance- 8>11

Charisma- 21>24

Free points- 12>0

Magic Affinities- Fae (Perfect), Spatial (Perfect), Illusion (Perfect), Unknown (Sealed)

Quests - Reach level 10 <Extend >, Reach Level 15 <Extend >, Reach level 20 <Extend >, Love is in the Air <Extend >

Skills- Lovers embrace (Epic Bloodline)<Extend >, Running (Normal), Climbing (Normal), Jump (Normal), Charming puppy dog eyes (Epic), Unknown (Sealed), Dagger (Novice), Survival (Novice), Cooking (Poor), Vanishing Act (Normal), Mirror Mirage (Rare), Phantom Flourish(Epic)

Titles- The Path to Manhood (Upgradable) 

Blessings- God of Balance (Full), Goddess of Beauty (Minor)

Nate experienced a tingling sensation as the new stats took effect, making him feel stronger. With a day off, he decided to tackle some quests at the adventures guild to refill his funds and test out a theory from the novels he had read on Earth: would defeating monsters give him enough EXP to level up?

The idea had been lingering in his mind since the "exp" status first appeared, but he hadn't had the opportunity to test it out since arriving at the academy.

Nate left his dorm and meandered through the bustling streets, his emerald green eyes scanning the crowd until they landed on a familiar figure. Gwen who stood near an ornate fountain, her sea-blue eyes darting nervously around before settling on him.

"Morning, Nate," she greeted, her voice betraying a hint of unease that was unusual for the typically composed half-elf.

"Good morning, Gwen," he replied, noting the tension in her shoulders. "You seem a bit on edge today."

She managed a smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Just the usual nerves," she said, brushing a strand of chestnut hair behind her pointed ear.

Nate nodded, understanding she wasn't feeling up to talking about it "Heading to the adventurers' guild," he mentioned casually, his black hair swaying slightly as he motioned towards the imposing building ahead. 

Her interest piqued, Gwen stepped closer. "Do you... mind if I join you?" she requested

He studied her for a moment before smiling. "It could be dangerous, but I don't mind if you would like to join."

Gwen nodded her head and together they both started to head towards the direction of the guild.

The adventurers' guild was alive with the clamor of clinking armor and boisterous tales of conquest. Nate let the familiarity of it wash over him as he led Gwen to the registration desk and waited while she signed her name into the ledger.

 "Ready," she announced

Nate approached the bronze section of the quest board, his fingers trailing across parchments. One particular notice caught his attention—a hunting request for Zephyr Beetles, notorious for their ironclad carapaces and ability to harness the wind for rapid strikes. These insect-type monsters were a blight upon the outskirts of the capital, terrorizing caravans with their unpredictable gusts and razor-sharp mandibles.

"Zephyr Beetles," he muttered under his breath. "Swift and armored... this will require strategy" He analyzed.

"Have you chosen one?" Gwen asked, peering at the quest with interest.

"Indeed." Nate plucked the notice from the board, the parchment crackling in his grip.

With the quest accepted, they exited the guild, the daylight greeting them. Gwen looked at him, a spark of excitement in her gaze. "What's our plan?"

"Observation," Nate replied, his thoughts already racing with tactics. "Then, we strike with precision."

Leaving the capital to the forest right outside it Nate led Gwen through the dense underbrush of the forest, the scent of moss and damp earth mingling in the air. The dappled sunlight filtered through the canopy above, casting a lattice of light and shadow upon their path. They tread softly, their footsteps muffled by the carpet of fallen leaves.

"Here," Nate whispered, motioning for Gwen to crouch behind a cluster of thick bushes with him. The foliage was lush enough to conceal them, yet offered small gaps for observation.

Peering through the greenery, they spotted the Zephyr Beetles. The creatures moved with an eerie grace, their carapaces shimmering with a metallic sheen as they skittered across the forest floor. The sun caught on their wings, creating an illusion of a breeze made solid, blades of wind given form.

Nate's gaze narrowed as he activated his appraisal skill, focusing intently on the insectoid monsters. A translucent screen then materialized before his eyes.

[Name: Zephyr Beetle

Weakness: Intense heat]

He mentally logged the information, a plan rapidly forming in his mind. "Stay close to me," he instructed Gwen, his voice low but firm. "And be ready to use your magic when I give the signal."

She nodded, her sea-blue eyes reflecting determination.

With a deep breath, Nate used his skill Mirror Mirage. In an instant, several duplicates of himself appeared, each a perfect replica. The illusions began weaving between trees, their movements erratic and unpredictable, drawing the attention of the Zephyr Beetles.

Gwen watched in awe the illusions she had seen Nate use against the bandit were not even close to being as detailed as these current ones. 

"Wait for it," Nate murmured, and then with a flick of his wrist, he signaled the attack.

Gwen unleashed her magic, torrents of wind howling forth, stirring leaves and bending branches. The gusts clashed with the Zephyr Beetles' own wind manipulation, throwing the creatures into disarray. Their ironclad defenses rattled against the relentless force.

Amidst the chaos, Nate darted forward, the mirages sowing confusion as they mimicked his every move. He slipped through the disoriented beetles, a ghost amongst shadows. His heart raced, adrenaline surging through his veins, each step calculated, each feint deliberate.

The beetles, overwhelmed by the assault, faltered. With precision, Nate struck, the image of his blade flashing through the air. One by one, the Zephyr Beetles succumbed to their combined might, the forest echoing with the sound of their demise.

 As the dust settled and the last beetle fell a system prompt appeared.

[x6 Zephyr Beetles slain +400 Exp]

Satisfied to have validated his theory on gaining experience points, Nate, along with Gwen, gathered the monster cores. They planned to present these to the adventure guild as evidence of completing the quest.

"Nicely done," he praised, though the words were as much for himself as they were for Gwen. Her magic had been indispensable, and he could see the growth in her abilities.

"Thanks to you," Gwen replied, her cheeks flushed with the exertion and excitement.

They moved on, delving deeper into the shaded forest. It wasn't long before they came upon another nest of Zephy Beetles With a series of coordinated attacks, Nate's illusions leading and Gwen's wind magic slicing through the air, the creatures fell quickly, almost effortlessly.

Causing two prompt's to appear in front of Nate 

[x5 Zephy Beetles slain +250 Exp] 

[+1 Level, +1 point to each stat (Extra +1 strength), +3 free points] 

As they prepared to collect these new cores, the underbrush rustled ominously. Tension crackled between the two adventurers as a monstrous form emerged—a creature straight from a nightmare.

It stood taller than two men, its chitinous armor reflecting the dappled sunlight in sinister hues. Its pincers clicked menacingly, dripping with venom, and a multitude of eyes gleamed with malevolent intelligence.

"Appraisal," Nate whispered, focusing on the beast.

A prompt appeared before his eyes:

{Name: Dreadclaw Matriarch - Weakness: Fire]

"Be careful, it's—" Nate's warning was cut short as the Dreadclaw Matriarch lunged forward with terrifying speed.

The battle that ensued pushed them both to their limits. Gwen's wind magic howled, lashing against the monster's armored hide, while Nate darted in and out of visibility, his Phantom Flourish leaving trails of disorienting afterimages.

But the creature was relentless. A near miss from its deadly pincer sent shards of bark flying. Nate saw the monster aiming for a heavy hit and he threw himself into its path, taking the hit meant for Gwen.

Pain exploded across his side, a white-hot agony that would have crippled a lesser man. But Nate's tutelage under his new masters had honed his tolerance to a fine edge. He gritted his teeth, letting the pain wash over him without breaking his resolve.

"Keep going!" he urged Gwen, who nodded, her expression steely.

With a last burst of will, Nate summoned every skill at his disposal. His form flickered, now here, now there, as if the very shadows conspired to protect him. Then, seeing his chance, he leapt forward, dagger poised for the killing blow.

The Dreadclaw Matriarch let out a chilling screech as Nate's blade found its mark, piercing through to the monster's core. As the behemoth crumbled, the system prompt flashed once again:

[x1 Dreadclaw Matriarch Slain +500 EXP]

"Did we... did we do it?" Gwen gasped, her voice a mix of disbelief and awe.

"We did," Nate confirmed, panting, as he retrieved the Matriarch's massive core. 

"Let's get back to the guild," Gwen suggested, her concern evident as she eyed his injury.

"Right behind you," Nate replied, feeling the rush of adrenaline begins to ebb, replaced by the dull throb of his wound. Together, they set off toward the safety of civilization.

Leaning heavily on Gwen, Nate took labored steps through the bustling streets that led back to the adventurers' guild. His side ached fiercely where the Dreadclaw Matriarch's talon had pieced him.

"Almost there," Gwen murmured, her voice a soft beacon in the haze of pain. Her arm was a steady presence around his waist, her grip sure despite the tremble that coursed through her from the day's exertions.

The guild's warm glow spilled out onto the cobblestones as they approached, and Nate felt a flicker of relief. They crossed the threshold, and immediately a healer mage—cloaked in serene blue robes—hastened over, sensing the urgency of Nate's condition.

"Let's have a look at that wound," the healer said, guiding Nate to sit. His hands glowed with a soothing light that seeped into Nate's flesh, knitting together torn skin and mending shattered bone. The pain receded under the healer's expert care, leaving behind a dull ache instead of the agonizing pain from before. 

"Thank you," Nate breathed out

"Keep an eye on it just to be sure" the healer advised, nodding curtly before moving on.

With a shared glance and a nod, Nate and Gwen retrieved the monster cores from their pouches, the smooth orbs still pulsing faintly with energy. The receptionist's eyes widened in shock when her gaze fell upon the Matriarch's massive core, her composure momentarily faltering.

"By the Ancients, you two took down a Dreadclaw Matriarch?" she exclaimed, a hand fluttering to her chest.

"Indeed," Nate replied, a spark of pride igniting in his emerald eyes, "It wasn't easy, but we managed."

"Managed? You've done more than that!" The receptionist collected herself, her initial surprise giving way to admiration. "I'm glad you're both safe. Here's your reward," she said, counting out the coins with a clink of metal that sounded sweeter than any melody.

Nate and Gwen divided the bounty between themselves before they left and stepped out into the evening air, the duo walked side by side, their conversation turning to the day's skirmishes.

"We were lucky," Gwen admitted, her sea-blue eyes reflecting the twilight. "Next time, we'll need to be more cautious."

"Agreed. We can't always count on luck," Nate said, running a hand through his shoulder-length black hair. "But we make a good team."

"You're right," she smiled, the tension from earlier battles melting away.

They soon reached the dorm buildings at the academy. With cordial farewells, they parted ways, each heading off to their dorms. Once inside his modest chamber, Nate collapsed onto the bed, his body surrendering to exhaustion. The last remnants of adrenaline drained from him, and as darkness claimed his consciousness, he drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep.