
Realm of the Transcendants

"Where should I go now?", he sighed. Naoki Ozawa had always considered himself "lost" and devoid of a "reason to live" after the death of his mother. Ironically, it was that lack of purpose and desire that had made him cross the realm of a universe that needed those two in order to survive and become stronger. Out of all the worlds in that universe, he was transported to the world of Zenia, a world dominated by women, where the supreme deity despises men and had not blessed them with much world energy and great aptitude. In this realm, where the soul is the foundation of strength, feeding on other souls in order to be powerful is commonplace. A place where might makes right and the weak are left behind with little to no opportunities. He soon finds out that he's not strong and is pathetically weak, unable to even beat the weakest monster. However, he later saw that he possessed a strange talent—the ability to comprehend souls. In a world of medieval fantasy x cultivation, we follow the story of Naoki as he finds his way into a universe unbeknownst to his own. 》 ART: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1D8kp2S5pwOxTgE-vR2bkH7DTlDLlBBJ_?usp=sharing 》For mobile Webnovel users: bit.ly/RoT_Art ✥ Author's Words: 【After, multiple considerations, I will be writing 1000 words instead of 3000 words per chapter from volume 2 onwards :3. Naturally the length of each volume will remain the same. (15k+ words). This will mean faster releases and less laziness on my part. Thanks for reading!】 「ALL OF MY ART IS AI GENERATED, BUT I'D APPRECIATE IT IF YOU CREDIT MY NOVEL AND INFORM ME IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO USE THEM.」 》While this is technically Harem, this is not some dumpster fire-level trash that only seeks to fulfill male fantasy—if you are here for it, then better try elsewhere. 》This is similar to Japanese Light Novels—so expect that the novel will be like so. 》I sincerely believe in Dialogue > Narration because I like seeing characters develop rather than some all-knowing narrator spoon-feeding every piece of information. It's also more interesting to read characters speak than reading plain text in my opinion. Although, there are instances, especially when a character is alone, that I mostly fill with narration.

Lacyan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

『Kingdom of Quaint』

"Kingdom of Quaint...?"

"Right, right. It is said to be a "School Trip" though honestly, it's just a pretense for the students to attend the Masquerade Ball." Astria said.

Masquerade Ball

It was an annual party of the Kingdom of Quaint, and serves as a way to socialize and form connections without the pretense of status and power—it is said that thousands of people gather each year to attend, from top students to the rankers of each kingdom's Soul Chart.

"Normally, platinum and above students are invited—but since Dorothy and I are relatives of the practitioners in the Soul chart, the principal gave us special permission."

"So I'll be staying behind... what a fleeting conversation that night was." Naoki grimaced, it was as if he jinxed this situation of him being left behind.

"Hehe, not necessarily," Astria said proudly.

Dorothy was out buying supplies for the trip, she was the one who cooks for the three of them, after all. She wasn't just about to be satisfied with ordinary inn cooking—even if it was another kingdom.

"Since you're one of the prodigious males that the Academy had encountered—the principal had also made an exception for you. Although it was not because we asked for it, it seems the principal had planned it from the start."

"Oh..!" Naoki shed a comical tear, relieved to know that they won't be leaving without him.

It seems they are to stay there for several days, as it was still logically a school trip. Additionally, they were to meet with students from the Kingdom of Quaint and a competition of their top students will be held—which serve as practice for the upcoming Zenia Youth Inter-Kingdom War.

"Hehe, if you can find me in the Masquerade Ball—I'll give you a reward, how about it? Though it's probably not that easy."

"Is it really that hard to identify people?"

"Yes, you see—"

It appears that the Masquerade Ball is based on the fact that no one could be recognized. Naturally, there are multiple arrangements that are done to make it like so. Firstly, everyone inside the event must wear a mask that hides their identity while keeping their appearance—a sort of illusion, as even voices could not be recognized. Secondly, taking off the masks is prohibited and will not be easily removed once inside. And lastly, a Soul Formation surrounds the ball—for protection and also for cutting off soul tracking like Naoki's marriage connection with Astria.

"Wait... so you might just interact with a princess and not notice it?"

"Well—essentially, yes."

The two continued on, talking about the details of the upcoming "School Trip". Soon after, Dorothy joined the conversation—as she kept boasting about how she got her quality ingredients for a good price.

A few moments passed and Naoki returned to his campus—he had classes to attend, after all. Though he was more excited about another thing—it seems like they are going to receive their credits today.


"That's all I have for my report, your highness."

"Hah... stop it, it is still quite unsettling to hear that from my own sister..." An elegant woman sighed, stress was written on her otherwise beautiful face.

Sitting on the rather exquisite and colorful throne lies Ceana von Lizea, the matriarch of the Lizea Kingdom, and while Dahlia and she were technically sisters—royal tradition dictates that one had to change their surname to Lizea once they ascend the throne. In Lizea, the one who inherits the throne is not based on lineage, it is usually gauged by strength—though only nobles that are part of the aristocracy could inherit the position.

"Haha, you're still not used to being Queen? Your royal highness?" Dahlia smiled.

"Not a single bit, why not replace my position? Oh, precious elder sister." She wryly said.

Ceana, despite her woeful complaint, was the Top 1 seat of the Lizea Kingdom's soul chart—the strongest cultivator in the Lizea Kingdom. And as to how she came to be at the top, it has to do with her special constitution since birth, a special power that no one else in the Heathcliff family had since their first ancestor—Temporal Arts, the ability to manipulate the passage of time, relative to its controller.

"On a more serious note, what does your royal highness think of this?" Dahlia asked bluntly, it seems this was not to be taken lightly.

"It can't be any other possibility... he is most likely a stray. As to how he got here—I'm afraid I wasn't informed of this by Anize-sama. I will try to personally ask for a divination from the Temple of Anize's Headmistress—It's been a while since I paid my respects, after all."

"I take it you're going to use Excelsior? The Lizean Academy has already reserved it for a week, however."

"It's quite alright, I plan to fly from the start. I'll be there to attend the Masquerade Ball, so you need not to worry about it."

The Temple of Anize.

Anize, a being that is considered to be the divine protector that takes care of the Lizea Kingdom—as most Lizeans worship her as their god, alongside the supreme goddess that created this world. The Royal Academy of Lizea is named Anize for that reason.

Her temple, which is situated near the border of the Kingdom of Quaint, was quite distant. It was two months' travel by carriage, and longer by foot. It would take an ordinary cultivator with Flight Arts 5 days of flying—though the queen was nowhere close to "ordinary", especially with her special ability.

"You just want to slack off, don't you?" Dahlia broke formalities, showing a knowing face to her own little sister.

"Ehehe, what's wrong with having a little fun? It's not like I'm getting that old yet."

"Really... even your daughter has been influenced by your nature—I wonder if this kingdom will be alright..." She heaved a heavy sigh, as if a mother spoiling her playful child.

While Dahlia had said that, Ceana von Lizea was an excellent leader—she had improved Lizea's condition and lessened the discrimination against men compared to other nations. But aside from that, most were awed at her national speeches, as her voice resounded in majesty and pure elegance, her words reverberated through each person's soul—as if she was some sort of divine leader. This is why most would be shocked to discover this childish side of their beloved Queen— and while she was quite cunning and charismatic, she prefers to be unrestrained, to be a free soul.

Her nature is very easygoing in general, but she is not to be underestimated—as even if there were three Dahlia Heathcliff fighting her together, they wouldn't stand a chance.

It is not an understatement to say that the Queen is stronger than all of the Lizean cultivators combined.

Hello everyone!!! We finally get to meet the queen!

As for her story, I plan to tell more about her in the future so do look forward to that. Her special ability, the Temporal Arts, allows her to slow the passage of time in a limited space—essentially no one could face her in combat, as she will obliterate you before you could even blink.

Thank you for supporting Realm of the Transcendants!!!

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