
Realm of Spirituality

A new virtual reality game, that spreads shockwaves worldwide was officially launched. People hurried to join this Realm of spirituality where you can enjoy three times of your lifespan, and even achieve incredible powers in this magical world. Xuan Yuan, a 16 year old high schooner student who had always been bullied by his mates begins an historical adventure, breaks through his limits, proving himself, becoming more powerful and eventually becomes the strongest God ever seen in the Realm of spirituality

SageMuhammed · Games
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156 Chs

Training arena

Void realm experts are peak figures in the Martial arts circle and the youngest Void realm expert expert ever seen is 34 years old. Yet now, they just found out that a 16 year old Void realm expert actually exists. Moreover he reached the realm in one month! If word of this got out, the Martial arts circle would be shaken to the core!....

Meanwhile, after Xuanyuan left the inner Chambers, The Tier 3 official approached him again.

"I brought information about our army, my lord" The Official said.

"We currently have about 100000 Tier 1, 20000 Tier 2, 5000 Tier 3 and 5 Tier 4 Experts under our command" The Official continued. "I've also begin recruitment processes all over the city and soilders are applying. I'm going to compile a report of the recruits and send them to you my lord"

"How many Tier 4 Emperors applying to join the city force" Xuanyuan asked.

"About 15"

"Accept all Tier 4 Emperors that apply. Confirm if they're not spies first" Xuanyuan ordered. "Meanwhile cooperate with the Forge and Alchemy association and give them all they need to prepare the necessary equipments. Speak with those in charge of defense and see if there are ways we can improve the defense of the city"

"Yes my lord"

"And, Officer you should try to breakthrough to Tier 4 soon. You need stronger powers to lead!" Xuanyuan advised.

"I've been busy with all these managements that I've neglected my improvements. I'll see to it soon" The Official promised.

"You should find someone trustworthy to help you with your duties. That way you can help yourself too!" Xuanyuan said.

"Yes my lord"

Xuanyuan left the City Lord's Manor and found a safe zone to log out...

His eyes was bombarded by rays of bright sunlight when he slowly removed the gaming console on his head. He slowly climbed out of bed and walked tiredly to the bathroom to brush his tooth. He'd been playing continuously for over a week only logging out briefly to eat something. He'd been unable to take a proper bath or brush his tooth.

Once he's done bathing, he walked to the living room. He was the only one at home since his Mother, Xueyao had gone to work. She knew Xuanyuan was going to log out to eat something hence she had prepared something to eat for him in advance.

"As delicious as always!" Xuanyuan muttered as he hurriedly stuffed food into his mouth. Even though he only plays in a Virtual reality game, the energy consumed by his body isn't any inferior to his actual consumption in reality. And during this few days, he'd fought a lot. Even if his physical body wasn't burdened, he had been heavily drained mentally. After all controlling Mana and drawing arrays are mental abilities.

While having his meal, he picked up his Cellphone and checked his account balance.

"Now I'm rich!" He smiled as he read through the message.

Before he logged out he'd exchanged a bunch of Magic crystals for Real world money also termed Reality credits.

This was also the main reason why many are not bothering to go to school anymore or work. Many are now spending most of their time in training arenas and under a gaming console playing in the Realm of spirituality. This was because so long as you're strong enough, you could acquire good in game items and money, which you can exchange for Reality credits through the Exchange platforms created by the Floating dreams studio (The designers of the game)

This platform exists for players to sell their in game items for money. But it also works for players that wishes to acquire strong items and in game money. Items sold by players to the Floating dreams studio are re-sold to another who is willing to buy. That way, the three parties benefit from the symbiotic exchange.

Currently, one Magic crystals sells for 10 Reality credits and now Xuanyuan was able to earn one million credits just by selling 100000 Magic crystals!

One million credits! That was the 10 year salary of an average white collar job owner yet he earned that just by exchanging in game currency.

"No wonder everyone is going crazy about the game!" Xuanyuan muttered.

He quickly finished the last bit of food on the plate, washed them and left the house.

"To City L training arena" Xuanyuan said once he boarded a cab...

Less than 30 mins later, Xuanyuan arrived in front of a five storey building which occupied an area that was about the size of a standard soccer field. That was the City's training arena.

The first floor of the building is available for all, including people that come to train. The second floor is for those who have signed ordinary membership contract with the arena. While the third floor is available for Advanced members. The last two floors is our of bounds and only specific people are allowed to enter.

Xuanyuan wasn't ready to sign any membership contract with any training arena. In fact, he'd only been in the training centre for a few times and that was during their outdoor training sessions in school. This was the first time he's going to visit the training arena all by himself.

This was because he's already climbing the social ladder particularly in the Realm of spirituality. He was already considered a strong expert in game and of he was going to rise to the peak, he'd have dealings with other powerful experts sooner or later both in the game and the real world. It was necessary for him to find ways to increase his strength in the real world too otherwise he'd be limited in development...