
Realm of Spirituality

A new virtual reality game, that spreads shockwaves worldwide was officially launched. People hurried to join this Realm of spirituality where you can enjoy three times of your lifespan, and even achieve incredible powers in this magical world. Xuan Yuan, a 16 year old high schooner student who had always been bullied by his mates begins an historical adventure, breaks through his limits, proving himself, becoming more powerful and eventually becomes the strongest God ever seen in the Realm of spirituality

SageMuhammed · Games
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156 Chs


The middle aged man was still reading through the file when the door to the office swung open and another middle aged man rushed in.

"Guild Leader!" The man said in panic.

"Calm down! What's the matter? Is the Guild under attack?" Heaven Sovereign, the Guild leader of Heaven will asked jokingly.

"You knew already?" The middle aged man asked.

"The Guild is really under attack?" The smile on Heaven Sovereign's face disappeared immediately. He was only joking with his words but it turned out to be the situation.

"Which Guild is attacking our Heaven will Guild?" Heaven Sovereign asked with a cold expression.

"If it's a Guild, that'd even be better!" The man cried. "It's that Sword Mage that we kidnapped his friends. He came to get revenge!" He continued with a flustered expression.

"Then why are you exaggerating as if we're being attacked by a superpower?" Heaven Sovereign asked while sighing in relief. "He's just one man. How can we lose our cool all because of a random player?"

"Random player? He's practically a one man army and a walking disaster!" The man shouted. "You should watch this" He said as he fished out a tablet that showed the scene where Heaven will Headquarter is being bombarded by terrifying lightning bolts and players were reduced to a sea of white light. But at the next moment, they'd be resurrected to be blasted to death again!

Heaven Sovereign shuddered in fear when he saw what was happening. Thank God he was not online or he'd have been among those who are being blasted to death. He was just the Leader of a branch of Heaven will Guild. Even the Young master of the whole Guild, Devil King was undergoing such a ridiculous torture let alone him.

"What should we do now?" The Man asked.

"What should you do? Is there any other option? Tell the players to use their Guild transfer scrolls to escape immediately. We'll discuss what happens after that!" Heaven Sovereign ordered.

The players cannot waste another minute there. Heaven Sovereign knew how much resources was expended to develop the players up to this point. Aside from their equipments, the amount of Gold coins they had to spend to build their Tier 1 players is astronomical. If they were to loose their Tier, the resources would have been wasted and they'd have to expend a frightening amount to return the players to their previous states.

"Yes Guild leader!" The Man bowed as he rushed out of the office and logged into the Realm of spirituality to relay the orders...

In the Headquarters, players were still subjected to the endless torture as lightning bolts kept descending all over the place. Now, they'd lost about 5 levels due to dying so many times. Now all they wished for was to escape this Hell.

No one knew who gave the order but once they saw the order to flee! They hurriedly fished out their Guild transfer scrolls. These were scrolls exclusive to Guilds. With this scroll at hand, a player can teleport to his Guild Headquarters instantly so Guild players usually possess a few on them.

One of Devil King's subordinates skillfully dodged some of the lightning bolts as he activated a group teleportation scroll before pulling Devil King into the Teleportation gate that appeared. In a flash, Devil King and his subordinates were already gone.

The other players who weren't as skillful in activating the scroll. They suffered a few deaths before they were able to escape the Hell with the scrolls...

Before five minutes was over, all Heaven players had already fled the headquarters one way or another. Xuan Yuan raised his hand and the Formations contracted back into a talisman that flew into Xuan Yuan's palms.

After storing the talismans, he rushed into the Heaven will Guild Headquarters to search for the girls. During the battle, he'd cast a spherical shield to protect the girls from the shockwaves of the lightning bolts...

Xuan Yuan easily found the girls before the minute was over.

When the girls saw Xuan Yuan approach them, they lowered their heads guiltily. They couldn't face Xuan Yuan since they were doubting him earlier.

"Xuan Yuan! what took you so long?? You made us go through rounds of torture and despair as we waited" Only Qingyuan confronted Xuan Yuan as he quietly untied them. "Didn't you know that we've been waiting for you to save us?" She continued.

"Is that so?" Xuan Yuan retorted. "I was told you got engaged with the Young Master!" Xuan Yuan chuckled.

"Engaged?!! Hey Xuan Yuan, I wasn't engaged to that bastard!" Qingyuan raged. "He gave that stupid idea of his but I didn't consider it for once!"

"Oh!!" Xuan Yuan said with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm serious I didn't consider him!!" Qingyuan was frustrated.

"I didn't say anything. Why are you so worked up? Are you perhaps hiding something?" Xuan Yuan narrowed his eyes.

"No!!" Qingyuan said firmly.

"Good" Xuan Yuan said.

"Why? Do you think I won't dare to be his woman?" Qingyuan sneered. "If you're going to be this way, I might consider his offer!" Qingyuan said with head raised.

As soon as she said that, Xuan Yuan suddenly took her hand and said:

"In this world, only I am qualified to have you as my woman. If anyone else dares to do that, I'll destroy him!!" Xuan Yuan said firmly.

Qingyuan was stunned when she heard that and her cheeks turned rosy instantly as she blushed. She lowered her head because she couldn't face Xuan Yuan.

'Is that his way of proposing to me?' She thought.

The other girls took all this in with a wide mouth as they gazed at Xuan Yuan with respect. 'Such a manly way to propose!' They said.

Xuan Yuan didn't say anything further and instead focused on untying the ropes binding the girls...