
Realm of Spirituality

A new virtual reality game, that spreads shockwaves worldwide was officially launched. People hurried to join this Realm of spirituality where you can enjoy three times of your lifespan, and even achieve incredible powers in this magical world. Xuan Yuan, a 16 year old high schooner student who had always been bullied by his mates begins an historical adventure, breaks through his limits, proving himself, becoming more powerful and eventually becomes the strongest God ever seen in the Realm of spirituality

SageMuhammed · Games
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156 Chs

Apex race acquired!

Elfs were known as one of the races with a long history tracing back to the Primordial era. They were one of the races who are known to rival Dragons of the same level in terms of power.

As for Sacred Elfs, they already match Dragons in terms of Power, life rating etc. Xuanyuan suspected that the race was suggested because of his high Magical ability.

"Let's check the other races first!" Xuanyuan thought excitedly and shifted his focus to the second suggestion...

"Holy Shit!!!" Xuanyuan cried and his voice echoed far away in the Trial ground. If he was in the mainland or on Earth, people would have labeled him as crazy!

Why did Xuanyuan display such an exaggerated expression? It was because the second suggestion was another Apex bloodline. And this very bloodline is the most desired all over the realm!

Bloodline of the Dragon!

All over history in game, there were only a few people who ever got the chance to convert to an Apex race. One would already be considered having heaven defying luck if a Peak bloodline is suggested for you. Apex bloodlines are utterly beyond the reach of most players.

But not only was Xuanyuan getting two Apex races suggested for him but these races were bloodlines at the absolute peak of all races!

<Second suggestion: Dragon Bloodline>

Dragons were the undisputed strongest race in the Realm of spirituality. They were the symbol of destruction at any region of the Realm because of their frightening physical and Magical capabilities. A Tier 4 Dragon Emperor could potentially cause the downfall of an Empire if care is not taken.

But not many desires the Dragon Bloodline because of a reason: Dragons cannot ascend to Tier 6!

It was not impossible but the high requirements of Tier 6 for Dragons is unimaginably high, so high that only a few Dragon Gods have ever appeared in history. With such a loophole, players do not really desire the Dragon Bloodline. But even so, Dragons are still the number one race in the absence of Gods.

Xuanyuan didn't rush and shifted his focus to the third suggestion.

Xuanyuan: "...."

This time he was speechless and was already drooling all over the place. His saliva could easily fill a pool if gathered.

Another Apex bloodline!

Three Apex bloodlines!

Even Xuanyuan was already wondering if there was a bug in the system. It had never occurred for someone to receive the suggestion of three Apex bloodlines at the same time. And this last suggestion was one that he desired most. He even wondered if it was specifically tailored for him.

<Final Suggestion: True Human bloodline!>

In the history of the Realm of spirituality, Dragons were the strongest race with other Apex races like Phoenixes, Elfs, Divine Apes etc following closely. But even with the presence of this figures during the Primordial era, Humans still dominated the land, why?

It's because of this True Human bloodline.

Humans had also faced a certain oppression in the distant past but they adapted until they acquired powers that rivaled the Dragons. This powers were passed down since Ancient times but the bloodline got weaker and weaker until now when True Humans do not even exist again.

But here now, Xuanyuan now have the chance to become a True Human and probably the last True Human to ever appear in history. It was now explainable why he drooled so much...

Without much thinking, he chose the True Human bloodline.

<Are you sure you want to become a True Human?>


<You have accepted the True Human bloodline. Please wait for five minutes for the bloodline change to be completed. During this duration, logging off would terminate the Bloodline change>

Ordinarily, after players have picked their suggestions, they'd be required to get the blood essence of the race they'd be converting to. But Xuanyuan was originally Human so the process will be considered Bloodline evolution instead.

Subsequently, Xuanyuan's form began changing as he lost control over himself. Golden runes began manifesting on his body that formed an Ancient array on his body...

Time passed by and the five minutes duration was nearly up. When the duration was nearly over, the atmosphere in the Trial ground changed. Golden lightning flashed by and a strong oppressive might filled the air as Divine chants rang in the atmosphere. It was as if the Realm was welcoming the birth of the True Human. The beasts inside the trial ground wailed loudly as the sudden oppressive atmosphere was too strong for them to bear...

<Congratulations!! You have acquired the True Human bloodline! All attributes: +200%...>

After the bloodline change was completed, Xuanyuan inspected his body. He couldn't pinpoint any difference both physically or magically except that his body felt more freer and his body felt more comfortable in game.

Players, in the Realm of spirituality are considered foreigners and NPCs are the natives. With such logic players are subjected to a Realm suppression hence their in game bodies are normally uncomfortable than usual.

But now, it was as if the Realm now recognizes Xuanyuan as a native and he felt a deeper affinity with the World. He could now control mana around him as easy as breathing.

He hurriedly opened his player tab and inspected it...

Name: Sage Yuan (True Human)

Job: Swordman

Tier: Tier 2 (Sword Master)

Level: 54 Experience points (EXP): 70%

HP: 300000

Strength(STR): XXXX

Defense(DEF): XXXX

Agility(AGL): XXXX

Intelligence(INT): XXXX

Spirit(SPT): XXXX

Life rating: 3

Mana points(MP): ????

Legacy: none

Bloodline: True Human (Apex)

World Affinity: XXXX

Innate Skills:

<True Eyes>: Eyes of the True Human, able to peek through the void itself.

<True Flame>: Divine Flames capable of burning and melting all things.

<True Aura>: A sacred Halo surrounding the sacred Human that can suppress all beings of inferior life rating...