
Realm of Shadows: The Enchanted Dungeon

In a peaceful corner of the kingdom's border, lives Sebastian, a dedicated botanist whose passion for plants is only matched by his lack of adventure skills. However, he has always found solace in crafting poisons to protect himself while collecting samples in the dangerous surroundings of the enchanted forest. His tranquil life takes an unexpected turn when a group of daring adventurers arrives with a strange request: they need a doctor to accompany them on a perilous expedition, as they lack a priest capable of healing their wounds. Despite his doubts and limitations, Sebastian accepts the proposition and ventures into the forest alongside the group of adventurers. After two days of arduous trekking, they discover a recently formed dungeon. Blinded by greed, they decide to explore it, and Sebastian is compelled to follow suit. Upon reaching the depths of the dungeon, they find a mysterious red orb radiating a hypnotic glow. Beside it, a malnourished and terrified little girl watches them, trembling in fear. Convinced that the girl is the dungeon's master, they mercilessly resolve to end her life. However, Sebastian staunchly opposes such cruelty. Disregarding his objections, the adventurers press on with their plan, unleashing a critical battle. In a desperate act, Sebastian employs his deadliest poison to confront his companions. After a bitter struggle, he emerges victorious and chooses to protect the girl as if she were his own daughter. Little does Sebastian know that his noble action will unleash a series of events that will lead to the emergence in the future of the "Empress of the Eternal Night." As the secrets of the girl and her connection to the dungeon unravel, Sebastian delves into a world of magic, power, and darkness, defying his own peaceful nature as he fights to protect those he loves and confronts the terrible challenges that lie ahead. Can Sebastian face his own intertwined destiny with the girl and the hidden power that resides deep within the dungeon? Discover the secrets of the "Empress of the Eternal Night" in this thrilling and captivating story of adventure, love, and sacrifice. Embark on this thrilling tale of romance and action, where Sebastian's world is forever changed. Though I am new to writing, I assure you that it will be an engaging journey. I have always admired strong female characters in stories, so there won't be any kind of betrayal or romantic relationships between women. This story will be a long one, so don't expect the protagonist to conquer worlds and move mountains in the first 100 chapters. I prefer a slower pace, but rest assured, there will be intense battles. This is a safe haven where the heroines are strong enough to fend for themselves, eliminating the need for kidnappings.

ShuraZero · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Hygiene items

After killing goblins for hours, both of them were extremely exhausted, walking with heavy steps, resembling walking dead with a visibly tired expression on their faces.

"Phew!... We're finally back home, Sebastian. You must remind me to lower my ambitions regarding the dungeon. If I have to go through such exhausting exercises to develop the dungeon, then I'd rather leave it untouched" Aurora lay on the dirt floor, next to the red orb.

"I'm actually too tired as well. Now, all I want is to take a bath and relax with a long nap" exclaimed Sebastian, exhausted, lying next to Aurora.

"But don't worry, Aurora. Now we'll see the fruits of our labor." Sebastian turned his gaze to the orb and said "System, show us how many dungeon coins we've earned".

[- You have killed 78 Level 2 Goblins = 312 Dungeon Coins.

- You have killed 35 Level 2 Shadow Whispers = 140 Dungeon Coins.

Total Dungeon Coins = 452.]

"Woohoo! Sebastian, we're rich! We don't have to worry about hunting goblins anymore" Aurora had a look of satisfaction on her face and a somewhat mischievous smile.

"I wouldn't be so happy if I were you" Sebastian decided to burst Aurora's wild dreams.

"Uh, why?" Aurora was somewhat confused.

"Have you forgotten about the prices of dungeon items?" Sebastian looked at Aurora, akin to a father waiting to see his child's tantrums.

As Sebastian's words reached Aurora's ears, the beautiful smile on the little girl's face hardened. Her eyes seemed lifeless, resembling the eyes of a dead fish. She fell to her knees on the earthen floor and began to whisper inaudibly, "Impossible, tell me it's not true. This must be a lie, a complete nightmare."

Sebastian felt a sense of satisfaction at the sight of this little girl learning a harsh lesson about how life isn't as easy as it seems, while he thought about something that bothered him, he turned his gaze to the orb.

"System, after the battle against the goblins, I realized something. It's too tedious and complicated to communicate with you only while inside the dungeon. That's why I wanted to ask you about it. Do you have any device that allows us to communicate with you outside the dungeon?"

[There seems to be a big misunderstanding. To talk to the system, you don't need to rely on the orb. You just have to say "System" followed by what you need.]

"I see, it's my fault for not asking earlier," Sebastian sighed tiredly and got to the main point. "System, open the hygiene items section."

[- Store - Hygiene items -

Herbal Soap - 10 Dungeon Coins. Description: A natural soap made with aromatic herbs that leaves the skin clean and fresh.

Magic Toothbrush - 20 Dungeon Coins. Description: An enchanted toothbrush that provides a deep clean and leaves a fresh breath.

Crystal Shampoo - 30 Dungeon Coins. Description: A special shampoo made with fragments of magical crystal that leaves the hair silky and shiny.

Elf Moisturizing Cream - 50 Dungeon Coins. Description: A nutrient-rich cream inspired by the beauty secrets of elves, which moisturizes and softens the skin.

Quick-Drying Towel - 30 Dungeon Coins. Description: A high-tech microfiber towel that dries quickly and is perfect for adventures.

Enchanted Deodorant - 10 Dungeon Coins. Description: A magical deodorant that neutralizes body odors and provides a fresh and long-lasting fragrance.

Frosty Mint Toothpaste - 20 Dungeon Coins. Description: A refreshing toothpaste with a touch of icy mint that leaves the teeth clean and breath fresh.

Sunscreen Lotion - 30 Dungeon Coins. Description: A magical lotion that protects the skin from sun rays and prevents sunburns.

Elven Shaving Kit - 60 Dungeon Coins. Description: A complete shaving kit with sharp elven blades and post-shave lotion that leaves the skin smooth and irritation-free.

Enchantment Perfume - 70 Dungeon Coins. Description: An enchanted perfume with magical essences that awaken the senses and leave a seductive and enigmatic trail.]

"Well, it seems that all these items cost more than I originally thought," Sebastian was a bit puzzled by the prices.

"Sebastian, what are all these things?" Aurora had overcome her existential crisis and was now near the orb, reading the information content.

"We've been fighting all day, so the essentials are bathing, eating, and going to sleep," Sebastian replied kindly.

"Bathing? What's bathing?" Aurora asked a question that completely perplexed Sebastian. Shortly after, Sebastian realized everything. Aurora has amnesia, and because she behaves like an intelligent and normal girl, she often forgets that Aurora lacks worldly knowledge.

"I'm glad you asked. It's important to understand how to take care of your body. Bathing is a process where we clean and refresh ourselves using water and soap. We do it to get rid of dirt, sweat, and bacteria that accumulate on our skin throughout the day. Additionally, bathing helps us feel more comfortable and relaxed."

"Really? Bathing sounds fun. Sebastian, can I take a bath?" Aurora was excited to learn something new and enjoyable.

"Of course, just let me make some adjustments." Sebastian looked around the room; Aurora's room is simple yet functional. The rough and bare earth floor extends throughout the room, reminiscent of its underground surroundings. The only two sources of light are the red orb and a flickering torch hanging on the wall, casting dancing shadows in every corner.

In one corner of the room, there is a modest bed with a worn-out mattress and tattered sheets. Despite its simplicity, it seems comfortable enough to provide much-needed rest. Next to the bed, a small nightstand holds an unlit candle.

Sebastian now looked towards the area that should be the bathroom. There was a stone toilet with water inside, apparently supplied by the dungeon. A little further from the toilet, there was a small stone floor with a hole in the center, as if leading to somewhere. In the ceiling area, right above the small hole, there was a slightly oval opening from which water started to pour. Sebastian concluded that it was the shower. So, turning back to where Aurora was, he said to the system "System, show me the cheapest bathtub you have."

[A simple bathtub - 100 Dungeon Coins. Description: A wooden bathtub with low-quality mana stones that slightly increase the water temperature.]

"Very well, then I want the following: place the bathtub under the water outlet, also buy two quick-drying towels, a herbal soap, two magic toothbrushes, a crystal shampoo, and a frosty mint toothpaste."

[Deducting a total of 260 Dungeon Coins

452 - 260 = 192 Dungeon Coins]

Suddenly, a bright light of blinding white appeared in the bathroom, materializing a bathtub, and inside the tub, everything Sebastian asked for was present. With a smile of satisfaction, he finally decided to take a shower and relax.