
Blighted Feathers of the Dusk

"Then, I leave my back to you and the rest of the 9th Division. I will send you a signal when it is time to make a move." Izroth said without turning back as he stepped through the entrance along with Kol'Jil and Zel'Kan.

Not long after Izroth walked forward, Lances followed with Noir right behind him.

The first thing Izroth noticed inside the wide spacious area was that the effect of The Renewing Lights had greatly diminished; however, strangely enough, there was a dim purple hue that lingered about in the atmosphere and made it possible to see with a certain level of clarity.

Although the average person may still have a somewhat difficult time freely navigating the room, a person with a decent level of perception would find it less of a challenge.

The room was also vastly different from the other area of the Night Lord's Crpyt where Izroth and his allies arrived.

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