
Realm of Ascendency

NPC In the real world? In the near future, a revolutionary new virtual reality MMORPG called ‘Realm of Ascendancy’ takes the gaming world by storm. Unlike traditional MMORPGs, where players create their characters and choose classes, Realm of Ascendancy introduces a groundbreaking feature known as ‘Dynamic Proficiency.’ In this game, players are not bound by pre-defined classes or abilities. Instead, they start with a blank slate and earn proficiency points by using various skills and abilities within the game world. These proficiency points can be allocated to any skill or attribute, allowing players to create truly unique and customized characters. However, a mysterious anomaly occurs during the game’s highly anticipated launch. The virtual world of Realm of Ascendancy suddenly merges with the real world, blurring the boundaries between the game and reality. Players find themselves physically transported to the game world, where their in-game actions and achievements directly impact their lives in the real world. Gabriel, an avid gamer and a skilled strategist, discovers that he possesses an extraordinary ability within the game world. He can not only earn proficiency points but also ‘steal’ and ‘borrow’ abilities from other player or Npc! ***

MidnightWolfe · Games
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20 Chs

BrawlerX, Level 20 Player!

"It's situated in the west wing."

Along the way, Helen reached level 5, having slayed several monsters. Overcoming her fear, the blonde became even more formidable. The vicious [flaming sword of Annihilation] inflicted terrible gashes on all the beasts she slew.

This was her personal vendetta against the creatures who caused the dismissal of her elder brother. It was a reasonable course of action for anyone in her shoes.

"Well, it was inevitable, right?"

On a positive note, Gabriel and the group successfully rescued more students who eagerly joined without hesitation. This was due to the white-haired youth's renowned reputation, and their group expanded in numbers.

Meanwhile, Helen had gained a few followers. Gabriel discreetly glanced at the female students who gazed at her with admiration. However, the blonde paid little attention to them.

Witnessing her remarkable feats for a few more minutes, some students felt compelled to wield the mighty great sword themselves. It seemed that Helen's increased bravery had ignited a fire in the hearts of the males in particular.

Naturally, Gabriel passed the sword to those willing to fight. He sought individuals like Helen and Fiona because their presence increased their chances of survival.

Wasn't there a saying that if you wanted to go fast, you should go alone, but if you wanted to go far, you should go as a group?

Ophis was usually adept at these proverbs. Gabriel couldn't help but smile, appreciating Ophis' uniqueness. If Helen's most important person was her brother, then Gabriel's was undoubtedly Ophis.

Thinking about that special person made Gabriel's heart beat faster. Normally, he was skilled at controlling his heart rate, but when it came to this person, he felt helpless. He was frightened.

His hands began to tremble involuntarily.

What if the place she was in was also a wild zone?

Gabriel couldn't dismiss that thought.

In his experience with MMORPGs, he knew that there was never just one wild zone

Fiona observed Gabriel's face and looked up at him with concern. She knew that her childhood friend rarely put on such expression.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

That answer wasn't convincing.

"I thought we had moved past this, Gabe. Why are you still keeping things from me? Aren't we friends again?"

Gabriel remained silent.

Suddenly, a thought crossed Fiona's mind, and her eyes briefly lit up before dimming again.

"Is it Ophis?"

Gabriel took several steps forward, leaving Fiona behind.

Fiona stared at those wild back.

"I hope nothing happens to her. She's the only one keeping him sane. God forbid, but if anything bad happens to her, he will finally become the emotionless robot 'they' wanted him to be."

Gabriel regained control of his emotions, and his gaze turned resolute. As he thought about another special person, he smiled again.

'I wonder what that old man would do if he found out about this? He definitely wouldn't take it lightly. Well, unlike her, I'm not worried about you. Instead of these monsters getting to you, they should be more afraid for their lives.'

That formidable person was the epitome of strength to Gabriel.

Just imagine how formidable he was because of his past training. Now what about his master?

As he snapped out of his reverie, Gabriel's gaze focused on three girls who were desperately running from a pack of wolf-like creatures.

"These girls… Where have I seen them before?"

It didn't take him long to remember their faces because they were well-known. Unfortunately, the white-haired youth hardly paid attention to anyone. What might be considered famous to others might not even register in his mind. Anyone who didn't have a significant impact on his life would quickly fade from his memory. Jim Hortin, for example, wherever he was.

But these girls, he knew them well because of their line of work.

Apparently, the university harbored prostitutes as well—students who chose to sell themselves for quick cash. And these girls happened to be among them.


They weren't just any prostitutes. These three girls were the madams of the trade. This information was not kept discreet; it was widely known. The higher-ups at the university were aware of it. Rumor had it that these girls even filmed pornographic videos on campus.

Naturally, Gabriel had reported these students to the school authorities, who assured him that they would take care of the situation.

However, after some time, he heard nothing, and the girls continued their illicit activities.

Later on, it was revealed that the higher-ups were involved in the clandestine business as well.

That day, Gabriel seethed with anger, but he refrained from taking any action. Prostitution and sexual abuse were two different things. He wouldn't interfere with their business.

But times had changed.

"Look what we have here."

A smirk appeared on Gabriel's face as he watched the girls run with tears streaming down their faces. Helen and Fiona attempted to rescue them.


"Everyone stand back. If anyone helps those girls, consider yourself a traitor, and I will kick you out without hesitation."

The hundred-plus students gulped in terror. Helen showed no reaction; she simply walked back and stood upright.

Fiona also lowered her head and stepped back.

Moments later, the beasts pounced, catching up with the three girls as they paused to catch their breath.

"Help! Somebody help us!"

The beasts licked the girls' mouths, muffling their cries, before taking slow bites.


The students averted their eyes when they saw the beasts sink their jagged fangs into the girls' chests. Their stomachs churned, and some turned away to vomit. However, a menacing voice reached their ears.

"Don't even dare making this place reek."

They swallowed hard, muttering silent prayers.

None of them wished to be in the girls' precarious situation.

"Please, please! Nooooooo!"

The beasts took another bite, exposing the flesh beneath, and began licking the exposed wounds.

The girls screamed in unison. Their screams were piercing, and the students wore expressions of horror, their faces contorted. They tried to avert their eyes but were unable to resist stealing glances.

Gabriel was the only one still watching as the beasts devoured the human girl. Even Fiona was forced to turn away. Helen, who had remained emotionless all this while, was no exception.

One of the girls noticed Gabriel and the group. The other two were already dead. She was the sole survivor, thanks to the beasts targeting her legs and not any vital areas. With newfound resolve in her eyes, she began crawling toward Gabriel.

The beasts recoiled, sensing the presence of the outnumbering group of humans.

As the beautiful girl, probably in her early twenties, reached Gabriel's feet, she pleaded.

"President, please help me!"

Tears streamed down her face, and her voice trembled with excruciating pain. Anyone witnessing such a sight would instinctively lend a helping hand.


Gabriel responded with a fierce kick!

"Help yourself!"

Hurled forward, the girl's face twisted in horror as she crashed to the ground before coming to a halt right in front of the beasts.

Without hesitation, the beasts pounced on her, tearing her apart and devouring her like savage creatures.

The feast was a gruesome sight, and some students who stole a glance couldn't bear it.

Absolute silence fell, and a cold shiver ran through everyone present, chilling them to their core.


The silence was eventually shattered as everyone struggled to process what had just transpired.

"He's a monster! He can't be human. I refuse to believe he's human."

"He must be a psychopath! A serial killer."

"Gods! I don't think I'll be able to sleep at night."

Disregarding their voices, Gabriel handed the sword to one of the students. Since they hadn't come across any other creatures that dropped weapons, the group had to share.

The boy who took the sword trembled, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"I-I can—"

But his hand was swiftly snatched away, taking the great sword with it.

"Then allow me."

It was Helen. And she swiftly dispatched the pack of creatures.

"Everyone, let's keep going."

As Gabriel walked away, the students paused and exchanged hessitant glances.

"As long as you remain loyal and refrain from despicable acts, you will safely escape this place,"

Fiona left them with genuine advice before following behind Gabriel.

Some time later, the group fell silent, a stark contrast to their previously boisterous selves, which Gabriel appreciated wholeheartedly.

Beep. Beep!

Gabriel checked his watch. It was night, and even the students appeared exhausted, weariness etched on their faces. He even heard a few stomachs growling.

If it weren't for the battles and the vastness of the university, they would have reached the safe haven Fiona had mentioned. But it couldn't be helped. It was precisely due to their slow detours that the group remained intact and no lives were lost.

Surveying their condition, Gabriel spoke.

"Just a little longer, everyone. But for now, let's find a classroom to rest for the night."

After uttering these words, Gabriel felt a fluffy creature brush against his legs. Glancing down, he saw Wolfe, the large dog, with pleading eyes.



"We'll find something. Just wait a little longer."

After some time, the group suddenly came to a halt.

Gabriel, as usual, strode forward, his eyes filled with curiosity.

Before him stood the outline of a muscular figure that had burst through a wall.

Such strength? Who could have such strength?

Gabriel effortlessly passed through the outline of the figure on the wall. As he reached the other side, he encountered the same outline.

Now, this is strange. Why would someone continuously run through a wall?

"Argh! Come to daddy, you motherfuckers!!"



Consecutive thuds reverberated, accompanied by beastly howls.

"Succumb to my mighty fists! Hahaha! This is so fun!"

Upon hearing those words, the students exchanged incredulous glances.

"Did that idiot just call our situation fun?"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is so much fun!!!!!"

"Yup, we didn't hear wrong."

"Eat my fist, you bitch!"

"Could you keep it down? Do you want to attract more monsters with your brainless actions?" a softer voice reprimanded.

"Does these creatures even have gender?" the deep, muscular voice that had been incessantly speaking questioned.

"Yes, and just shut up, for Christ's sake."

Continuing to follow the voices, Gabriel pressed forward. Based on the laughter and banter, he knew these individuals were no ordinary students.

After approaching the final outline of the muscular figure, an announcement echoed.

[The player BrawlerX has become the first player to reach level 20!]

Gabriel's gaze finally fell upon the muscular man, who ruthlessly smashed creatures against the wall with a maniacal gleam in his eyes.

But something else caught his attention.

Hovering above the muscular man's head was…
