
Why is Mr Sung extra-nice today?


Na-Gil wiped a stain off his mouth as he watched Yo-han stand from his seat and leave their presence and march towards the exit of the restaurant without saying a word to them. It remained him and Bae Jang-Mi who seemed to be a bit attracted to him at the table.

Just like he had always did, he had his eyes on her and realized she was trying not to meet his gaze. She permanently fixed her gaze on the meal as she devoured it.

Na-Gil watched as Bae Jang-Mi slurp down her food gulp by gulp. She must have been so famished from missing breakfast and last night's dinner, therefore he didn't see it as though she was a glutton, infact even if she has such big appetite, it's not a problem.

He picked his chopstick and put some more food into her bowl. He picked up the pork from his Sinigang one by one and placed them in hers.

This actions of his surprised her so much that she had to pause and stare at her bowl like she was seeing something impossible. She glanced up at him immediately and watched as he continued his actions.

"You seem to like this a lot, I have many, help me with 'em, please eat more." Na-Gil said giving her a bright and warm smile then he resumed eating the vegetables though his gaze didn't leave her.

"Mr Sung, you're giving me everything?" She asked as she raised her bowl and tried to return some but he stopped her right away. "Not everything, I ate some already and I am full."

"Oh!..." She replied and continued to eat, not reading too much into his actions.

She continued eating and after drinking the broth, she was about to wipe her mouth with the back of her hand when a napkin was passed to her by Na-Gil. He had stopped eating since and was only watching as she ate.

'Hmn, he is quite different from CEO, at least he didn't leave me all alone and was thoughtful enough to hand me a napkin without requesting for it.' She smiled at his kind gesture and thanked him.

After the meal, Bae Jang-Mi followed Na-Gil out of the restaurant and into the elevator with the expectation of returning to her room and continue where she left off her sleep but she was surprised when Na-Gil pushed the button to the first floor since all their rooms are on the same floor.

"Mr Sung, are you going out?" Bae Jang-Mi asked and immediately regretted asking, it wasn't her business if he was going somewhere, she should just punch the button to her floor and part quietly. She was still in between her thoughts when Na-Gil replied. "Yes, we are going out."

"Oh, Okay" she nodded and stepped forward to press the button to her floor when Na-Gil pulled her back. "Hey, what are you doing? Let go..."

"Didn't you hear what I said? I said WE are going out." Na-Gil repeated himself and positioned her back to his side and the elevator closed. Na-Gil's words slowly sank into her brain just like when a ball falls in a viscous liquid." Is there a meeting with the other party?" She yelled her question and stared at Na-Gil with eyes wide open. "I... I don't know the details of the proposals, what will I do?, Mr Sung do you think CEO Park will get mad for this... He surely will... Can you give me a summary of the..."

"You don't have to worry, I sent you an email about everything you need to know already... We just felt like taking a walk, if Young Master Han asks okay?." Na-Gil said as he cut her off.

"..." Bae Jang-Mi paused for a while. It was both good and bad. Good that she has the details of the trip and bad that she still doesn't know if there destination is work related. It surely would, but why did Mr Sung want to hide it from CEO? And he wants me to lie about it? She asked herself.

"Mr Sung, where are we going?" She turned to Na-Gil and stared at his face sternly.

"You'll know when we get there." Na-Gil replied and the elevator dinged and opened making way for the impatient Na-Gil who walked out instantly. He took a few steps and he noticed no one walking behind him. He turned around and saw Ms Bae pressing the button to her floor. The door was about to close when he immediately rushed back and pulled her out of the elevator.

She tried to make a scene as he dragged her along and she tried to shout but Na-Gil pushed her to the wall and pinned her down, forcing his hands to cover her mouth as she tried to scream. He didn't even care about the several pairs of eyes looking over at them instead of facing the direction they are headed.

"Are you nuts?, I told you that you will know when we get there, what's wrong, you think I'll kidnap you?" He whispered as he slowly released his hands from pinning her to the wall.

In Na-Gil's mind he was comparing situations. He was so in love with a woman that was tricked into the arms of men easily and almost got r*ped with the same trick he just pulled. Looking at the reactions, they are so different. 'Bae Jang-Mi is a smart lady, why didn't I meet her earlier.' he said to himself. He was still in thoughts, staring into the black pupil behind those bangs, completely loosing himself. She shrugged him away, completely trying to avoid his contact.

"No... We are not working until tommorow, don't make me come with you." She said and tried to leave but only after taking a few steps towards the elevator, she hisses and winced at the same time. Stopping to take a look at her ankle then robbing it gently before straightening herself to walk again.

Before she took one more step, Na-Gil's broad hands pulled her back and he held unto her wrist and dragged her with him, this time giving no heed to how much she tried to make a scene and pushed her into the back seat of the car waiting outside.

The car pulled over at a casino.

"What are we doing here?"

"Seeing a friend" Na-Gil replied and pulled her along.


The session at the casino was a really interesting one for the two party as they gambled off and won a few times, luckily they didn't lose much. It even surprised Na-Gil when he realized how good Bae Jang-Mi was at gambling. Her roulette numbers were correct 8 out of 10 times, and of all she was so good at poker that the other fellas almost accused her of cheating. As for Na-Gil, he lost most of his turns, he was both seeing his friend and gambling at the same time. It turned out that in the end, Bae Jang-Mi had more fun at the casino.

After leaving the casino, Na-Gil again dragged her to the mall. On reaching the mall, Na-Gil went straight to a shoe shop and went to the ladies section which was majority of the store.

"Ms Bae, what size of shoes do you use?" He asked.

"Hmm???... Uhm, 39, why?" She asked but Na-Gil didn't reply. He went ahead to pick a black flat and returned to where she was standing.

"Let's get you out of those heels, your leg hurts." He said and pulled her to a seat. He bent down on one knee and grabbed her shoe to take it off but she immediately stopped him. "Mr Sung, it's okay, I am fine, I don't need to change shoes. I am really okay."

"Bae Jang-Mi, your ankle is red and swollen yet you're still not going to take off this heels, don't you wear anything else?" Na-Gil asked, looking totally confused. 'Why is she still trying to hide her pain? Hasn't she hurt enough?'. He had watched her since yesterday evening, sitting in pain and rubbing that same part of her leg all the time she walked. He knew for certain that she wasn't okay like she claimed. He again took her leg and tried to take the heels off but she still tried to resist.

Before Na-Gil raised his face to look at her again, the store attendant spoke from behind him. "Miss, your boyfriend is right, your leg hurts and this flats are quite better than heels if you are hurt." The words left her mouth with a sweet feminine voice.

"No, no he is not my..." She was about to correct the lady when Na-Gil played along. "Thank you young lady, I told her the same." Even though it might just be customer service and a way to make sales, the sales attendant's words still helped Na-Gil. He looked at Bae Jang-Mi and winked at her.

Bae Jang-Mi almost didn't catch that, but she did. Her heart raced faster than it already did. 'Why is Mr Sung like that, he is being overly nice since before and now this, is it what I think it is?'. Her face started heating up and she didn't need to look in the mirror to know how pink she had gone.

She hid her face from Na-Gil's view and pulled the shoes from his hands then she said, "I will wear it myself." She slowly removed the heels and slipped her foot in the pumps which was really comfortable.

"There you go." Na-Gil said and rose up on his feet. He handed a card to the sales attendant who left and returned shortly after and the two left the mall.

Season's greetings

MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone of you READERS.

I hope this season brings the best of good tidings for you All.


This year has been so tough on us but we have scaled through. With hope, next year will bring better tidings.

Inkencreators' thoughts