
Before I say goodnight.

They arrived at the front of the Choi family home after a 10 minutes piggybacking.

"Have a nice night rest, I would be going to face what ever is waiting for me inside" Both in a serious and joking way. she got off his back and positioned herself right in front of him. She glanced at Yo-Han with several thoughts shuffling through her mind, she thought about his handsome face, something she needed to keep her mind off whatever it is that awaits her. She smiled in between her thoughts.

"Goodnight, go in." He couldn't wait till she gets out of sight and leave. He had exhausted all his strength from all the sight seeing and everything.

She walked towards the house after saying goodbye. She felt in her heart that there is something she needed to do and this is the right moment. She turned around immediately, walked back to the guy standing like a statue, watching her leave.

Yo-Han had a questioning look on his face, he did not know why she turned around but whatever it is could she not let it wait until....

She leaned in, tiptoed and kissed him lightly on his cheeks, she withdrew immediately and said "Yo-Han, before I say goodbye, thank you for today, see you tomorrow". She left immediately without looking back.

It stunned Yo-Han that she made a move on him, he stood there motionless for a few seconds, thinking about that peck. he was not expecting it at all. But it's just a peck, No it's not, if things keep happening like this he would not be able to wait until his revenge is over....'wait, wait for what?' His face lit up immediately, 'is this how it feels like to like someone?'.

Now he realized that she is not just a friend, she is something more, but sadly he wasn't ready, he can't afford to get distracted now. Not just distraction, whatever happens she must not be a part of it, if anything must happen between the two of them, then the revenge must come quicker than planned.

He had to commence every step as soon as possible, he must shorten the span of the plan and he must rush through everything then finalize his mission soon.

That peck destabilised his thought, he was helplessly lost in his thought, standing in the same spot for over five minutes.

An approaching car shone it's headlight towards his direction, hurting his eyes and bringing him back to the present. The he remembered that he had stood there for a while and that he had to leave.


At home, Min Ju-Eun waited for Yo-han's return restlessly, she was walking up and down the living room.

Lately he had been coming back late, what is he up to. She is worriedly waiting. After a while she decided to call him again. He missed all her calls and did not reply to her messages, that was what made her worried.

" Park Yo-Han, I will eat you raw the moment you step foot in this house, where the hell are you!!!!?."


She was getting agitated because he did not answer again, then, she heard the door creek.

Yo-Han opened the door and two throw pillows welcomed him. One in the left and the other in Min Ju-Eun's right hand.

"Where have you been, I have been so worried, the last time you stayed out late also, what are you up to?" She asked as she hit him with the throw pillows non stop.

Ouch..ouch... "Eomeoni" [mother]....ouch...ouch.

She stopped hitting him immediately, eyed him and folded her arms, waiting for his excuse.

" Mom, I was just coming back from the meeting I went to. CEO Won took me to see several places in town when he learnt that I just migrated two months ago. He explained art in details and showed me how close my works and nature are. Afterwards I went to ea...have fun a bit, you always wanted me to live while I am young, so I visited the karaoke house and then I came back." This was the first time he lied professionally, how was he supposed to say he spent the whole day sightseeing with a girl right to his mother's face.

Min Ju-Eun did not buy any of it at all. She moved closer and sniffed is shirt. The smell made her smile. She slapped his shoulder and said. " Don't lie to me, that floral scent is a girls perfume, Ehh, you went on a date!!!" She was elated instantly, haha finally this boy is behaving like normal people of his age.

"Mom, it's not a d...." He was cut off immediately he tried to justify himself.

"If that's the case you don't have any problem, just make sure to pick my calls and don't get me worried." She told him as she retreated to her room.

Then he remembered that his phone buzzed severally but he had Dan-Bi on his back then and he could not reach for his pocket. He brought out his phone and saw 18 missed calls and 4 messages. He wanted to give an excuse but the result will be costly, 'am I going to tell her I gave a girl a piggyback ride.? No.'

"Your food is in the fridge, make sure to eat before going to bed, don't stay up too late, you are going to school tomorrow." She announced before getting out of sight.

He obeyed her instructions and retreated to bed afterwards.


The next day at lunch.

Choi Dan-bi happily went to the cafeteria, to have lunch like always, when she got to cafeteria Yo-Han was not there but she met No-Eul who once again had lunch for like the second time in the semester.

Even with No-Eul around she wasn't as lively as she used to be when he is around. After waiting for a long time, there was still no Yo-Han. She started finding reasons why Yo-Han will be absent.

"No-Eul, is Yo-Han absent from school today?"

"No, I saw him this morning, why,?" No-Eul replied with her mouth full.

" It's nothing, it's just strange that he is not here today".

Several thoughts found their way into her mind. ' Could it be that I didn't something wrong.', ' is he angry at me for the peck last night. It's just a good night peck.' ' is that wrong '

"Its not wrong at all, I am sure that's not why he is not here, he didn't look annoyed at all today...." No-Eul replied to Dan-Bi's loud thought.

Dan-Bi didn't know she had been speaking out loud enough for No-Eul to hear. This made her a bit embarrassed.

" He was the same as before...Haha, what happened yesterday, I came to your house by noon and no one knew where you are, Madam Choi explained everything to me but I am sure there is more,"

"There is nothing anymore, it's cancelled, Mr Jang cancelled it himself." Dan-bi replied lazily she still had Yo-Han to worry about and she wasn't in the mood for chatting.

But No-Eul somehow cajoled her for the whole story which she complied to and told.