
Reality Subduers

Cover is VIUKANE - Next in line is SHLÕVTHY or HÄRÄNN, BVERXKKA and KORVAC are not easy to create, as BRIANNELL and SLAYÇĘR. IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A CERTAIN CHARACTER IN THE COVER, LEAVE A COMMENT. With the arrival to a New Existence, the journey to "Absolution" has just started, follow the distinct characters across their adventures and troubles on a reality they are not familiar with: Pick your favorite Character and support them: BVERXKKA Marshack "The Absolute Apex": Born to be the Epitome of his Species, The Hûrngöth, labeled the strongest and more powerful Entity on his previous Existence, search the weaklings and hybrids of his species to exterminate them, due to them being the responsibles of the Destruction of Hûlfhednär, his Homeworld, and a trillion of his peers (Real Trillion has eighteen Zeros!). SHLÕVTHY Zergirion "The Playboy" - The Best Mate of his Species the Königh, hates with madness the majority of other Königh that are less evolved, he is driven by vengeance, occulting this truth behind a smiling and playful facade. KORVAC Idris "The Athlete" - A young man from a different variation of the iterations of Humanity that belongs to another Existence, he is extremely pragmatic, which makes him doubt his own beliefs, as he doesn't feel any grievance for the brutal murder of his fiancee before being send to The New Existence. The Daily Chapter always is published at 15:00 every day. Additional Chapters with 2 and a Half Hours of difference. (Published the next day after the goals are achieved, two to three depending on if i have time). Steamy encouters (Probably) on weekly basis!. Additional Chapter every 10 Collections. Additional Chapter every 2.5K Views. Additional Chapter every 20 Power Stones. (If you want to know a bit more about some characters, you can read the Prequel SOMETIMES THE UNKNOWN IT'S BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE) MATURE CONTENT - SMUT - R18 - BDMS - BONDAGE - ROLEPLAY - GORE (Depending on situation) - ACTION - HAREM - NTR (Technically) YURI (Depending on characters behavior and tendencies) - ADVENTURE - HARSH (For some) - DARK (As the story unfolds) - COMEDY (Occasionally) - ROMANCE (Driven by different mentalities, cultural disparities or traditions) MULTIPLE LEADS (No real MC, if you want one then is BVERXKKA) NO CHEATS (No one has something "Unique", everyone can reach "Absolution") NO PLOT ARMOR (If they look like they are going to die, think about it twice, what they can or can't do, the answers are already there)

Marshack · Fantasy
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50 Chs

<×> KORVAC <×> Chapter 20 : Acquittances Part 1. - Volume 1 : The New Existence. - Arch 2 : Unexpected And Amusing Changes.

<× > KORVAC <× >

Chapter 20 : Acquittances Part 1.

Shlõvthy comments are quite out of place most of the time, like the one he just state.

{Can't he hold back a little bit?, The Attendant of the Reception Chambers, The Receptionist of this Bathhouse Inn, The Waitress of the Canteen and now he pretends to chase after a Newcomer!, I don't even know if i should be impressed or disgusted by his antiques}

—Hey Korvac, are you going to carry him?.

Questions me Shlõvthy, pointing out at Bverxkka newly acquired Egg Form.

{I didn't accept to go with him, or them for the matter}

—What give you that impression?.

I retort immediately, not too sure if going with him and Bverxkka is my best option here.

—Asking me for my sacks when we were returning to the Town?…

{What does that have to do with this?}

»—Your Tasks must be related to displacement and transporting mass, am i wrong?.

{He is not… , Shlõvthy can see my Interface as Bverxkka does?}

—How do you know Shlõvthy?.

—I have a keen intuition, developed thanks to my long and expirienced life, so i am going to tell you this, I am not like My Not Friend Bverxkka, he sees your Interface without wanting, i can't decipher everything even if i needed, but you know the saying "A Devil knows more due to experience than from its age", and i have both…

{I can't recall it, but still, I am sure that saying doesn't go like that}

»—Are you thinking?, Korvac…

{Is he telling me the truth?, Could be a bluff?, if so, What is the purpose?, I don't understand why Bverxkka helped me too}


{And Shlõvthy… , He… , He is strange, But… , The most i interact with him, The most i feel like something is off about his actions and behavior, but i can't figure it out yet, much less comprehend why he acts this way}


A white towel hits my face, pulling me out of my thoughts.

»—You are spacing out again Korvac, Do you need another smack like outside of the Reception Chamber?.

{Hugh, I don't like gambling, this feels like that, and depending on others is wrong, everyone should do things for and with their own bodies… , not like Bverxkka can move though}

—Well… , I will accompany you, and i will carry Bverxkka, but i do not intend to follow your orders…

{For me there is no problem on following others to an acceptable decree, My Coach in highschool or the Offensive Coordinator om my professional Lacrosse Team are good examples}

—Good!, i don't like babysitting!, check if you can lift him, or even touching him…

{*Sigh*, However, everyone should be free to choose their decisions, but also deal with the repercussions of their own actions like following the advices of others}

As i approach Bverxkka's egg form, the temperature rises up a few grades, it si not uncomfortable but is annoying.

Standing in front of the egg, i position my left hand slowly nearer the surface of the shell, it feels soft and smooth but simultaneously incredibly dense, like a tungsten surface.

Trying to pickup the egg, i held it with both arms, managing to move it a few millimeters without even lifting it, but on my next attempt the movement is simpler, separating the egg base from the bathtub floor for a few inches.

The heaviness starts to decrease fastly, this facilitates my labor so much that is unthinkable the difference of the initial weight with the one currently have the egg.

{Wow!, Bverxkka in ovoid form is almost four times my body mass, How is that even possible?!}

The gelatinous water loses this consistency and returns to being completely liquid.

{Could it be that the water is alive or has life that manipulates its properties?}


—Yeah… , but is manageable, what about putting him on a sack to carry him easier.

—I like your cleverness Korvac…

The three of us leave the Bath for Males, entering the Changing room where we leave our belongings.

{They are clean, all our clothes are deprived of any dirtiness, Someone wash them?!}

My face surely gave me away, since Shlõvthy speaks jovially and calmly.

»—Take it easy and don't panic, Is part of the service, You see, the other two entrances on the side walls lead to stairs that can go up and down, as well, there are a couple of Maids who can't get out of this building, probably a type of slave command in conjunction with a Barrier like the one in the Reception Chamber.

{Slaves?!, That is… , Unacceptable… , we on "Ground" get pass that practice almost 600 years ago!}

Trying not to think about it, i get ready to crudely arrange a sack for Bverxkka while Häränn and Thyfall enter the Changing room with us.

Both are naked as us, but the reactions are pretty different, Häränn berely care and grabs a towel to dry herself.

Thyfall just stare at us motionless, a moment later she recalls her own nakedness and her body silhouette shines with a blinding brightness of a pink ligh accompanied by a lilac glow.

But the most remarkable of this are her pupils, for an instant they turned pink, a colour identical to the one in Shlõvthy irises.

{They are somehow related, or this ephemeral characteristic is just a coincidence?}

Observing with uttermost attention Häränn black hair looks like an obsidian made of metal, like Shlõvthy.

{It was this black Häränn's hair?, What about Thyfall shine?}

The glow emitted by the Lady intensifies another fold, condensing itself on her body then going upwards, slowly focusing in one area until it reaches the hair of Thyfall.

Her beautiful hair that reached her shoulders begins to burn brightly with the pink light that she emanates herself from the rest of her hair.

{Why this gives me the vibe of Thyfall purging waste?}

With no answers i can only sight the shortening on the lady's hair, the length being reduced quite a bit, now, barely reaching her neck.

{Wow!, she looks even better than before, super adorable, I want to pet her… , No!, Control yourself Korvac!, patting the head of others without consent is wrong!}

With everything that is happening, i am unable to even appreciate her beauty before being hit with a towel again, this time from an exasperated Häränn.

{Is she jealous?, Come on!, How can i take my eyes out of that light spectacle orchestrated by Thyfall?!}

A cute pout is on Häränn cheeks, and with a *Hmph* the woman acts offended as she turns around and grabs her white tunic, leaning forward, bending over unnecessarily when she dresseds up, giving me a rather specific view of her shapely round buttocks without showing me more than that.

{She really is jealous!, Good?, i think?, i mean, at least Häränn is not the type of woman that teases others to instill jealousy in you}

Thyfall recovers her usual state, with no more pink light emanating from her, which has left her free of water on her body.

Hurriedly she turns around and wears her attire, she is completely embarrassed and can lift her face to match our gaze.

{Seductress!, i can think in other word to describe Thyfall right now… , Her every movement is atrocious, Why is she so damn attractive?!, Why entice so many weird thoughts and sensations in me, is this "Love", can't be?!, Right?!, Is too damn soon for that!}

»—Are you coming with us Ladies?.

Asks Shlõvthy, who is already wearing his tunic.

{Now i am the only pervert that is still naked!}

—That depends…

Reply Häränn with her glowing green period eyes locked on me while Shlõvthy responds.

—Do not worry Häränn, Korvac is going to wear clothes, but you can take them off him later on.

{He has just offered me to Häränn as if i were a kind of gigolo?!, Well, Thanks for the compliment, but… , I don't need to pay for sex, well, being paid for it doesn't sound so bad, but i don't need it!}

—Then i am going…

Häränn blows me a kiss, and coquettishly smile.

{Why is she so aggressive on her approach now?, is really that jealous of Thyfall or there is something more?}

»—Are you coming too Thyfall?.

The Lady nods without looking at us, probably she thinks we are still naked, but i am taking care of it by putting on me the tunic with the Modified Sack to carry Bverxkka, his weight is now four and a half my mass, difficult to deal with, but still manageable.

{This new body i received by being forcefully send to this place is almost 3 and a half folds more efficient and overall better than my original body… , or maybe this is how everyone should look from the start, and that is why we send here, that somehow makes sense to me}

Our group is ready and we leave The Bathhouse Inn, but not before Shlõvthy gives a passionate kiss to the Receptionist while groping her ass cheeks.

{I hope he is not always like this…}

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