
The Alice in wonderland method

With your eyes closed, you are going to lie down in a starfish position. Next, you will start to visualize that you are in a forest, sitting down next to a tree or walking around. When you are concentrated, you will start to visualize someone from your DR, for example, your comfort person (the person you have scripted to calm you down when you are stressed or cheer you up when you are sad, you get the point) run past you; you will now start following the. Just like the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, they will jump down a hole; after they jump in, you should jump in after them.

As you are falling down the hole, start repeating affirmations and picture things from your CR. as you visualize things from your CR, start letting go of them one by one.

Once you finally reach the bottom of the hole, you will be in a room. In the room, you will see a door and a table. On the table, there will be a key. Pick up the key and unlock the door. When you unlock the door, you will see someone from your DR. They will take you to your DR bedroom, where you will lay down and go to sleep.

Once you wake up, you have full shifted to your DR.
