

This story begins being written in third person mode at chapter 4.


I began falling into darkness, as my eyes were closed no matter how hard i had tried to move the muscles to open them.

The darkness began to engulf me, as the world around me began to fall into silence, and i could feel nought but a small breeze on the back of my neck.

I began being taken somewhere by something, as it felt like a fishing rod had it's string attached to the back of my body, and it was pulling somewhere from throughout the darkness of the area that i was trapped within.

Suddenly, i realised that my eyes were already open in the darkness, as a small light in the distance began pulling me towards it.

A small string of light had attached itself to my stomach, and was gently pulling me toward the light that was directly in front of me.

The light seemed so far, yet so near, and i soon began to be drawn into the absence of silence.

I began to lose my consciousness, as my body felt like it was having the life drained out of it, and my muscles felt like they were shrivelling.

I tried to cry out in pain, as the coursing of my body began to bulge, and my entire being began to shrink.

My body had begun being sucked into a small hole of light that was directly in front of me now.

Just a few inches from my body, the light began devouring my legs first, and it pulled the rest of me towards it fiercely.

I attempted to struggle, and pull away from it, but to no avail, as it all began to devour my body and soul bit by bit.

Before i knew it, my world turned pitch black again, but i could hardly think about it for some reason.

This time, i had no memories of anything that had happened before, other than those moments of silence in darkness, and that small hole of light.

I then heard someone calling a voice to me, as i began to wonder what had been happening.

"Get Up!" I had heard it clear this time, as I opened my eyes, and looked around, but instead of finding another being who could speak to me, i found a beautiful sight of green grass, and a large blue sky overhead.

The sun's blinding rays of light had begun to shine down upon me, as i began to fall into a blinded state of where my eyes would only show white light and pain coursed its way into my eye sockets.

I shook my head painfully, trying not to make a sound of pain, and looked away from the sun, as i began to slowly open my eyes again.

I began to move my muscles to the point of which i was in a sitting position, as he opened my eyes fully once again.

Though this time, i had encountered something other than the bright light of the sun.

A scruffy man in a fashioned red shirt, and red pants was hovering in the air right above me.

His hair, and eyes were all red, though his left eye was scarred, and forced closed.

I began to open my mouth to ask what had been going on lately, but the voice that had awoken me earlier had already called its way into my mind once more, as it began telling me to prepare myself. "Max! Prepare Yourself!"

As i quickly stood up from the ground warily, and looked around for the red man in the sky.

The red man in the sky had been in the same position as he was earlier, as he looked down at me in curiosity.

"Enjoying the view?"

He said, as i let my guard down a little, and relaxed myself.

Though he soon cocked an eyebrow, and gave me an odd look, as he began to look at my hair more closely. "That Hair… It's not blue. So you're an Exceed?"

As i began wondering what he had been talking about, but he instantly cried something out in the back of my hearing, and i could not catch what he had said.

Though he instantly began channelling a huge amount of red chi waves around him, and his eyes turned pure red, as he looked down at me.

He then began his descent, as he rushed straight towards me.

The the voice from before began calling me again.

"Max! Use Reality Off!"

As i began to take note of what the voice in my head had said, and yelled out my battle cry as loud as i could. "Reality Off!"

As i felt a small light of inspiration begin to light it's way into my chest, and my brain felt like tinkling fireworks were going off inside of it.

My body felt renewed, as if all the aches and pains had disappeared, as my body became lighter, and my thoughts were clearer than ever before.

I looked up at my opponent defiantly, as i realised he had drawn something odd from his back into his hand.

I stared at what it was and realised it was a sword. A dangerous tool that could endanger my life, if i didn't act soon.

So i began channeling my mind and body into one part of my body, i channeled all of my strength, and energy into my hand, as it felt like the rest of my body was beginning to lose strength and shrivel, so i stopped at a certain amount of energy channeled to my right hand.

I instantly placed my right hand in front of me, as i slammed it down into the same spot where his sword was about to make contact with me, as i hit down on his blade so hard, that a blue wave formed around my hand, and i broke his sword in half instantly.

The red guy coughed, while surprised, and broke free of the combat, as he began to try and retreat for a moment to gather his senses.

I didn't give him the chance though, as i instantly zapped over to his side, and threw my fist into his face as hard as i could.

I had hoped to knock him out with that, but to no avail, as he began to move his head and fist towards me.

I then grabbed his hair with my fist, and slammed his head down onto my knee with all of the force i could supply.

The red man didn't make a sound after that. All i heard was a loud crack, and thump as he fell to the floor.

I looked at his face, and saw the horrifying sight, as his face was unbalanced, and his head looked like mush, and it seemed as if he had mutations on his face.

Though he seemed to still be alive, as the injuries were most likely just normal purple bruises.

I shook my head, and closed my eyes, as i calmed down, and began to lower myself to the ground.

As i began to wander around to check out the area, a feminine voice suddenly caught my attention out of the corner of my hearing.

"Hello Max"

As I instantly turned my head in the direction of the voice, and began to look about warily, at who had made the sound.

My eyes landed on a girl who had cyan colored hair, and cyan colored eyes, as she slowly opened her eyes, and i asked my question. " Who Are You?"

As she never changed her facial expression, but instead answered my question instantly.

"Your Guide."

Is what she had said… It was the only thing she had said to my question, as i began expanding my curiosity, but decided not to handle such matters so quickly.

She then directed me instantly, as she told me something that triggered the adventure of the dimension i had been summoned to.

"Follow Me."

Those two simple words, are what caught my attention, as i quickly began walking behind her, as she began leading me over a hill.

We spent the next few minutes walking through the green grass of the hills, and having the sun shine down upon our backs, as we eventually came across a brown path.

She began leading me around the ground path, as we followed it for hours, and i felt like my feet were dying.

After all of the feet torture, she told me to stop, and began to head forward, as i looked up, and my eyes were astounded at the sight.

She was standing directly at the front of a huge cyan door, which was surrounded with gigantic blue walls.

She then said something to me that changed my way of thinking instantly. "This Is The Blue Faction. Welcome To Your New Home Max."


- Extra Info -

Exceeds - Beings with hair that are colored like a human being from our world. They will have eyes that are colored to their faction though. Exceeds are the only beings who can change factions in this realm, since they can change eye color by pledging to a faction leader.

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