
Reality is Virtual

Waking up All I can see is white, all around me is endless white It can be depressing I know, I have spent 16 years of my life here All I know is pain who can I talk to Why am I here? Will I ever solve the mystery..

_RD_2582 · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Chapter-2 Host is bad at naming

"Host quickly give a name then

We'll leave this place soon" She said

"Name Mmm... "I thought for a moment

"My name will be Ave and you will be

Little white"I said

"Name initialized"A voice said

That was the last thing I heard

Then suddenly

everything around us darkened

A pain enveloped me

At the moment I think I heard little white was shouting

"Host!!!!! You are too bad at naming"


"Host! Host! Are you awake? "

"Wake up now, look around, its beautiful "

My head was spinning

I tried to open my eyes

it was not adjusted to the light

I closed it again, then reopened after some time

There it was a amazingly, pure fluffy white substance in the air

"Ooh! I remember its called cloud and that spreading white sheet should be the sky"

Ave said

"Host isn't it beautiful? "Little white said

"Yeah it is"Ave replied

Why don't I feel depressed seeing white again?

It instead calms my mind and give me a feeling of serenity,

I turned around to see little white jumping around like little bunny

"Maybe I should have named her little bunny"I whispered

"No!! Host you are clearly bad at naming"said little white

I blushed while feeling embarrassed

While I was in my own world something chilling hit me I jumped to my feet

Looked around to see little white with a mischievous smile and a white substance in her hand

"Host come play with me in the snow"Little white said

There were fooling around running here and there

While Ave was running she was hit or you could say stopped by something from proceeding further

"Why can't I move forward"Ave said

There were sounds like Alarms

Ave was filled with pain again

It was even more intense this time

There it was, a voice saying "Time has come"