
Reality Bender System, Marvel

Embark on a journey alongside Emelia as a bored god whimsically transports her to another universe, or perhaps even a multiverse. In this intriguing realm, she encounters a myriad of characters from diverse backgrounds. Immerse yourself in the excitement of Emelia's adventure as she grapples with her 'Reality Bending System' and unravels the enigmas of the extraordinary realm unfolding before her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello there I'm the Author, this is my first time writing fan-fiction, please let me know what I can improve at! Also, to let you all know, this will be done in my spare time when i am not busy with RL stuff! I hope you all enjoy! FYI: I do not own Harry Potter or any other pre-existing novels/ works that i use within my Fan-Fiction. This does have a Harem, it will be purely Yuri though. (Since people have been complaining i am adding this to say that this is inspired by 'The Fallen Gamer'... They have accused me of Plagiarism, so, just to let you guys know I am not stealing from the other author only using some of the ideas and basic themes with a sprinkling of some of the same events early on in the story; mainly because they are some of the best and easiest to start from; even these I have made changes to.) My Discord: https://discord.gg/EVj54tc8dt

Alex_Simmonds · Anime & Comics
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The Dinner

After the conflict above the 'Prequels' Star Wars Coruscant a dinner was had between Emelia, Kali, Fleur and the higher ups of the Veritas Imperium. It was a rather calm and conscientious meal with various pleasantries and conversations arising. Many of the talk was question directed to Emelia surrounding her past and how she got the Ideas she had. The answers were prompt and usually answered the questions fully.

Some question were pertaining to the advancement of Humanity to greater heights and also thanking her for the recent move in evolving Humanity; the High-Human advancement. The feast itself was held in the diplomatic quarters of the Invictus, Kali's command vessel. The hall-like space was deeply golden and black, sconces bearing blue flames that lightly gloomed the metallic walls to the point of reflection, making it seem as if the entire room was also some sort of mystical chamber for a powerful mage or something of the sort. A massive table was set between the various members of the dinner, its beautifully polished dark-oak wood gleaming in the bright blue candle light on the table. Pork, Steak, Filet Mignon, Pies and all sorts of other delectable foods were arrayed along the span of the table, Emelia sitting at the head of the table with Fleur and Kali sitting to her right and left respectively.

The dinner was also joined by Fury, Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda... These members all slowly getting used to the atmosphere and the general buzz that surrounded this strange woman's appearance. Emelia naturally noticed their strangeness however and quickly shifted some of the topics to something they could relate to and converse in.

"I apologise for the exclusive nature of our previous discussions, my officers are just excited to be able to communicate with me in person... Please, if there is anything you wish to speak about?" Anakin tensed a little as the eyes of the officers, commanders and admirals all focussed on him and the fellow Jedi Grandmasters. Obi Wan was calm, cool and collected, his very face showing this as he diplomatically nodded his head, raising a glass.

"Indeed, we do have questions, your eminence. I am afraid and, may I mainly speak for myself, that we do not understand why you would aid us in such a time and for seemingly no cost. If you could, perhaps, enlighten us, it would go a long way to clearing our misunderstanding of the situation."


His words were very diplomatic, chosen explicitly for simplicity and lack of insult. It was clear to me that he had extreme experience in the art of negotiation and resolving conflicts. Obi Wan did not disappoint, no matter the time line it seemed. Smilingly I raised my own glass, taking a sip before lightly placing it down, showing that I accepted his gesture and would respond in kind. Etiquette was a language all its own, a language i unfortunately could not help but understand.

"There is no need for the use of honorary titles or even curtesy such as 'your eminence', we are comrades who fought off the Ori together... I digress. The matter of my aid to you and the people of the republic is one of aggressive diplomacy, in fact, you could call it war." There were a few narrowing of eyes from the Jedi as they could sense something going on but not the full picture, my powers disabling their full ability to see properly. I didn't want pesky interferers with the future.

"The Ori are a force, an evil force, from and outside Multiverse. I am assuming you understand what a Multiverse is?" They nodded, Windu leaning inwards as Obi Wan stroked his beard. Anakin was staring off into space as he was slowly picking at he defences I had laid out, his powers not insignificant to normal people. Sadly for him however his powers would have little effect. Even with my temporary lack of power I was still so far beyond them in power level and control over reality that it would take a million years for them to even budge the locks I had in place.

"Good. Now, as I was saying... This force comes from another Multiverse, in fact they travelled through several multiverses to get to yours." Looking slightly aghast by the suggested power of these foes, adversaries, the Jedi looked between each other; as if communicating psychically. 

"The reason they have come here is because the Force Itself, the entities that represent it, have allowed me and my people to take refuge within this Multiverse." No movements were made but interest grew, many of the Jedi gazing at me with varying levels of scrutiny.

"An entity that rules over existence guided these factions throughout the Omniverse to hunt me down. Now, before you become afraid of retribution from unfathomable beings please know that he cannot detect me, thus he has sent out agents to find me." The military staff at the table were even gobsmacked by the revelation. They had known for a while that their past Multiverse was wiped from existence due to a great enemy, but to know that the entity spoken of was the 'creator', was a whole new level.

"This, is why I came to your aid. In some part I am responsible for your suffering and loss. But in some ways I wish to befriend you, in fact, all of the universes in this Multiverse. Standing as one is the only way we can fight against the very being called existence. But... Do not worry, I do not expect you to immediately agree or even stick your heads out for us. I merely want a non-aggression pact, of sorts. If you want an alliance I can easily accept one, however I feel that I would need to speak to the politicians of your republic to fully reach those forms of agreements."

The Jedi were speechless for several minutes as even Obi Wan with all the tact and diplomatic suave in the universe couldn't fully digest the scale, size or repercussions. In the end the Jedi merely told me of their intentions to discuss their next move with one another and come back to me soon. With such intents given I left them with a communicator that was designed to only ping the Justiciar. From there the dinner slowly died down and all of the food was cleaned, the extras going to the staff of the ship. That night there were many parties and excitement had, the sombreness of lost comrades drowned by excessive alcohol, wild parties and of course sex.


In the morning cycle of this Solar System I awoke with Kali and Fleur beside me, their naked bodies warming my own as my own glistening skin shone beneath the orange sunbeams of the Terran-like sun. Ships slowly trundled through space as many trade ships and Republic Star Ships entered orbit of Coruscant. Things were returning to normal and soon I would head back to Terra where I would then give the command to begin the Military eradication of the Ori from this Multiverse, as well as communicate with the UNSC and find out how their universe was turning out. 

But, to begin this day I had to get out from between my two women, their breasts almost calling for me to suck on them. Holding back however I soon found my will to emerge in the bathroom, my body now covered in a loose chiffon dress of pure gold and black that was partially see-through in appropriate places. It was a loose look I was attempting to use as I had noticed the lack of feminine care for myself, my wives having told me at some points in the five years prior that I needed to have a break.

Well, now was the time, I'd surprise them all and become more loving. I needed to focus on the things that mattered. The Multiverse could blow up tomorrow but It wouldn't matter if I didn't have my family. Shaking my head from those thoughts I genuinely smiled for the first time in a while, my romanticism turned on. Flowers popped up around me as I created the most beautiful bouquets of roses, lilacs, sunflowers and most other flowers from Earth. Some flowers were from foreign stories and even worlds, a lunar flower of pure grey and silver emerging as its petals resembled small star-patterns that expanded outwards. Yeah I was about to drop these on all of my wives when I got home!

'Hehe! They'll love them... My kids are fine, they got friends and even got some cool stuff from me, they don't need too much or they're gonna become brats.'

With my thoughts settled I quickly stored all of the flowers and began to conjure numerous rings. When I returned I would propose to them all and have official weddings. It may be somewhat sudden, but I believed that this is what my relationship had been missing... Some romance...

'I am so excited!'


Hope you enjoyed! Please, if you feel like it, comment, review and give power stones!

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