
Reality Bender System, Marvel

Embark on a journey alongside Emelia as a bored god whimsically transports her to another universe, or perhaps even a multiverse. In this intriguing realm, she encounters a myriad of characters from diverse backgrounds. Immerse yourself in the excitement of Emelia's adventure as she grapples with her 'Reality Bending System' and unravels the enigmas of the extraordinary realm unfolding before her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello there I'm the Author, this is my first time writing fan-fiction, please let me know what I can improve at! Also, to let you all know, this will be done in my spare time when i am not busy with RL stuff! I hope you all enjoy! FYI: I do not own Harry Potter or any other pre-existing novels/ works that i use within my Fan-Fiction. This does have a Harem, it will be purely Yuri though. (Since people have been complaining i am adding this to say that this is inspired by 'The Fallen Gamer'... They have accused me of Plagiarism, so, just to let you guys know I am not stealing from the other author only using some of the ideas and basic themes with a sprinkling of some of the same events early on in the story; mainly because they are some of the best and easiest to start from; even these I have made changes to.) My Discord: https://discord.gg/EVj54tc8dt

Alex_Simmonds · Anime & Comics
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397 Chs

Some more Work, Starting a Date

It had been a few days and I had been waiting for my wives to all be in the same room together to discuss the matter of Blink. Unfortunately my wives were very busy with the year almost coming to a close so I had to postpone my response to Blink. Our relationship was a small bit strained but I did tell her that I'd get back to her when I can speak to all of my women.

Following that conversation I did some more work. China did cause small issues for us diplomatically as they were trying to proliferate their ideology through the global government. Unfortunately for them I knew all of their dirty secrets, like the spies they currently had in other nations, all of the business connections they had with several other foreign powers and then the political manipulations they had been conducting on foreign soil. Easily, i released all of this information and watched as the Chinese Government squirmed. I wouldn't be as easy to manipulate or control as others, in fact it was impossible, but they didn't know that.

China was obstinate in their goals for Taiwan and Taiwan was the same with the Chinese Mainland. They were a headache and had so much historical hatred for each other that it was honestly tiring to be speaking to the two of them. Japan was the next to stir as Japan was requesting aid with regards to its struggling population. Knowing a little of their issues I told them to create societal changes geared towards allowing people to be at home, have families and get enough money to sustain such a life style. It was honestly very broad advice/orders but they were smart people, they'd figure it out.

I sighed as I then looked at a spreadsheet showing the rise in The Veritas Imperium's industries. The nation had 10 new industries, 3 founded by myself, 2 brought over by me and 5 independent ones.

The industries were as follows:

-Clothing Industry (Me)

-Military Industrial Complex (Frost Industries)

- Technological Industry (Stark Industries)

-Movie Industry (Me)

-TV Show Industry (Me)

- Restaurant Industry (A multitude of different businesses and companies)

- Maintenance Industry (FixIt Co)

-Trade Industry (Portal Inc)

-Real Estate Industry (A multitude of different businesses and companies)

-Tourism Industry (The Veritas Imperium)


Those were the current industries that could be said to have a descent amount of companies and people working for them. The four that weren't initiated by me were the most interesting to me as apparently businesses and companies had decided to dip their hands into the restaurant sector, Maintenance and Trade. This was completely normal so i had no worries. The main reason i wanted to know is so that I could work towards forming connections with my own people's companies, so that i could also make sure no shady dealings were going on.

I made some small decisions and opened up some of the land in the outer city segments for the purchase of land. I opened up the land near the business district so that these companies could be close but not directly within the business sector. As it was the business sector was crowded as new companies and businesses were being created and put up on The Stock Market, it was purely a national market.

I felt bored after all of that, there wasn't much to do for me. Most of the media and shit were dealt with by my trusty wives, Skadi, Kali and Pixel. I looked out over the city and had some thoughts on what i could do. I considered going to Hunter X Hunter or even Naruto but held myself back as i considered that we were in the Star Wars Universe and that i should probably explore it.

'Maybe Coruscant? Let's take all of my women with me, it can be a massive date! I am a fucking genius.'


Over the next hour i talked with all of my women telepathically and asked them to find a week off. Some of them said they can't, but who the fuck am I again? That's right, I'm the motherfucking leader. I contacted the bosses of my women, namely Xavier, Ororo and Myself and asked for some time off for my women. Naturally i was the most pleasant about it and easily agreed... Xavier was a little upset at the constant movements of my women but easily conceded when i said that I gave him his legs back, a new school and gave a place for the mutants to exist in safety. Ororo wasn't so much the boss of Idun but more like a supervisor so all i had to do for her was give her some money and provide a replacement, Himari, and all was good.

And like that, within an hour and a half all my women were gathered. It was strange as i could have just done this to talk to them about Blink but It didn't really occur to me. They were all super happy at the time off and especially when I told them it was going to be a date. All of them ran off to their rooms and began to prepare for the date, i invited blink as well because she was our daughter. Our children were being looked after by Ruby, Aurélie and the nannies we had hired.

I waited for half an hour as I too had a shower, got dressed and put on some perfume. I stepped out into the room and still couldn't see any sign of my wives So i decided to do something really quick.

'System, what is the conversion rate of my money to Credits?'

[Conversion Rate- 1:1]

'So i would have 700 trillion Credits if I were to convert my money?'


'Crazy... Okay, could you convert 10 trillion dollars into Credits for me?'


'That's a crazy good conversion rate considering that the credit is backed by most of the fucking galaxy.'

I summoned one of the credits and a small yellow card appeared in my hand, a 7 with two lines through the top most line of it being especially prominent on the card. The card was in a foreign language that i soon quickly understood. It said that the card had 100,000 Credits on it. 

Based off of my limited knowledge of Star Wars, ten thousand to twenty thousand would get you a hyper drive or even a ship depending on the era. With my trillions it could be easily said that I was set for life, i could live in luxury within the galaxy for a very long time. I didn't care for that though as I just wanted to make sure that my wives and me could enjoy ourselves. For that I would also need some small devices.

'System please bring up translation devices.'

|Shop- Language Extrapolation Devices|

1-Translation Earring, 10,000 Reality Shards (Basic languages)

2-Linguistic Analyser, Earring Variant, 100,000 Reality Shards (Basic of all Languages)

3-Omnilingual Analysis Device, Earring Variant, 1,000,000 Reality Shards (Can Understand all languages selected, limit of 5 languages)


I bought 8 of the Omni devices and customized them to all be unique to the wearer, IE, my wives. I sat there for a few more minutes when I saw the first of my wives come out and show off her clothing. Illyana was dressed in a pure white dress that nicely clung to her body, golden lining and metal adornments lightly clattering off of the ends of the cuffs and belt section of the dress. She looked like a princess.

"Thoroughly arousing love, you trying to make me make you pregnant again?"

"Hehe, no, i just want people to know that you have some of the most beautiful women in existence." (Illyana)

'Hahaha, she's a minx, now i know where my kids get it from.'

My next wife came out. It was Jean and she was in a similar but distinctly different dress, black instead of gold and the dress itself had an illusion added to it that made fire look like it was curling up the sides; probably the handy work of Illyana.

"Stunning and fiery, just like you love, I love it."

"O-oh... I didn't know... you'd like it so much..." (Jean)

I smiled and sent a little psychic energy to slap her ass, causing her to squeal a little before moving off to the side, her glare attached to my face as i laughed.

Next was Idun and she came out in a bright green frock with dark red details and black flowers all over it. It matched her so well i forgot to say something until I heard Illyana coughing with a small pout forming on Jean's face.


"Its extraordinary and matches you perfectly Idun. Just like Illyana, do you want me to make you pregnant again?"

She laughed and moved off to the side of the couch, watching the rest of the presentation alongside Illyana and Jean. I was slightly enjoying all of this so I sat back and just waited for my women to present themselves to me.

Oceana came out next as she was dressed in a dark blue flowy shirt and comfortable denim shorts. She looked very modern and appealing. She even twirled a little to show off her outfit to me.

"Gorgeous and attractive, i like it, you should where more Denim."

"You just want to stare at her ass..." (Jean)


She huffed a little as Oceana gracefully swept over beside Jean and kissed her on the lips. That was really hot and i felt a little frisky now but I couldn't stop the date just yet... 'Tonight, yes, maybe we can all join in.' Oceana looked over at me and winked slightly, causing me to blush a little. 

I keep on forgetting she can hear my thoughts. Even Jean was looking at me now, this time with a lustful smile. 'Fuck, even her... I need to increase my mental powers.' They both rolled their eyes and started speaking with each other, complimenting each other on their outfits.

At this moment Skadi slipped out in a beautiful hexagonal patterned dress, the hexagons having multiple hexagons within as well, with a black and gold colour constantly repeating; gold to black, to gold again. The dress swept up into a small collar that wrapped around her neck and was instead pitch black with small silver detailing. She looked like a beauty from the space opera Dune but with way more style.

"That's fucking wizard! I love the clothing Skadi, my own star princess..."

She blushed and nodded as she walked over to me and gave me a rather long kiss before breaking it off and joining my other wives, who were also gushing over the piece of clothing. Whilst they were nattering away Kali came out.

She stepped into the room in a form fitting plug-suit that looked like it came straight out of Evangellion, except it had a lot of see through area and had some cool glowy bits. She also had some cloth extension on the outside to fit the plug-suit into a greater outfit for the date. I could tell I'd have some fun getting into that later tonight.

Jean and Oceana looked at me and smiled. I ignored them as it was obvious they were reading my mind. Some would consider this mind rape but honestly i liked it so long as it was only them, they were my wives they could have whatever part of me whenever. They blushed at that idea and I grinned.

"You look stoic and handsome Kali, the outfit suits you very well."

She smiled for the first time since I had known her and walked over, gave me a kiss and sat down to the side, next to Skadi.

'That's new... She smiles now... Great!' I was genuinely happy that she was enjoying herself, i didn't want her to feel bored with the date or anything. As i was having a small dance within my mind that lead to Jean and Oceana chuckling, Pixel came out.

She was dressed in a semi transparent white dress that had small diamonds embedded across the entire dress that shone light over the transparent sections, creating a rainbow aurora of colour, she looked like a queen, a very cute one. Luckily i tamed the Rasputin in the room or she would have been jumped... 🎶Cymbal🎶 History Joke!

"You are truly the cutest Pixel, even when you're not trying." She flushed bright red and hastily walked over and gave me a kiss, moving off seconds later as my first four wives came in and did the same soon after.

Life was good at this moment and with the date hopefully it became much better. Luckily I hadn't spent the full hour or two I was getting ready just getting my dress on...


Hope you enjoyed!


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Thanks to all these people for the Power Stones:




















Thanks to you all!

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