
Reality Bender System, Marvel

Embark on a journey alongside Emelia as a bored god whimsically transports her to another universe, or perhaps even a multiverse. In this intriguing realm, she encounters a myriad of characters from diverse backgrounds. Immerse yourself in the excitement of Emelia's adventure as she grapples with her 'Reality Bending System' and unravels the enigmas of the extraordinary realm unfolding before her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello there I'm the Author, this is my first time writing fan-fiction, please let me know what I can improve at! Also, to let you all know, this will be done in my spare time when i am not busy with RL stuff! I hope you all enjoy! FYI: I do not own Harry Potter or any other pre-existing novels/ works that i use within my Fan-Fiction. This does have a Harem, it will be purely Yuri though. (Since people have been complaining i am adding this to say that this is inspired by 'The Fallen Gamer'... They have accused me of Plagiarism, so, just to let you guys know I am not stealing from the other author only using some of the ideas and basic themes with a sprinkling of some of the same events early on in the story; mainly because they are some of the best and easiest to start from; even these I have made changes to.) My Discord: https://discord.gg/EVj54tc8dt

Alex_Simmonds · Anime & Comics
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397 Chs

A War-torn World

An hour after entering orbit of the planet the Sister's finally set off towards the planet's surface. From above we scanned said planet and found it completely in a state of war. My knowledge on the history of this planet or specific solar system was minor and thus I was just as blind to what was occurring on the planet. It seemed as if the Tyranids had infected some of the local population and there were 'rebellions' across a variety of the Hive Cities.

My initial idea was to inform the sisters about such issues, but this would disclose my ability to breach Imperial jamming equipment, technology and other such concerns. No, i would not do it, so, for now I sat on the ship. Drinking a rather large smoothie I watched telemetry of the fighting on the ground, a computer creating a life-like video of the current live combat.


(Sister Superior's Perspective)

"In the Emperor's name, we gather, invoking His blessing upon us. Grant us strength, courage, and wrath to vanquish our foes. Cleanse us of sin and keep us vigilant against darkness. Emperor, guide our hearts and bring us victory. For the Emperor and the Imperium!"

Ending in a roaring finish I stood, my body aching below the holy armour of our most sacred order. My nerves were somewhat shot as my mind was vaguely clouded, my prayers coming from experience and constant use more than full blown attention... This was caused by that woman, Emelia. She was a very strange woman, so were her people, they spoke in unfamiliar words, only to speak in the highest of Gothic in the next moments. Their technology was beyond my understanding but ultimately inconsequential in comparison to the strength granted to us by the God Emperor. Below my helm I felt an itch begin to tickle my nose and eyes, my eyes themselves struggling to remain open as I had recently lost much sleep. Taking command of a ship who has lost its captain and officers is a hard task.

My battle sister to the side, Andreala, tapped my shoulder causing me to turn my head in her direction. We were all within a drop ship, destined for the surface, helms covered our faces with the various purity seals and symbols of holiness covering our wears.

"Sister Superior, are you sure it is wise to consort with outsiders and people of unknown origin in this circumstance?" Her voice was slightly muffled below her helm, the Vox making it more pitchy and crackled in my ears. I could see that her question was one shared by all of my other battle sisters.

"Is it wise? Yes, i believe it is... They are an unknown to us, as far as i know they are a new faction, a new remnant of our species. Treating them with respect and gaining their trust now, would be beneficial for any further talks or negotiations... As for the unknowns and possible heresy, this is for someone at a higher rank than myself to judge. But based on their willingness to kill Daemon filth and the help that they have promised us should we ask for it, I would say that they have earned some limited trust." My sisters were considering my words, the inside of the dropship becoming silent except for the rattling that began to occur due to re-entry. Vibrations rocked the entire vessel as I swear i could hear the constant explosions of anti-air weaponry.

Moving forwards out of my locked in position, surprising my sisters, I opened the door that lead into the cockpit. At the front of the ship was a man of middling age, wearing a jumpsuit and helmet.

"Armsman, what is the current condition of our re-entry?" He swivelled his head to me as he aggressively turned out of the way of an incoming barrage.

"My lady, we have survived re-entry, I am afraid to report however that we have encountered resistance from the planet below. They are firing on us..." As he was finishing his report he grit his teeth and yanked on the joy stick between his legs. A groan escaped his lips as he struggled with the machine spirit inside the drop ship. I too was having a hard time keeping upright as the drop ship tussled from side to side in evasive movements.

Explosions billowed around our craft as the machine itself was struggling to stay aloft in the sky. From my vantage point I could see our path, we were headed straight for one of the spires of Jourmall Hive. Turning I hurriedly ran-stumbled into the main passenger section of the drop ship. Hurriedly I ran to my previous lock in point, grasping at the locks that would clamp down onto my armour and secure me against the pressure, gravity and velocity of our decent and most likely, our crash. Stepping into it, the drop ship rocking backwards and forwards as one of the engines ruptured and created a deep rhythmic thrumming sound inside the cabin area, where we were. Locking myself in I quickly projected my voice over the Vox channel.

"Expect a rocky landing, we will no doubt face resistance. Be prepared, Sister Kalis, to send that reinforcement request if we face too dire of odds." The woman nodded before the remainder of my squad looked forwards, minor litanies and prayers to the emperor echoing through the Vox as the screams of the pilot emerged from the cockpit and the front section of the ship separated.

With an almighty bang we slammed into the spire, my armour whining and screeching as it resisted stray pieces of cement, metal and debris. 'May the God Emperor bless our righteous fight and grant his protection onto us, his faithful daughters...'


Hope you enjoyed! Please let me know of anything from Warhammer you would like to see, I may or may not add it... Also, I do not own Warhammer 40k or Warhammer, I only own the characters that I have personally made. Second of all, I do not claim to have 100% knowledge of Warhammer 40k law, if I get things wrong please understand that this is a fan fiction and that it is possibly an AU... Thank you all once again.

Thanks for all of the power stones and support! Please continue to donate power stones for me if you like my work, it really helps me gain motivation and keeps me wanting to give more chapters.

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Also, if you feel so inclined and would like to help me continue to be able to make these chapters, here is my PayPal: paypal.me/RBSMFF

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