
Reality became a video game?!

*Insert synopsis here, unless you forget which probably you will. How do I know? I am you!*

S_only_S · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


I'm sitting there, covered in blood, looking through a forum on my PC. And I'm starting to think, where did it all go wrong? Let's start from where it all began, yesterday.

I was sitting at my desk playing some random MMORPG, that I can't even remember the name of, when suddenly a transparent window appeared in front of my eyes.

[The game has begun.]

At that time I thought I was just hallucinating from lack of sleep, so I slapped myself in the face and when it did in fact disappear I stopped thinking about it. But then messages started appearing in the chat window.

[CatLover9000: WTF did anyone else see that "The game has begun" text appear in the air?

ThatGuy1256: It wasn't just me? lol

ThatGuy1257: Wait Is this for real?!

ThatGuy1256: OMFG guys it's really happening look out the window!!!!

ThatGuy1258: Guys I think we should get together to think about it irl. ]

Those were just some of the ongoing messages, I thought it was just a bunch of people getting together for a prank and a big coincidence. So I just kept playing for the next 10-12 hours and then I realized I haven't slept since two days ago, so I quickly got in bed and slept for about 10-11 hours.

I had a dream about jumping on some clouds and then it turned out the clouds were made of cotton candy, so I started eating them.

Anyways, I woke up and got dressed, who am I even kidding I just went back to my computer for an hour, wearing the same clothes I wore for the past 2 years, then I realized I was hungry so I went to the fridge to get something to eat and that's when I realized the worst scenario that could've ever happened happened, there... was... no... food... in... the... fridge.

Someone forgot to go shopping and all that was left were vegetables and fruits, ~fucking lazy~. There wasn't even any milk but I know how to improvise. I had to do the most unthinkable thing I did to date, I ate cereal without milk. I know I'm a savage but I promise I've never done it until then. While eating cereal I noticed something.

'Where are my parents?'

I haven't seen them since yesterday in the morning, but even then it doesn't count because I only heard them leave for work.

And that was when I remembered that weird text window thing that happen yesterday, so I walked over to a window and rolled up the curtains only a little bit. Wouldn't want to hurt our precious eyes with the vicious daylight, would we?

And that was the first time I've seen a monster, or monsters to be exact. I could immediately tell the race of the monsters outside, they were goblins.

'What a realistic dream, I must've fallen asleep while playing again.'

And so with that thought in mind I pinched myself and surprisingly I could feel it, but I just couldn't accept it so I like any sane person would've thought this must be a dream.

'But how do I wake up?'

With that thought in mind I looked around the kitchen and the first thing my eyes landed on was a knife.

'Since I can pinch myself and feel it, maybe stabbing myself would wake me up.'

And so I grabbed the knife and walked over to the bathroom, wouldn't wanna see the place where I eat covered in blood. Then I sat down in the shower.

'Where should I stab myself?'

I analyzed my body while looking for a spot where i could inflict pain without too much damage to the body, just in case this wasn't a dream but that's impossibly impossible.

'What about a thigh, if I stab my thigh without piercing a vein i should be safe right?'

And so I stabbed myself in the left thigh while trying to avoid my veins. And bloody hell it hurt, in fact it hurt so much i collapsed.



Pain again…

When I finally regained consciousness my first thought was.

'Why didn't i wake up? Perhaps that much pain wasn't enough? Should I stab myself some more?'

My thoughts at the time were going the wrong direction, but well... can't change them now. However some of my braincells started working again.

'Let's just give up on waking up... for now.'