
Realistic Tower of God: The Martial Way

A man had given his all to walk on the treacherous martial way. He was once great, however, just like everything else in the world, he had reached the end of the rope and disappeared without being able to reach further on the the path. However, fate has something else in store for him. Suddenly waking up in the mysterious and grand tower, all of his fiber being will tested. Will he survive in this dangerous and unforgiving place with many ancient monsters reigning on the top? Will he manage to survive and find the next path of the martial way and fulfill his ambition? Only time will tell.

Heavenly_Raven · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Chapter 194- A Persuasion

"I know that there's nothing free in this world." The village head let out a sigh before looking back to Liu Guanyi with a serious face. "So, young man, what's your proposition?"

"You see, old man, since you are isolated and all, you are too far behind in terms of information and the development of the tower. Although, the Zahard Empire was friends with the ten great families and are still now, albeit not at as close as they were before."

"You see, after the last war against FUG, more than dozens of millenniums already pass by. Many both big and small things already happened since then. And some of these things are something that some at the top like and some don't like."

Liu Guanyi smiled. "To put it simply, the relationship between the Zahard and the ten great families and even among the ten great families themselves have been deteriorating since then. And now, they are no longer as solid as when they were against FUG."

Hearing this, the village head seemed to be in deep thought.

"Before I continue, let me ask you a question, old man. Do you have any contact with FUG? Are you still maintaining a relationship with them since the Genesis Era? Does someone from FUG still watch over this region or have they completely abandoned this region?"

"Well, despite that we are still keeping our traditions and cultures, we actually don't have any contact with FUG nor do we maintain a relationship with them. After all, we are merely small people that they have abandoned and left here when Luslec and FUG ran away after their great loss against the Zahard Empire in the Genesis Era." He answered with a hint of mixed emotions, something that wouldn't be missed by Liu Guanyi's sharp ears.

"Hmm, as for whether there is someone from FUG that is assigned to watch over the region that is so important to Luslec…" He paused a moment to think.

"I don't think there is one. So far, in my hundreds of years of life, I haven't seen or noticed any signs of FUG's activity around this village. However, it just could be that their ability to hide is something beyond a normal human like me."

"Maybe they operated in bigger communities and those who are in the bigger settlement have contact with them? I don't know for sure." He answered as he shook his head.

"Then go to those bigger areas and build up your connection, old man. Don't just stay here in your village and do nothing other than just farming. You have a decent communication ability and a heap of experience on your back, you can do… so much more." Liu Guanyi said suggestively.

"I know what you mean, young man, but I am satisfied with my life as it is." He said with a sigh.

"Really? You might be satisfied with your life as it is since you are already old. But what about the new generations? Are they truly satisfied and accept their current condition as you do? Are they truly satisfied to be brainwashed to keep the traditions, cultures, and your community's identity?" Liu Guanyi quickly threw a barrage of questions.

"This…" The village head couldn't respond properly and only had a frown on his face.

"Is continuing to keep your tradition, cultures, values, and whatnot truly worth all of the time your sacrifice, the suffering, the poverty, and the isolation? And even if it's theoretically worth it, you argue, is it correct for you to decide whether they really need those values and traditions you desperately care about?" Liu Guanyi questioned him with a solemn tone.

The room seemed to become silent as his words reverberated in the room.

Liu Guanyi calmly watched the village head was having a huge inner debate within himself. This could be seen by the frown on his face that became deeper and the serious expression he made.

Without waiting for him to respond, Liu Guanyi broke the silence as he spoke again. "Old man, I know that you are probably more than two hundred years old. However, you are still quite healthy and a bit far from the end of your lifespan."

"You are right, honored guest, I am still dozens of years away from my natural death. The maximum lifespan for normal people like us is around three hundred years in this region. But what this has to do with anything?"

Liu Guanyi didn't answer his question and smirked instead. "Since you are married, you have your own children, right?" The village didn't say anything and only frowned.

"Considering that you are probably close to three hundred years old, your children should already have their own descendants. After all, unlike us, regulars, normal people like you have a much lesser lifespan. And since you said it's around three hundred years, they should have married around one hundred years or so." Liu Guanyi explained.

"And what are you implying, young man?" The village head spoke seriously as his gaze focused on him.

"Old man, do you think life is hard? You are isolated and poor. I expect that there's also no health service around here. And most importantly, living constantly to hide yourselves from the Zahard Empire and the stress created by the pressure of being found by them and massacred, I can understand those hardships."

"Now, think deeply, old man. Your people and your children already live so hard. Your generation might still survive this but what about your children or your grandchildren? Would they be able to survive being like this? Is this all worth it just preserve the value and history even when FUG abandoned you all?"

Liu Guanyi grinned. "What if people from the Zahard Empire or the ten great families know about the truth of this region and come here? Would you let your descendants to face a worse fate than even death itself? The Zahard Empire isn't a kind sovereign, after all."

Liu Guanyi squinted his eyes and looked at the old man's eyes. "And maybe someone from the Zahard Empire will really visit this beautiful village after we are gone, right, old man?" He asked with a wide grin on his face.