
Chapter 176- A Weird Place Part 3

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"You are right, Liu. Considering everything, even if it was somewhat apt, it was still odd for him to call us as adventurers than regulars, as regulars are the more accurate and also well-known term for people like us that they consider as outsiders." Said Adori.

Liu Guanyi nodded. "Alright then."

"So, basically if we compile everything, we have a town full of isolated people who seem to dislike any outsiders with the only a few individuals like the merchant as exceptions. Not only that, they also seem to reject the Zahard Empire and the ten great families rule and show contempt to them, even in the public."

"And lastly, we have a merchant that calls us adventurers instead of the more well-known term, regulars." Liu Guanyi narrated the gist of what they experienced.

"Yes, that's about it." Adori said in agreement.

"Is there any connection with all of this to the task that we have at hand, Mr. Liu?" Xin asked as he was quite curious about all of these unusual signs happening.

"Hm, a good question."

"So far, with all of our current information, it's hard to say that the weird town and people have anything to do with our task. After all, we were only told to go to the lake and settle something, which is likely a monster or Shinheuh, that rampages the area." Explained Liu Guanyi.

"Unfortunately, the order isn't descriptive enough to give us any definitive picture about what we have to do and what our task really is." Said Adori.

Then, Adori let out a sigh. "It can't be helped. We are dealing with the Eurassia family, the worst possible family of the ten great families in terms of work ethic and seriousness in doing practically any activity other than sleeping."

"Haah…" Liu Guanyi shook his head as he almost let out a sigh as well.

"When you told me that there is such a family among the ten great families, Adori, I almost didn't believe you. Even though most of the ten great families are a waste and corrupt, they couldn't be that bad, right?"

"Turned you are right. Just when you think that things couldn't get any worse than what already is, and you will be surprised." Liu Guanyi smiled.

"Yes, even though they can train their shinsu sensing and control by sleeping with their special talent inherited from their ancestor, training just like that has its limits."

"If not, they probably will become the strongest family among the ten great families just by sleeping and their family head would have surpassed king Zahard after all these millennia just by the virtue of sleeping as she most likely always sleeps the entire day, every single day." Said Adori.

What Adori said wasn't just a baseless assumption.

Most of the leaders of the ten great families rarely came out of their castles and liked to isolate themselves inside their residence for hundreds of years or even millenniums before appearing in the public.

If they wanted something to be done, their close aides and high-ranked descendants were always ready at all times to fulfill their wishes as fast as possible and at all costs.

This was because their orders are sacred as if they came from God himself.

Well, that wasn't wrong. After all, almost all members of the ten great families regard and revere their respective family heads as some kind of godlike figures, especially king Zahard himself.

So it was easy to imagine what the family head of the Eurassia family, the laziest person among the leaders of the ten great families, going to do in her free time while isolating herself inside her comfy castle.

"That's why, even if they can train their shinsu control by sleeping, they should also follow the orthodox training method like the others to maximize their training efficiency."

"Let's say, if they sleep 24 hours a day, they should reduce it to 16 hours a day and use those 8 hours left to train shinsu the normal way just like other wave controllers and us. This way, they can truly improve their shinsu control and no stuck on a bottleneck until they realize all their potential." Adori explained.

"Which they never do, as they simply lazying and sleeping around all day, unfortunately for us and them, as they wasted their incredible potential and we have to deal with their infuriating attitude and work ethic." Liu Guanyi added.

"Well, what is there to say? They are members of the ten great families, after all. They can afford to do that and can still live comfortably with their gifts and privileges." Said Adori as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Indeed, what a bunch of waste." Liu Guanyi spoke with a hint of derision, seemingly displeased with their behavior.

Liu Guanyi would never show a feeling of contempt even to the worst and most despicable act a humanoid could do as he was too indifferent to care about such paltry matters.

But extreme laziness?

He absolutely despised it!

Being too lazy to the point of sleeping off all day basically meant that the one who did it didn't have any drive in life anymore. After all, if they were going to sleep all day every single day, what was the point of living anymore?

Being a waste of space and oxygen?

There was no point at all!

Liu Guanyi especially felt such sentiment due to his extreme workaholic attitude and his strong drive to strive for more so he always used his time and energy for something productive that would help achieve his ambitions.

Hence, he absolutely hated anyone who had been spoon-fed with every single advantage and privilege someone could have and ended up wasting them all.

To him, the existence of the Eurassia family was an insult to those hard-working people that didn't have their luck and privileges.

After all, Liu Guanyi didn't reach his current strength by just lazying around.

Just like many others, he had to strive forward slowly step by step so he respected hard-working and determined people.

To him, even if someone didn't succeed in the end, as long as they had done their best and used all of their efforts, he could come to respect their determination.