
ch. 20 Hana

(AN: don't be gay and stone me)

After leaving the council chambers Naruto and kana made their way home. After arriving home they both fell back onto the couch in exhaustion. "I hate politics." Naruto mumbled while burning his face in kana's hair.

"Hmm get used to it." Kana mumbled back while cuddling up to Naruto and getting comfortable in the crook of his neck.

After a minute of silence Naruto asked "so about Hana?"

Growling kana looked up and asked back "do you like her?" While thinking 'it's not like we have a choice due to Tsume. I'm going to need to get to know this Hana girl first though.'

Looking up Naruto spoke after a few moments of silence. "Yes, she was one of the few people who didn't look at me with disgust, she also never berated me for my dream of being hokage. She's nice, caring, but sometimes her temper flares just like an uzumaki's." Naruto describes Hana while laughing at the end.

Snorting kana nodded before thinking 'alright good enough but I still need to see this girl for myself.'

"She's also five years older than me which is kinda a turn on." Naruto mumbled with embarrassment as he looked away.

Blinking kana narrowed her eyes at her ruto. "I see, well I have something to tell you." Kana stated seriously as she let go of Naruto and stood up. Taking in a breath she grabbed Naruto's hand and brought it to her stomach. "I'm pregnant."

*hokage tower*

"WHAT!" A distant scream could be heard.

"Huh?" Getting up and off her couch tsunade looked out the window before smirking "haha take that brat, it's what you deserve after all those headaches you gave me."

*naruto's appartment*

After explaining everything to Naruto kana stood there biting her lip in worry. She couldn't see what her naruto was thinking due to his hair shadowing his face. "So ruto what do you think?" Asked kana nervously as she shifted uncomfortably

Standing up Naruto enveloped kana in a bone crushing hug before whispering "thank you, thank you, thank you." Over and over again.

Smiling kana returned the hug relieved. 'Haha take that dog bitch I'm number one!' She mentally shouted as she did a happy dance in her mind.

*Inuzuka clan compound*

"I have a what?!" Asked a beautiful brown haired woman. She had on a light t-shirt and black leggings that did nothing to hide her model figure. On her face were two red fang tattoos.

Rolling her eyes tsume repeated with a smirk "you my little daughter have a marriage contract with Naruto. As in you two are going to be mates."

Hearing that again Hana's face went beat red as she thought about her childhood friend. He was younger than her but he never failed to make her smile with his antics and random compliments. That little shit would complement me and not even notice, the dense blond was always there, when she lost her teammate and friend Naruto comforted her, whenever one of her ninja dogs got hurt he would help with healing them. Pushing down her blush Hana took in a breath and tried to hide the hope that rose from within her. "Really, I can Naruto naru-kun?"

"Yup, but there's just one problem." Tsume replied with an annoyed expression

Widening her eyes Hana asked "what?"

"The pups already engaged to another uzumaki, just like his father." Tsume replied while gaining a distant look in her eyes.

"Oh." Was all Hana could say as she slumped down

Seeing her daughter get depressed Tsume hugged her before saying. "Don't worry I found a way for you to have him, since the pups the last male uzumaki he's been put under the CRA."

"CRA?" Asked a confused yet hopeful Hana

"Clan restoration act, the pups gotta have at least three wives in order to repopulate his clan." Tsume dropped the bomb on Hana

Gritting her teeth Hana asked "so either way I have to share him?"

"Yup, but don't look at it as a bad thing, I mean you've always wanted a sister right?" Rebuffed Tsume as she tried to comfort her daughter. Just than Hana's head shot to the side as she growled and glared out the window. "What's wrong?" Asked Tsume confused

Shaking her head Hana answered "I don't know but for some reason I felt like kicking Naruto's ass."

*naruto's apartment*

"Hnnn yes right there!" Kana squealed as she held Naruto's head in a vice like grip while he buried his tongue into her pussy, while with the help of the transformation jutsu he was able to make his tongue pierce her cervix and explore her incredibly sensitive womb.

As Naruto explored kana's deepest depths he used his hands to hold her feet together as he fucked them.

After a while he finally let loose a torrent of cum onto kana's soles as she drenched his face with his juices. Retracting his tongue Naruto threw kana onto her back as he stepped closer to her. Flipping her around Naruto lined his cock up with her puffy lips as kana's eyes refocused all she could see were two meaty ball dangling in front of her. Opening her mouth to speak she was cut off as Naruto sheathed himself balls deep into her throat. Nodding to himself Naruto thrusted his hips a few times as he summoned some clones to hoist kana up and hold her legs apart as he stood. As he did so he threw kana's legs over his shoulder and pulled her ass cheeks apart. As he molested her ass he made sure to utterly violate her throat. "This is what you get for farting in my face last night. It may have been funny to you but that was nasty." Naruto announced as he laid a hard slap onto kana's ass making her moan out in pain and pleasure. After a few more slaps Naruto used his finger to spread some of kana's pussy juices into her ass as he fingered her asshole. "Tonight I'm going to fuck your ass than make you choke on my dick while tasting this dirty little hole of yours. I hope you cleaned yourself well." Naruto off handedly mentioned as he felt kana shake in lust, shame, embarrassed, and worry. As he felt her slap his thigh a few times he pulled out of her throat. Looking down he noticed her once beautiful and pristine face was utterly ruined with the spit, and precum coming out of her mouth and nose and running down her face, smearing her makeup all over.

"Wait, I haven't showered, and we've been out all day, I'm sweaty and dirty down their." She exclaimed

"Oh you didn't care to mention that when I was devouring you pussy, nor when I shoved my dirty cock down your throat?" Naruto asked making her blush in embarrassment, shame, and excitement. Seeing that Naruto rolled his eyes honestly his woman was a switch, one moment and she'll be all demanding, overbearing, and controlling. Than the next she's a meek little kitten that wants to be dominated, demeaned, and fucked.

Pouting kana replied as she wiped some of the spit off her face. "That's because you don't care, I could be all sweaty and stinky from not showering for a few days, and you'd still lick me clean. Also you didn't exactly give me a chance to refuse before raping my throat." She growled out in anger but the hungry and needy look in her eyes completely contradicted her words.

Narrowing his eyes Naruto made one of his clones turn into a butt plug before piercing kaka's ass with it. "Oh so you don't want me to utterly ravage you tonight?" Naruto asked while playing with her butt plug.

Shivering at Naruto's cold tone while biting her lip to hide the pleasure filled moan that was bubbling from inside her she replied with gritted teeth. "No."

"Oh I see well than I guess I'll just have to make you want it than." Naruto replied. Than grabbing her head he proceeded to skull fuck kana till he came down her throat, in the process some shot out of her nose ruining her face even more.

Noodling to himself Naruto let kana fall back onto the bed before flipping her around and bringing her into the doggy style. Than spearing her pussy he used the transformation Justu to perfectly fit her snatch and hit all her pleaser spots while running his lightning jutsu through her system. As he did this he made sure to spank her ass red. "Don't worry hime tonight will be a long one." He whisper into her ears as kana shivered with a sloppy smile on her lips.