What will you do, when you got reincarnated in a world of games? Do you think you will be able to survive? What if I tell you, that this world is not as simple as you think it is. A world, that even common cold can kill you. For me, this ain't fun at all. It's hell!
It's cold.
I can't feel my body, my heart pumps too slow. Maybe I'll treat myself tomorrow.
Ahh, I should stop eating cup noodles, and other unhealthy stuffs.
How are my parents in the province? Hmmm, I should visit my parents and stay there for a while, I'm sure I won't get hungry when I live there.
*sigh* I'm hungry!
I'm so unlucky you know.
I worked hard in MMA. I trained till my body breaks, I knocked a lot of enemies and I become a champion. And here I am, I can't walk anymore.
You know why?
I was ganged up by some thugs.
I was GANGED up.
I was just drinking in some bar. I got drunk. Have some fun with a girl. I brought her in a hotel. I fall asleep.
I was too exhausted, after that jammed pack action I did. Who on earth can have stamina so great? I'm no porn star.
Anyways, after that those thugs came.
They slammed the door so hard.
Like *Bam*
I woke up. My head still hurt, I'm still drunk. But I can still fight.
-Right, the girl, where is she?
-She should be safe, I need to protect her. Wait, what?
-What a bitch. She's with them. Damn, well she did great so I will forgive her.
-Here they come.
-You fuck fuckers.
I gave them a good fight you know. I knocked five of them unconscious. What a good start. But, what can a muscle do with metal pipes? I'm not Iron Man. Neither do I am IP man.
Remember you lot, life is no movie.
Yeah, as a MM-Artist I did kick their asses and I'm proud of it. I endured them for a minute. But remember, they are more than ten, they are a fucking gang. How can I fucking block a more than ten metal pipes? How? Tell me!
Then after my great clash, they broke my spine, feet, and my knees.
And now, here I am a disabled person.
I can't walk. I can't do a single fucking thing.
Oh, I forgot I can play online games.
Well, since I was young I like playing video games. But I was poor at that time. I can't even play for an hour before.
I remember those slot coins console.
Hahahaa. That time was fun. I stole some coins in my mother's purse so that I can play.
Now I'm a disabled person. You can say that I'm a "No game no life" person. I spent my time on video games. I played any video games till I spend all my money that I earned. You see, I'm no pro, so I'm what you called a Paid User, or whatever term you use. For twenty years of playing video games, I'm still considered as a noob.
Well I'm having fun with it. You can't blame me. And I'm starting to have my game reflexes and I can now feel my potential. I can feel it. I need year and I'll be considered as a pro.
Yesterday, I got a fucking 10 points in Flappy Bird. I'm stuck in 1 point for how many years. And now a fucking 10 points, I feel proud with myself.
You see, one year and goodbye Noob-body and Hello, Pro-ness. I can feel my glory in video games. And be part in e-Sports.
But it's just a dream from now on. I don't have any money to pay for my electric bills. A while ago, my electricity got cut. Now, I can't play my games and can't cook my noodles. I'm gonna die for sure.
Ah. I'm still stuck in the tutorial of the game I'm playing right now. It's very hard. Now, that I don't have electricity, I can't continue anymore.
It's cold.
I can't feel my body, my heart pumps too slow.
Hey, why I feel cold?
Why am I getting weak?
It's bothering me. Gonna turn off this air-con.
Wait, when did I have an air-con? I remember I sold it. Also, my refrigerator, gym equipment and my car were sold. I'm poor now. So, when did I have the luxury for air-con?
Hey, why is my blanket wet?
I'm not sweating, but why am i wet?
Why, am I wet? Did I just piss my pants? Damn, maybe this is the source of the coldness I felt earlier.
*feels stomach*
No, this is not a piss. Piss doesn't flow out of the stomach.
Aw, it hurts.
Damn, this is blood for God's sake.
Ouch, it stings.
What the hell happen to me?
Oh yeah. Why did I not remember it?
*sigh* Signs of aging I guess.
I was shot by a robber.
He stole my game collections, my consoles! Even my smartphone is stolen.
I spend all my earnings on that. You goddamn fucker. You should have asked me for it, I'll give it to you. Why should you shoot me?
Well, I'm gonna die anyway. Hope you have a great day. Take care! Be careful when crossing the road, I hope you'll be crush by the passing cars. I won't hold any grudges, I won't really. I'm not that kind of person. I'm a good person.
*mumbling some curses*
Ahhhhhhhhw. Fuck.
Hoooo. Hoooo. Hoooo.
Inhale Exhale!
It hurts. God help me.
My head feels heavy.
*cough blood*
What is this? I can see my past memories.
Why am I remembering this? I'm going to die right now. Can it help me?
Is this what they say, that when you die you'll see your past memories and past regrets.
Not helping really. I think it becomes more painful.
Wait, why am I complaining? This pain is nothing. I don't have any problem right now.
I become a martial artist, become rich even for a short time, become independent, and I'm not a virgin anymore.
I think I'm fulfilled now.
I did not have any important regrets though. Maybe, my only regrets are for not getting full all the time and not becoming a pro player.
I'm alone and I died alone.
That's why it feels cold. There is no warmth.
I miss my parents. Mom, Dad I'm going first.
And for my destiny, I won't be seeing you anymore.
Well, goodbye world. Now I can have a rest.
*closes eyes*
*insert dramatic music*
*super ultra-light hits eye*
Ahh, WTF turn that lights off.
*cover eyes*
?: Hello, welcome to the afterlife.
"Main Character": What? After-Wutt?