
Chapter91 out of danger.

How about now? Is she in any danger?

Oscar Potter immediately stood up, his face did not fluctuate too much, but it was obvious that his tone was very concerned.

"There is no problem for the time being, but after that, we need to take good care of it. If I am not wrong, this species should be imported from North Africa, so he will not adapt to the domestic food, especially the water quality. Your pet has been in a state of malnutrition for a long time."

"Yes, it's a North African breed, but it's been in my hands for some time, and it's been back home for a few months."

"And you don't have to worry too much, although because of feeding frozen meat, it has a gastrointestinal reaction, but it's a blessing in disguise, otherwise Lovra's condition may be worse before it appears, when the time comes, it may not be too late to see a doctor."

The doctor's professional words, then Oscar Potter nodded repeatedly, and he could not help thinking deeply.