
Chapter88 bring it back.

He Jia the Estate.

Magnificent hall, brightly lit, huge crystal chandelier, a full seven or eight meters long table, here is the banquet hall of the He family, usually if the children are not back, there is no one to eat here.

Today, the white marble table is filled with all kinds of delicacies, old Mr. Potter sat in the first place, and the rest of the people lined up on either side of him according to their distance.

Whether sitting near or far away, the people at the table at the moment are all dressed in gorgeous clothes, elegant posture, and strive to show their most graceful side.

"It's rare to come back. Stay at home for a few more days this time."

Seeing that people are almost here, old Mr. Potter spoke leisurely to Oscar Potter, his old face with an aura of self-respect without anger, his slightly narrowed eyes made people unable to see his emotions, and his tone was just very indifferent, as if there was not much deep meaning.