
Chapter83 he had an affair.

Ember waited at the gate of the airport for almost 20 minutes and saw the man's car coming up in the distance.

Oscar Potter is as luxurious as ever, and the blue and black limited edition supercar is even more noble in the night.

"Get in the car."

The window rolled down, revealing the man's cold face.

Where is your little red? Why did you drive this car out?

Ember was impressed by Oscar Potter's little red car, which he had asked a lot of people to get a reservation before he returned home, and finally he had to spend a lot of money to bring it back.

At that time, he also advised him that he would come back sooner or later anyway, so why should he send the car back together for such a short time, but he did not agree, saying that he would charter a boat to bring the car back.

"At home."

Oscar Potter continued to drive without squinting, responding to her words as always.