
Chapter78 you are so sweet.

Julie Lawson sent her pictures taken secretly last night, of men staring at her silently in the dark carriage, then reaching for her head, and carrying her into the villa.

His posture is tall and straight, his shoulders are broad and his waist is thin, his legs are long and his clothes are good. He thought he was not short, but in his arms, he felt as relaxed as holding a doll.

Looking at the photo of himself walking to the villa in the middle of the night, Robin Smith smacked his lips and felt a little itchy in his heart. Why didn't he feel it? Is he such a flirting person?

After looking at her cell phone for a long time, Robin Smith felt inexplicably happy and got out of bed to wash.

Milan Olson's cooperation was also quickly explained, probably renting a floor in their hotel as a whole, and then dividing the floor into several rooms, one for players to live in, the other for crime scenes and reasoning rooms called interrogation rooms.