
Chapter70 never let people worry.

The shrill sound of ambulance sirens came from far to near, and finally stopped directly at the door of T & G.

Oscar Potter looked at the ambulance, and the paramedics got out of the car and went straight to the company, feeling a little uneasy.

He also got out of the car, kept moving his hands, and called Robin Smith.

However, the receiver rang for a long time, but no one answered. The closer to the front door of the company, the more noisy the environment was, and the more confused Oscar Potter was.

Before he could get close to the emergency stairs, the stretcher had already been carried down from upstairs, and a group of people came out of it, surrounded by a single frame, and the scene was once chaotic.

A white shoe fell off the stretcher, and Oscar Potter recognized at a glance the slippers the woman had worn before going out, and his heart tightened.

It's really her!