
Chapter65 don't go too far.

Oscar Potter watched the woman go back to the room, went into the study, and began to work, but somehow he could always think of the woman's slightly frightened face when she saw him, a little worried, after all, she seemed to be really frightened.

However, from the scene back to the room, she did not have any big movements, and before going upstairs, she could calmly joke with herself, presumably nothing happened.

Oscar Potter frowned, looked and looked in the direction of the door, picked up the phone and put it down, and finally could not resist walking to the door of her room.

The slender finger hangs in the air beside the door plank, but how also did not knock hard to go down, always feel oneself this kind of care is a bit superfluous, and appear inexplicably embarrassed.

Suddenly hearing a scream coming from inside, Oscar Potter was so nervous that he pressed the door handle and rushed in.