
Chapter29: I still love you.

Robin Smith reached out and touched the screen of his mobile phone, thinking about the head portrait of Wechat.

I went abroad to study for two years, because it was basically a different place, so they had done all the things that young couples in different places would do. At first, I thought it was childish to have a couple's head portrait, but because he said it, I changed it.

The mobile phone still retains the two-player games they played together before, as well as the software that can watch movies together online. All the memories come to us at the moment of opening the album.

That kind of pain that goes straight to the heart, unconsciously tears will fall down.

Just strong spirit, ready to ease the mood, the mobile phone in his hand suddenly vibrated, is the prompt of WeChat.

Little sister-in-law, have dinner together at night?

It was none other than Milan Olson who sent the message.