
Chapter24 throwing your weight around.

"What do you think she's so arrogant about?"

"Who knows, a daughter who has lost her inheritance.". Smith, all that's left now is temper!

Robin Smith was in the bathroom stall and was about to push the door out when he heard a chat coming from outside.

Originally, I didn't care until I heard that the daughter who lost the right of inheritance. Smith, she stopped.

How do you know he lost his inheritance? Haven't you decided yet? What about fair play?

I think you're the only one in the company who doesn't know! A few days ago, I heard that she almost killed the second young lady. And don't you see that the fiance is getting closer to the second young lady now?

It had already spread so quickly that Robin Smith wanted to laugh at himself, but he was still holding on and didn't want to be seen.