
Chapter20 get along warmly.

Robin Smith said to himself, and without waiting for any answer, he turned his head directly to the direction of the refrigerator, but as soon as he opened the refrigerator door in front of him, he was immediately dumbfounded.


Although I have been at home all this time, I have never opened the refrigerator, nor do I know that there is such a scene inside.

The cold white light hit the rows of mineral water, and on the door next to it was all kinds of wine, and there was nothing else.

Looking back at the man with a little embarrassment, Robin Smith was dumbfounded for a moment.

The main thing is that the scene looks too sad and funny.

"It seems that you are all right."

Seeing the expression on the woman's face at the moment, Oscar Potter's mouth was also unconsciously relaxed.

"Of course I'm all right. I just caught a cold."