
Chapter10 Oscar Potter has a daughter!

On a luxurious private jet, Oscar Potter listened to Eric's news with a cold expression and ordered: "Arrange someone to take Clark Smith out of the country and make some trouble for him."

"Yes, I'll arrange it right away." On the phone, Eric answered and continued, "Boss, now T & G has some gossip about Miss Robin. Do you want us to deal with it?"

"No, she can handle these things with her ability."

Oscar Potter looked at the smiling woman holding Cora in her cell phone, and her eyebrows softened. "She's not a flower in a greenhouse. She doesn't need to be cared for all the time."

Eric subconsciously wanted to ask if he could end the boring protection task since he didn't need to be cared for all the time. Before he could say it, he heard the faint voice of his boss:

"She just has to do whatever she wants to do, and I'll take care of the other eyesores for her, so if she makes any mistakes, Eric, I think you know what the consequences will be."