
Real life: Fiction Bringer

A man suddenly found himself suddenly being able to take things from video games, how will he deal with it? Let me clear a few things first: -The name: Although it's name has real world in it, it's not...really? It's our parallel world but with the supernatural in it? So in a sense it is a real world to the Mc. This is a slice of life fic so if you expect plot from the start then I will have to disappoint you.

Peck · Video Games
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14 Chs


Watching the two fairy doing their magic was a magical sight.

Now we're practically clean and shiny—not!

Turns out they can do cleaning magic, thinking about it again the tit job they did to me in my room didn't really leave a mess because they…swallow all of the sperm.

Anyway, I don't have to worry about their bath anymore…and cleaning magic is helpful. I'll ask them later if it's possible for me to learn them.

Seeing their magic also made me curious how their magic works, from what I see they don't seem to use the particles in the surrounding. My guess is that they brought their own magic system from the game, here.

If that's true then that would be amazing.

This also showed me how overpowered my power is.

"Where are we going next, hero?" Misty asked.

"Where are we going! Where are we going~."

Right, I almost forgot about that. I enjoyed the feeling of Bella's pair of melons on my head as I was thinking about how soft—I mean what should I do with them.

The place I'm going to go next is not really what I would call a private place, well, it is but it's complicated.

"Bella, Misty, can you promise me to not reveal yourself or do something that will risk you to reveal your presence no matter what happens until I say you can?" I say after I sort out my thoughts.

Bella and Misty caught each other's eyes for a moment before nodding.

"We will." Misty spoke.

A smile crept up my lips as I heard their words. "Thank you, and sorry. I just don't want anyone to know about both of your existence yet."

Not my family, not my best friends, and definitely not my acquaintance. No one should know of their existence for the time being.

I don't know how many people have superpowers. Is it a recent thing? Or has it been that way for a long time? If it has then how many organizations or factions are there? Do they already know me the moment I have my powers? Or am I just overthinking about it?

But what about the white lake? Misty warned me about the things living inside it, doesn't that mean supernatural is real?

It's a bit frustrating to not know the answer to those questions but what can I do? I'm just a man after all.

The best I can do for now is to lay low and try not to attract too much attention. Like I always do.

That does remind me to find a game that can protect me from power like seer or future sight.

Anyway, the place we're going next is my best-childhood friend's house…our headquarters or hidden lair or whatever she calls it. A place bought by her father then renovated with me.

The place was mostly where we hung out from time to time when we were kids. Now, she spends most of her time there or rather lives here rather than her home.

Sounds like trouble?

Yeah, from what I know it seems her father started to spend less time home then they heard the news of him cheating and confirmed it. Her mom divorced the dad and became a man hater.

Apparently, this happened a few months after I transferred school in another province because my mom has a job that asks her to transfer there.

Those were good times, though I'm only there from 6th grade junior to middle school 1st semester year 7. After that I transferred again to my own province, Pabun.

The reason why she lived in the 'hidden lair' rather than her home was because of…me.

Her mom doesn't like the fact that she's friends with me and they fought so the rest is history.

After knowing that her father was cheating on her mom, she despised her father and her relationship with mother became even closer as they looked out for each other more.

But her mother seems afraid that I will become like her husband and hurt her daughter, and my friend thinks otherwise so they fought.

I think it's because she saw how often we interacted through the phone even though we're far apart?

It's sad really, I knew her for as long as I can remember, she's like an elder sister I never had and to think that one incident was enough to change that is somewhat heart-breaking.

Really, the guy is such a bastard for cheating on his wife like that. She looked young and beautiful god damnit, why is he crazy enough to divorce her like that!?

The one thing I'm grateful of her for was that she could at least put on a facade in front of my young brothers back then and not leave them discouraged thinking they did something wrong.

Of course, I felt guilty about becoming the reason for my friend's distant relationship with her mother.

So I did what I could do best when I got transferred back as a middle-schooler kid back then.

Being a persistent little shit.

And oh boy, now I know how loud she loved her voice. It was to the point where I'm wondering why the glass in her house is not breaking due to how loud her voice was.

It was as if she became a completely different person…and sometimes made me wonder if this part of her is the reason why her husband decided to cheat on her…and she would give me this hard glare when my mind wanders to that thought.

Forcefully inserting myself into her life was hard but I'm doing this so my best friend and her mother can recover their relationship.

Hard work was a small price to pay for a good mother and daughter relationship.

With times she comes to tolerate me and it also lets me learn how to handle her behavior better.

Recently, she and her daughter spent time together on christmas. They even started to eat lunch and sometimes dinner together in the 'hidden lair'. Thanks to this guy of course.

"That was a nice flashback."

I already packed everything, Bella and Misty are invisible inside my bag. It's thirty minutes before evening, I already sent a message to my parents that I'm sleeping at my friend's house. Not that they know which one.

I often praise myself for spending the night at a girl's house without my parents knowing. Heh.

"Hold tight, we're going." After saying those words, I turned on the bike and hit the gas.




It didn't take long for me to reach the 'hidden lair'.

The place is located in front of the local road, it's a two-storey building with a tall steel fence. As a living place, it's pretty strategic as there is a convenience store and various food stalls nearby.

I stopped my bike in front of the fence, I got off my bike and took out the key then opened the fence before bringing my bike inside.

Closing and locking up the fence, I opened the door and entered the building…

"Raise your hands up in the air."

Only to be greeted by a girl who held a hunting rifle and pointed it at me. Black hair, sharp expression, and a cat eared headphones on her neck.

Milyana Minggu.

Or at least what she calls herself now.

My dearest best childhood friend. She can be weird sometimes but she's not a bad girl…if you don't cross her that is.

But pointing a rifle when I entered? At this point I just deadpanned at her as I know that she knows that it was me, I guess it's just not my luck today, should've checked her stream to see if she's live or not.

"Can we not do this today—."

"I said hands up in the air!"

She cut me off before I could finish my words, I can see her lips rising as she continued to point the rifle at me. I'm starting to regret buying that rifle for her fifteenth birthday.

I sighed and raised my hand up in the air. Here we go again.

"Good, it seems you don't hold any weapons." Milyana grinned as she saw me playing along with her.

"Slowly enter and close the door with your feet. Slowly."

I sighed again and did what she told me to.


When the door closed I looked at her again, waiting for her next words.

"Put down your bag then kick it to the side, slowly~"

Damnit, she's not even hiding that she's enjoying this.


Sorry Bella, Misty, I'll make sure to give both of you a five star food after this.

"Can we stop this now—"

"SHUSH, I'm the one talking here."

I sighed and let her cook what she's cooking.

It's been a while for her to do this, I noticed her mind seems occupied for the past few weeks but it seems she already cleared her mind.

"What's your name and why are you here?"

I rolled my eyes and looked her dead in the eyes.

"Kristian Hari, I'm here to visit my shitty childhood friend named Milyana." Her lips twitched when she heard my words but she ignored it and continued with the play. heh.

"So you're claiming yourself to be my horny childhood monkey? Yeah right! How do I know if you're the real one!"

H-horny monkey? Fine, let's ignore that one but the real one? That's just absurd and I will tell her just that.

"Now, you're just being absurd."

Milyana smiled when I said those words. What's this eerie feeling as if I just stepped on a trap?

"Then show me."


Her smile widened as she saw my confused look.

"Take your shirt off."



It didn't take me a second to realize what she wanted and she seemed to see me realizing as her smile turned into a mischievous one.

"I said get that shirt off and show me those abs!"

Yep, totally expect this to happen. Really, why does our relationship have to be more complicated than her relationship with her mother.

I sigh internally, I have seen enough erotic material of far east origins to see where this is going.

The question is do I dew it or don't dew it?

Dew it.

Nah. I can but…

"I refuse!"

Her smile turned into a frown.

"I'm the one holding the gun here, impostor!" She barked.

"So? What are you gonna do?"

Milyana clicked her tongue as she saw me not playing anymore.

"Obey me or I will do it. Accept the outcome, impostor! The only end you'll have is below me!"

I raised my eyebrow at the obvious innuendo.

"Then dew it."

Come and bite me bitch! I fucking dare you–

Milyana grins cheekily and puts down the hunting rifle, her hands move toward the bottom of her shirt before taking it off.

Shit, she really did it.

"What happened, monke. Cat got your tongue?" She spoke as she finally took off her pants. Fully showing me what she wore underneath, a sexy, black and white, crotchless lingerie.

Milyana seemed to like the astonished expression on my face as she walked to me, her hips swaying and her boob bouncing lightly at the rhythm of her steps.

"Do you like it? This baby just arrived this morning."

"Yes–I mean no. Wait, why are you even wearing it?" She chuckled at my question.

"No reason." She said as she stood in front of me. I stared down at her in the eyes because I'm taller than her, the stare lasted for a few more moments before she brought her face close to me.

"Now that you ruined the fun. Let's start with the main event." her hand rested on my crotch as she spoke.

This is why I said my relationship with her is complicated.

What exactly are we?

Best/childhood friend?


Friend with benefits?

It seems the status changes sometimes with the first one being the main one.

Anyway I don't have time for this shit, I already had my fill with Bella and Misty so I'm fine without sex for a while.

Yeah…I had sex with fairies. Does this consider cheating? I mean, we're not really in a relationship and…yeah, I don't know. But they are game characters so it doesn't count?

Pretty sure it doesn't? Maybe? Perhaps?

I put my hand on her lips and stopped her from kissing me.

Milyana looked at me with a raised eyebrow as I completely killed the mood off.

"Not today? I'm here for the playstation." I said while rubbing the back of my head awkwardly.

Hmm, why am I making this more awkward by acting awkward.

Hurry, think something else.

Game characters or not as long as you have sex oral or vaginal, I'm pretty sure it's considered cheating.

She looked at me with a 'really' expression on her face as I nodded silently.

"Fuck me and I'll let you play. I'm kinda stressed right now and I'm not in the mood to play with my hands or toys."

Well, if it's only that…

"Okay, only for a few minutes okay?"

Milyana chuckled at my words "I know, not like you can last more than a few minutes. Minute man~"

Ding dong, someone just lost her sleeping privilege. I picked her up in a bridal carry and went to take her to the bedroom.

"Heh, someone is salty~"

I have to admit, she knows me well enough to know which button to push. To be honest, I can just laugh it off and give her a quickie before getting my hands on that playstation.

"Let's see who's salty when I shove my dick down your throat."

"We'll see if you last long enough first, minute man~."

But somehow her face is more annoying than usual today and I want to see that annoying smug face to be covered by my nut. Eyes rolled up and tongue out from pleasure.

And personally I wouldn't take this level of disrespect.

"We'll see."