

When she was just going to attempt suicide a boy named won came . She thought that she was going to end her life but still she did not have the courage to do. In mean

time won after seeing her standing there thought that she was going to commit suicide which she was not going to do now . He immediately took her down by holding her hand .It was dark and jiaming lost her glasses she could not see won's face because of that. Won asked her why she was doing that and told her someone might

live all his life in guilt due to her this act. It turned out that a bestfriend of won had committed suicide in past and won blamed himself for that as his dad was

involved in this case. In past won's father who was a popular singer had a scandal with a women which his friend Tan knew about . Won's Dad made circumstances

so difficult that Tan gave up on his life .After seeing Jiaming standing there won recalled the past. Well after this all jiaming went home in a taxi . She still

did not knew who saved her because she could not see the face due to her poor eye sight and she had lost her glasses before . Jiaming after reaching home

thought to change her life . She came up with an idea of going to school with make up on . Well the next day she went to school with make up on but everyone

laughed at her because she did not knew how to put on makeup. After coming to home from school that day she watched many makeup tutorials. After seeing alot

of them she found her idiol selina and she created all new look of hers by doing makeup . Now she was all beautiful and all the spots etc were gone from her skin due

to makeup . After this new look she transferred to another school . On the first day of her school everybody wanted to be her friend as she was all beautiful now.

She made two new girl friends named yilan and Ju . Won was one of her class fellows but obviously she could not recognize him because she could not see him the

other day and neither won could recognize her because she was totally changed with makeup. After school that day jiaming went to a bookstore near her neighbourhood.

Jiaming went there since she was a kid. Fortunately Won was there to as he also used to go there since his childhood. Won could not recognize her as her class fellow

because she had no make up on . Won recognized her as the girl he saved and on the other side jiaming could not recognize him as the boy he saved but her class fellow.

Jiaming got all nervous because she thought that won had recognize her and now it would be revealed that she had makeup on she is not beautiful in real life.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

minahil_fatima_3940creators' thoughts