
Ready and Go

Don't think about when things happen. Don't think about how much time you spent. Don't look at the dead body. Just run, Leo, run.

Dead_Piano · Urban
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2 Chs

An apology letter

It all begins when it begins. And that's the point, right? Having a start, a gunshot, 1, 2, 3 and go. We need this for the story, so the "once upon a time" can become the "happy ever after", so the hero can defeat the bad guy. So everyone can live in the end.

What's better than a good story with a good start?

So, I ask myself, when did my curtains open? When did the movie start? There is no answer because, in my case, it was already over when I jumped in. The story had already reached its final.

The fault, I must say, wasn't mine. It was never me, and yet it was. All on me.

I'm very sorry.