

Chapter 255: Lin Yuan's Strength (Seeking Subscriptions)

In an underground world spanning tens of thousands of miles in radius, only Lin Yuan sat cross-legged. The terrifying aura emanating from him distorted the space slightly.

"The eighth stage of the Martial Way has reached the second stage," Lin Yuan suppressed his aura and nodded in satisfaction. "The Immortal Way techniques indeed have a good effect on perfecting the eighth stage."

"However, from the second stage of the eighth stage onwards, the difficulty of cultivation begins to soar. But with extraordinary comprehension, it's just a matter of time."

In Lin Yuan's conception, the eighth stage of the Martial Way had four stages, similar to most evolution paths in the main world.

But regarding the specific cultivation content, Lin Yuan had pushed himself to the limit of what he could do at the moment. If he were only creating an ordinary eighth-stage evolution path, it wouldn't require so much effort.

However, the eighth stage of the Martial Way was a crucial stage in Lin Yuan's cultivation, so he couldn't just go through the motions.

"My current realm has also stepped into the second stage of the eighth stage."

If it weren't for his exposure to the Immortal Way cultivation system of the Spirit Realm and other cultivation systems, which allowed Lin Yuan to reshape the Martial Way evolution path multiple times, he probably wouldn't have reached this level for decades.

"But when I returned to the eighth stage, I didn't experience the ordeal of the Heart Demon or the physical ordeal that the Immortal Way King needs to go through."

Lin Yuan stroked his chin, lost in thought.

He speculated on the reason for the absence of the physical ordeal. This kind of tribulation was for Immortal Way cultivators. Although Lin Yuan drew from many essences of the Immortal Way cultivation system, his foundation was still in the Martial Way evolution path, so he didn't need to face the physical ordeal experienced by Immortal Way cultivators.

As for the Heart Demon ordeal, Lin Yuan believed that his mental will had already undergone transformation and didn't need to experience it again.

"Having stayed here for over nine hundred years, and now only a hundred years have passed, I still have plenty of time to perfect the next three stages of the eighth stage."

Lin Yuan was quite confident about this.

"Once the eighth stage is perfected, the Martial Way evolution path will become one of the top eighth-stage evolution paths in human history."

Lin Yuan stood up and walked out of the underground world and onto the surface.

This underground world was discovered by Lin Yuan by chance over ninety years ago. It was probably a relic of some ancient sect. Lin Yuan later transformed it into his usual place for cultivation.


With a step, Lin Yuan entered, following the spatial fluctuations. Almost in an instant, he arrived outside the city of Xiyao.

Although the underground world where Lin Yuan cultivated was tens of millions of miles away from Xiyao, he could traverse it with just one step, thanks to his mastery of spatial rules.

Over the past hundred years, Lin Yuan had not only restored his strength and perfected the eighth stage of the Martial Way, but he had also never given up on comprehending the rules of space.

The core spatial models that Lin Yuan had comprehended now exceeded four thousand, and his inner world had expanded to four million miles in radius as a result.

This four-million-mile radius was purely the size of his inner world, entirely supported by spatial rules, without the amplification from the mysterious gourd in the main world.

If the amplification were based on the fivefold increase before the traverse, Lin Yuan's current inner world size would be about twenty million miles in radius.

With a twenty-million-mile radius inner world, Lin Yuan far exceeded the upper limit of ten million miles for human evolutionists' inner worlds.

The world power born from such a huge inner world could probably challenge even an eighth-stage invincible with a few moves.

"I have time to bring that mysterious gourd over," Lin Yuan thought to himself as he walked into Xiyao City.

A hundred years ago, Lin Yuan's strength was not enough, so he didn't bring the mysterious gourd over, fearing accidents.

But now? Even facing the Immortal Way Kings overlooking the Spirit Realm, Lin Yuan had no fear.

"This time, the recasting of the physical divine abilities."

Lin Yuan's thoughts turned. In the sixth stage of the Martial Way, he would condense physical divine abilities from his bloodline.

Different bodies and different bloodlines would naturally condense different physical divine abilities.

In the world of Zhongtu Shenzhou, the physical divine ability Lin Yuan condensed was 'Blood Rebirth.'

On his true body in the main world, the physical divine ability Lin Yuan condensed was 'Mountain Moving.'

And now, on the body in the Spirit Realm from his eighth traverse, the physical divine ability Lin Yuan condensed was 'Enhancement.'

Once the 'Enhancement' divine ability was activated, Lin Yuan's body, blood, spirit, mind, will, and everything else would skyrocket tenfold.

Even the world power within his inner world would gain a tenfold increase.

Although the duration of the divine ability 'Enhancement' was short, only lasting for ten breaths, and after the divine ability ended, Lin Yuan's strength would temporarily weaken by twenty to thirty percent.

But without a doubt, this divine ability was definitely a trump card.

In battles between strong individuals, victory or defeat could be decided in an instant, let alone ten breaths?

And with everything such as the body, blood, spirit, mind, and will all increasing tenfold, the impact on strength was far more than just tenfold.

Lin Yuan had a plan in mind.

Only by condensing the divine ability imprint could he bring this divine ability back to the main world. Lin Yuan remembered that it took him fifty years to comprehend the 'Blood Rebirth' divine ability imprint.

As for the 'Mountain Moving' divine ability, Lin Yuan hadn't yet comprehended its divine ability imprint due to the short time he spent in the main world.

Returning to the Martial Temple.

Before long, several elders approached.

"Elders," Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

Over the past century, the elders of the Martial Temple had treated Lin Yuan quite well, almost seeing him as the future of the temple. If it weren't for the temple's support in the early stages, Lin Yuan wouldn't have reached this point today, though it would have taken much longer.

Immortal cultivators needed resources. Martial cultivators also needed resources. Especially at the sixth and seventh stages, opening up an inner world consumed vast resources.

"Changer, these are the Immortal Way techniques you requested," the Supreme Elder took out several jade slips, his gaze toward Lin Yuan revealing a trace of admiration he couldn't control.

As early as seventy or eighty years ago, several Supreme Elders couldn't fathom Lin Yuan anymore. Although they hadn't directly clashed with him, every time they got close to Lin Yuan, they felt an inexplicable palpitation.

This feeling disappeared sixty years ago, but they didn't underestimate Lin Yuan. They simply felt that he might have reached the pinnacle of simplicity. Several Martial Way seventh stage ancestors were like this.

Unless deliberately displaying his aura, he looked no different from an ordinary person.

"The Tai Shang Yuqing Immortal Sutra, is this the hidden technique of the Tai Shang Immortal Sect?" Lin Yuan became interested.

For the past few decades, Lin Yuan had entrusted several Supreme Elders to collect Immortal Way techniques as much as possible. Although the elders didn't understand why a Martial Way cultivator like Lin Yuan would collect Immortal Way techniques, they had no doubts about his terrifying talent and aptitude displayed so far.

Lin Yuan quickly browsed through the 'Tai Shang Yuqing Immortal Sutra' and nodded slightly. "Although it ends after the Foundation Establishment stage, as the top Immortal King who shook the three thousand states, the Immortal King's created scripture does have its merits."

Lin Yuan's tone carried a hint of admiration.

Even among Immortal Kings, there were distinctions. The Supreme Immortal King was the strongest in the Foundation Establishment stage. Lin Yuan speculated that the Supreme Immortal King might correspond to the eighth-stage invincibles in the main world.

"The Tai Shang Immortal Sect once intentionally spread the Tai Shang Yuqing Immortal Sutra and allowed other cultivators to practice it, otherwise, we wouldn't have obtained it," the Supreme Elder nodded.

The intention behind the Tai Shang Immortal Sect's actions was easy to guess. They were searching for Immortal Way geniuses suitable for practicing the Tai Shang Yuqing Immortal Sutra among the three thousand states. The Immortal scriptures they spread outside only went from the Qi Refining stage to the Foundation Establishment stage. Even if any wandering cultivator managed to start, the only way to continue further was to visit the Tai Shang Immortal Sect.

"Changer," the Supreme Elder hesitated for a moment before asking, "What is your current realm? The seventh stage of the Martial Way?"

The Supreme Elder asked cautiously.

In just a hundred years, to cultivate to the seventh stage of the Martial Way was something they wouldn't believe in the past. But Lin Yuan's performance in the past century made the elders consider this possibility. They, the Supreme Elders, were already at the sixth stage of the Martial Way, so if Lin Yuan could oppress them, he probably was at the seventh stage.

"My current realm?" Lin Yuan smiled faintly.

The other Supreme Elders subconsciously perked up their ears, curious about Lin Yuan's current strength.

"No," Lin Yuan shook his head.

He hadn't been at the seventh stage of the Martial Way since sixty years ago.

"Not at the seventh stage of the Martial Way?" The Supreme Elder breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a complex emotion surging in his heart.

On one hand, he hoped Lin Yuan was at the seventh stage of the Martial Way because that would mean the birth of another seventh-stage ancestor in the Martial Way evolution path, further expanding the influence of the Martial Temple.

But rationally, the Supreme Elder didn't believe that Lin Yuan could reach the seventh stage in just a hundred years; that was too unbelievable.

Now, with Lin Yuan's confirmation, the doubts in the minds of the Supreme Elders disappeared.

Throughout it all, whether it was the Supreme Elder or the other Supreme Elders, none of them had ever considered that Lin Yuan might be at the eighth stage of the Martial Way.

Because that was simply absurd. Since the birth of the Martial Way evolution path, the strongest had always been at the seventh stage, stopping at the level of True Immortals in the Immortal Way.

The eighth stage of the Martial Way? Even the legendary Martial Ancestor had never reached it, let alone someone like Lin Yuan who had only cultivated for a hundred years.

"If not the seventh stage, then it's the sixth stage."

"A hundred years to reach the sixth stage; since the establishment of our Martial Temple, such a cultivation speed is unparalleled," the Supreme Elder thought silently.

For hundreds of thousands of years, countless Martial Way geniuses had emerged, but never before had there been a Martial Way cultivator who reached the sixth stage in just a hundred years.

The sixth stage of the Martial Way corresponded to the Sage of the Ancient Dao in the Immortal Way. Even among those who cultivated for a hundred years in the Immortal Way, only the monstrous talents and seeds of Immortal Kings had a chance.

After the Supreme Elders left, Lin Yuan sat cross-legged in the cave.

"I need to assess my current strength," Lin Yuan began to examine himself. With various methods at his disposal, even without the amplification of a world within his body exceeding tens of millions of square miles, Lin Yuan's combat power was close to that of an eighth-stage invincible.

If he used the 'Strength Enhancement' divine ability, within ten breaths, Lin Yuan's combat power would probably surpass that of an eighth-stage invincible by a considerable margin.

"I just wonder, what is the power of creation mastered by Immortal King-level experts?" Lin Yuan pondered silently.

After years of understanding, Lin Yuan roughly determined that Transcendent Immortal Kings probably didn't have a world within their bodies. They relied on the power of creation they mastered. Ordinary Immortalists possessed some of the power of creation, while Supreme Immortal Kings mastered the complete power of creation.

"Unfortunately, there are no Immortal King-level experts in the Eastern Cloud Dao Province."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly. Even considering the entire three thousand states, Immortal King-level experts were extremely rare. At least there were none in the Eastern Cloud Dao Province.

Otherwise, Lin Yuan might have found one or two Immortal Kings to test his skills.

As for the areas beyond the Eastern Cloud Dao Province, they were too far away. Despite Lin Yuan's mastery of spatial rules, being able to travel millions or tens of millions of miles in a single step, reaching the next Dao Province would still take a considerable amount of time.

With that time spent traveling, Lin Yuan might as well spend it in seclusion.

As for Transcendent Immortal Kings, even if he went to another Dao Province, whether he could find them was another matter.

"I can bring that gourd over now."

Lin Yuan thought to himself. With his current strength, at least within the scope of the Eastern Cloud Dao Province, he was invincible. Even if there were hidden Transcendent Immortal Kings, they probably wouldn't be able to defeat Lin Yuan.

So now he definitely has the power to keep that mysterious gourd safe.


With that in mind, Lin Yuan's consciousness began to sink deep into his mind.

Looking at the majestic and grand Gate of the Myriad Realms.

"Crossing dimensions, crossing latitudes, it's hard to imagine."

Even though he had seen the Gate of the Myriad Realms more than once, Lin Yuan still felt a sense of awe rising in his heart.

When he first became an Evolver, Lin Yuan only felt that the Gate of the Myriad Realms was vast and majestic, but now he realized that this gate seemed to span the infinite worlds like a colossal entity.

"For a hundred years, everything seems normal in the main world, nothing significant has happened."

Through the Gate of the Myriad Realms, Lin Yuan vaguely sensed the environment on the other side of the main world.

"Let's begin."

With a slight movement of his mind, Lin Yuan expended a wisp of Boundary Breaking Source Power, starting to teleport that mysterious gourd from the main world to his current location.


In the center of the Gate of the Myriad Realms, faint spatial fluctuations appeared.

These spatial fluctuations were deep and distant, as if emanating endless mysteries.

Lin Yuan carefully sensed that the method of teleporting items across dimensions and latitudes far surpassed his current understanding. By feeling it a bit more, perhaps he could comprehend something extraordinary with his incredible insight.

After a moment.

The spatial fluctuations gradually calmed down.

A gray-yellow gourd slowly emerged.

It fell into Lin Yuan's palm.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 256: Is This What You Call an Unprecedented Genius? (Subscribe)


Lin Yuan looked at the gray-yellow gourd in his palm.

The moment it touched Lin Yuan's palm, the originally gray-yellow gourd instantly turned yellow, shedding its color to become an ordinary gray gourd.

"It can actually sense whether I've absorbed the liquid inside," Lin Yuan said with slight surprise.

Based on his experience using the gourd, its surface color depended on the user's absorption of the liquid inside.

For example, in the main world, Lin Yuan absorbed orange-yellow liquid, so the surface color of the gourd changed from gray to gray-yellow.

"Let's begin."

Lin Yuan's expression turned serious.

The liquid inside the gray gourd had a tremendous effect on his strength.

Especially in enhancing his inner world. Currently, Lin Yuan's inner world reached four million miles in diameter. If Lin Yuan restored the level of enhancement he had in the main world, his inner world would expand to twenty million miles in diameter.

And that was just the enhancement from the orange-yellow liquid. There were five other colored liquids behind it.

Lin Yuan couldn't imagine what would happen once he completely absorbed all seven colors of liquid. 

"Let's confirm eligibility with a drop of blood first."

Lin Yuan's thoughts focused as he dripped a drop of blood onto the surface of the gourd.

Only creatures with the "power of rebirth" in their bloodline could activate the gourd.

For Lin Yuan, the so-called "power of rebirth" was the aura of the "rebirth through blood" ability.

The bloodline verification passed.

Lin Yuan immediately noticed the gourd beginning to change.

"Crimson liquid."

Turning the mouth of the gourd downward, Lin Yuan soon saw crimson liquid condensing.

Lin Yuan didn't hesitate to start absorbing it.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, several years had passed.

Compared to the previous hundred years, these years seemed to fly by.

In the cave of the Martial Temple.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged, his inner world vast and majestic, now reaching twenty-six million miles in diameter.

It was important to note that the upper limit for human civilization evolvers was only ten million miles in diameter, a restriction imposed by the race, with hardly any possibility of breaking through.

And yet, Lin Yuan's current inner world easily reached twenty-six million miles in diameter. If news of this were to spread to the Human Civilization Alliance in the main world, it would likely provoke intervention from powerful figures.

Such means of surpassing the upper limits of the race would require a heavy price even for the strongest, yet the liquid inside the gourd seemed to accomplish it effortlessly?

In the inner world.

Lin Yuan's figure condensed.

"The immense power of this world..."

Lin Yuan was momentarily entranced. In the main world, Lin Yuan's inner world barely reached ten million miles in diameter, still within the constraints of the human evolver's inner world limit.

But now, with his inner world reaching twenty-six million miles in diameter, filled with surging world power, Lin Yuan couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.

A ten-million-mile-diameter inner world versus a twenty-million-mile-diameter inner world was not just double the difference.

"Invincible at the Eighth Rank. Even without using the 'strengthening' ability, my current strength should be at the level of invincibility at the Eighth Rank," Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Theoretically, only with an inner world of tens of millions of miles in diameter would there be a possibility of matching the invincibility of the Eighth Rank.

However, that was only in the case of an inner world of tens of millions of miles in diameter. By relying solely on the immense power of the world, even an Eighth Rank invincible's cosmic power could be countered.

Although Lin Yuan's current inner world was only over twenty million miles in diameter, he had many other means.

Overall, his combat power was no weaker than that of a normal Eighth Rank invincible.


Lin Yuan raised his head slightly, gazing at the sky above.

There, a sphere made entirely of lunar and solar energy was suspended.

Ever since Lin Yuan re-entered the Seventh Rank and opened up his inner world, the complete lunar and solar rules manifested within his inner world and began to merge.

And now, this scene unfolded before him.

A sphere composed entirely of lunar and solar energy hung in the air.

Lin Yuan could feel that within the sphere, after the fusion of the lunar and solar rules, a transformation and transition were underway.

So he didn't pay too much attention to it.

"It should be nearing completion."

Lin Yuan carefully sensed the changes inside the sphere. Every transformation of the lunar and solar rules seemed to occur naturally. Lin Yuan could intervene if he wanted to, but he knew it was best to observe quietly at this time.

"Could it be that a completely new rule—Tai Chi Rule—is about to be born?"

Lin Yuan speculated.

The Tao of Tai Chi was a path created by Lin Yuan himself. Unlike the rules of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, light, thunder, and other cosmic elements, which already existed within the universe, the Tai Chi rule had never appeared before Lin Yuan's creation, whether in the main world or in other traversing worlds.

In the city of Leisure.

A luxurious mansion.

Lin Yuan appeared here.

"Changer, you're here?" Shen Zhen was watering flowers in the mansion. When she saw Lin Yuan, she exclaimed with joy.

Lin Jianping was practicing cultivation. Hearing Shen Zhen's excited voice, he immediately came out of seclusion and saw Lin Yuan.

"Changer, it's been a long time since you last visited," Lin Jianping said with a smile. "What's up? Busy with matters at the Martial Temple?"

"Not really." Lin Yuan shook his head.

He wasn't in charge of the Martial Temple affairs, and even the several Elders of the Martial Temple wouldn't meddle in those trivial matters.

During his cultivation, it was normal to occasionally close off for several years.

Usually, after each closure, Lin Yuan would visit his parents.

"Changer, you've been working too hard. Whether it's cultivation or other matters, you need to focus on rest. Maybe you'll achieve better results that way." Shen Zhen said hurriedly.

Lin Jianping also smiled and said, "That's right, son. Look at us, we've been enjoying life early on. All the matters in the chamber of commerce are taken care of by subordinates. With you backing us up, who dares not to do things seriously?"

Lin Jianping had been living a particularly comfortable life in recent years. His son had become a big figure in the Martial Temple, and the aristocratic families in the city of Leisure almost fought to give him money and gifts.

"I asked if you've eaten those two fruits I brought you last time?" Lin Yuan asked casually.

Those two fruits could prolong life and improve constitution. They had almost no effect on Lin Yuan himself, but for parents like Lin Jianping and Shen Zhen, who were low-level cultivators, they had an almost transformative effect.

"I ate that fruit, and I feel like I've become decades younger. Son, are there any more of those fruits available now?" Lin Jianping became interested.

"What nonsense are you talking about? These kinds of immortal fruits are treasures even in the Martial Temple. Are you trying to make things difficult for your son? One fruit isn't enough after you've already eaten one?" Shen Zhen immediately became unhappy.

To this day, they still didn't know Lin Yuan's specific identity within the Martial Temple, only that his status was high. This was also intentionally concealed by the several Elders of the Martial Temple. It wasn't a good thing for other forces to have a world-class genius like Lin Yuan emerge in the Martial Temple. So, until Lin Yuan fully grew up, news about him would be sealed off.

"I was just asking." Lin Jianping also knew the preciousness of those fruits.

"If you want to eat, I'll bring some next time." Lin Yuan smiled faintly.

With his current nearly invincible Eighth Rank strength, he could easily pick some fruits for prolonging life and consolidating the foundation.

On the outskirts of the Xuanwang Domain.

Three Seventh Rank martial artists gathered once again.

"This campaign is almost over. The three of us can finally go back." One of the Seventh Rank martial artists spoke.

His name was Shan Yang, born in the Spirit Realm. He fortunately entered the Martial Temple and, after nearly a hundred thousand years of cultivation under the Martial Temple, he reached the Seventh Rank of martial arts.

Shan Yang was very grateful to the Martial Temple. With his qualifications, if it weren't for the Martial Temple, he would probably live like an ordinary person and return to dust after a hundred years.

Where else could he have such terrifying strength comparable to a true immortal?

"This time when we go back, we can finally take a good rest." Another Seventh Rank martial artist sighed.

During the battle for the Ethical Immortal Sect, they had to fight against those combined Dao True Immortals almost every few intervals. Even for Seventh Rank martial artists, such frequent battles were exhausting.

"Didn't they say that the Martial Temple has taken in a world-class genius? When we go back this time, the three of us should each allocate some time to guide and cultivate, striving to cultivate another Seventh Rank martial artist for our Martial Temple." Li Qing spoke.

As a creature that ascended from the lower realms, Li Qing had received guidance from the legendary Martial Ancestor himself.

Li Qing's strength had reached the peak of the Seventh Rank. If it weren't for the lack of a path, he would have probably tried to advance to the ultimate Eighth Rank long ago.

"Hahaha, I won't forget about this."

Shan Yang grinned and said, "When I return to the Martial Temple this time, I plan to take that little guy to travel through the Nine Heavens of the Spirit Realm, experiencing the vast atmosphere of the Spirit Realm."

"Learning from the Spirit Realm."

"It's a good method." Li Qing nodded.

Although they didn't know what kind of person the world-class genius in the Martial Temple was, learning from the Spirit Realm wouldn't be wrong. The vast Spirit Realm had nurtured countless powerhouses.

Traveling through the Nine Heavens of the Spirit Realm, even for them, Seventh Rank martial artists, would occasionally bring enlightenment.

"I just don't know if that little guy can handle the atmosphere of the Nine Heavens. The aura on the Ninth Heaven is not something an ordinary person can bear." Shan Yang thought again.

"If he can't bear it, let him take it slowly."

"And don't forget about his feelings." Li Qing reminded.

"Don't worry, Li Ancestor, I know my limits."

Shan Yang smiled.

Once he discovered that the little guy couldn't bear it.

Then he immediately stopped roaming.

"I've prepared three Azure Heaven Spirit Pills," another Seventh Rank martial artist spoke.

His name was Nie Yun, also born in the Spirit Realm, and entered the Seventh Rank of martial arts twenty thousand years ago.

"Azure Heaven Spirit Pills? Those are foundation-building divine pills below the Sixth Rank. It shouldn't be easy to refine a furnace of them," Shan Yang said with slight surprise.

"Even if it's not easy, it must be refined."

"For the prosperity of our martial path."

Nie Yun said solemnly.

Although there were currently three Seventh Rank ancestors in the martial cultivation system, compared to those colossal beings with inheritances of tens of millions of years, they were still far behind.

Not to mention, just the Ethical Immortal Sect alone could crush the current Martial Temple.

The Ethical Immortal Sect had dozens of Dao True Immortals presiding over it, with over five Dao True Immortals at the pinnacle of Dao Fusion.

More importantly, the path of immortal cultivation followed by the Ethical Immortal Sect had the potential to ascend and overcome tribulations.

Just this point alone was something the martial cultivation system couldn't compare to.

"For the prosperity of martial arts."

Li Qing's expression became solemn as she spoke, word by word.

She vaguely remembered that Lin Yuan had saved her when they were in the Eastern Sea, teaching her martial arts.

So Li Qing had long treated what Lin Yuan wanted to do as her own goal, which was to spread the martial cultivation system.

This was true even in the Central Divine Continent. Now, in the vast Spirit Realm, Li Qing still regarded it as her lifelong goal.

The Martial Temple.

Inside the cave.

Lin Yuan continued to try to absorb the orange liquid.


Terrifying flames burned within his body, and the power of rebirth generated by dripping blood canceled each other out, causing Lin Yuan's body to collapse.

Not long after.

Lin Yuan underwent a rebirth through dripping blood and returned once again.

"It'll probably take some time before I can completely absorb the orange liquid."

Lin Yuan steadied himself, slowly calming the pain he had experienced while absorbing the orange liquid just now.

So far, Lin Yuan's inner world had received a 5.2 times basic amplification. If he were to completely absorb the orange liquid, it would reach a 6.66 times amplification.

At that time, the size of his inner world would approach 26 million li.

"Let's take a break first."

Lin Yuan didn't immediately resume absorbing the orange liquid.

Although the mysterious liquid in the gourd could continuously enhance his physical strength and inner world, it also inflicted increasingly heavy damage and suppression on his mental will. After each absorption, Lin Yuan had to rest for at least a few hours.


"The Grand Elder is looking for me?"

"The three Elders are back?"

Lin Yuan suddenly received a communication from the Grand Elder.

"Three Seventh Rank martial artists, Li Qing..." Lin Yuan's mind recalled Li Qing's appearance.

At that time, when his Solar Spirit traversed the Eastern Sea and saw a village on a small island being slaughtered by monsters, Lin Yuan saved them casually.

And Li Qing was from that village.

Later, Lin Yuan discovered that Li Qing had considerable martial cultivation talent, so he casually brought her back to Baiyu Island.

"Let's go and take a look."

Lin Yuan got up and walked out of the cave, heading to the main hall of the Martial Temple.

Inside the Martial Temple's main hall at this time, several elders stood respectfully.

Three figures sat in the main seats.

They were the three Seventh Rank ancestors of the Martial Temple.

They were Li Qing, Shan Yang, and Nie Yun.

"Elders, we have informed Lin Chang to come," the Grand Elder respectfully said.

"Okay, understood."

Shan Yang nodded. "After the meeting, I will directly take him to roam the Nine Heavens of the Spirit Realm."

The Nine Heavens of the Spirit Realm, strictly speaking, were located in different spatial layers, each with unimaginable scenes, either the manifestation of external rules or the revelation of the essence of the world.

For low-level cultivators, visiting the Nine Heavens was equivalent to a great opportunity.

However, entering the Nine Heavens was not easy. Generally, only Dao Fusion period True Immortals could roam there.

As for bringing someone along? Whether it was a True Immortal or a Seventh Rank, wanting to take a junior into the Nine Heavens required a considerable cost.

And the duration was limited.

Soon, under the wait of the three Seventh Rank ancestors, Lin Yuan's figure appeared and entered the hall.

"You little rascal."

Shan Yang carefully examined Lin Yuan for a few moments, then laughed heartily. "I'll give you a great opportunity, come with me to roam the Nine Heavens."

After Shan Yang finished speaking, his figure disappeared on the spot.

When he reappeared, he was already standing next to Lin Yuan.

Then, Shan Yang grabbed Lin Yuan's shoulder, intending to soar straight to the Nine Heavens.


The next moment.

Shan Yang's expression froze.

The hand holding Lin Yuan's shoulder trembled slightly.

He looked at Lin Yuan as if he had seen a ghost.

Why is it so heavy?

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 257: Born for Martial Dao? Martial Dao Arises Because of Him! (Seeking Subscription)

As a powerful Seventh Rank martial cultivator, Shan Yang could easily lift tens of thousands of zhangs of towering mountains.

This was just pure physical strength. If he used other methods, Shan Yang's power would increase even more.

This was the difference between Martial Dao and Immortal Dao. Immortal Dao cultivators focused on the "spirit". Starting from the Golden Core stage, most of their cultivation focused on the "spirit", including the Nascent Soul stage, Divine Transformation stage, Illusory Realm stage, etc.

Martial Dao was different. Although martial cultivators could condense their divine senses, they still relied on the physical body as their foundation, with vast qi and blood like the ocean.

However, at this moment, Shan Yang was shocked.

He grabbed Lin Yuan's right hand but couldn't lift it no matter how hard he tried.



It was incredibly heavy!

It felt as if he wasn't lifting a person but an entire world.

But how could this be possible?

Could a person be as heavy as an entire world?

Shan Yang's mind seemed to be in a daze, unable to react for a long time.

He even doubted whether his strength had declined?

"Want to lift me?"

Lin Yuan glanced at Shan Yang, his expression somewhat strange.

How heavy was he?

Ignoring the physical body for now, as an Eighth Rank martial cultivator, his body had been amplified by the mysterious gourd by five or six times. According to the standards of the main world, every drop of blood, every strand of hair, weighed more than ten thousand tons.

The weight of the physical body was relatively small.

The key was the world inside Lin Yuan's body, which was nearly two hundred and sixty million square miles.

This world was located within Lin Yuan's body. Although it was not visible, it did exist.

Normally, Lin Yuan balanced the power of his world with the gravitational force from the Spirit Realm.

But it was just a balance.

If someone else wanted to lift Lin Yuan,

They would need the strength to lift a world of nearly two hundred and sixty million square miles.

And how heavy was a world of nearly two hundred and sixty million square miles?

Probably heavier than several stars combined.

Compared to Lin Yuan's strange expression, Shan Yang soon reacted.

It wasn't that his strength had declined, but that Lin Yuan, who he regarded as a "little guy," was indeed too heavy.

So heavy that it was unimaginable.

So heavy that it exceeded his strength limit.

So even if he exerted all his strength, he still couldn't move him in the slightest.

Not far away, Li Qing and Nie Yun looked at the standoff between Lin Yuan and Shan Yang.

In their view, Lin Yuan stood quietly, while Shan Yang, with his right hand holding the former's shoulder, intended to soar upwards, but there was a sudden halt.

The next moment,

Shan Yang's figure suddenly retreated, like a startled little white rabbit, stopping beside Li Qing and Nie Yun, staring at Lin Yuan with an incredibly serious expression. "Who are you exactly?"

This scene left Li Qing and Nie Yun somewhat puzzled.

Then, the two of them reacted.

Li Qing carefully observed Lin Yuan and found that she couldn't see through him at all. The aura emanating from Lin Yuan was perfect and flawless, and she couldn't perceive anything.

For a moment.

Chapter 257: Born for Martial Dao? Martial Dao Arises Because of Him! (Seeking Subscription)

The two Seventh Rank martial cultivators also realized the seriousness of the situation.

The power of their qi and blood began to spread, instantly enveloping the entire Martial Temple and Xiaoyao City.

"Who am I?"

Lin Yuan chuckled softly, then said, "You don't need to send me to the Ninth Heaven. Over the years, my Yin and Yang spirits have been cultivating there."

In the Middle Earth Divine Continent, there are nine heavens, the battlefield where ancient saints fought.

Similarly, in the Spirit Realm, there are also nine heavens, much more mysterious than those in the Middle Earth Divine Continent, containing many 'wonders', which have a guiding effect on understanding the essence of the world.

So, decades ago, Lin Yuan had his Yin and Yang spirits sent to the Ninth Heaven to comprehend.

"Cultivating in the Ninth Heaven?"

Shan Yang and Nie Yun exchanged glances, feeling even more pressured.

Only Seventh Rank or True Immortals have the strength to go to the Ninth Heaven, but even so, they can only stay briefly.

Over time, the pressure from the Ninth Heaven is unbearable for Seventh Rank and True Immortals.

As for cultivation? Probably only Immortal Kings in the Tribulation Period have the ability to use the Ninth Heaven as a place for cultivation?

Of course, if it's just for a short time, like a few months or years of cultivation, Peak True Immortals still have hope.

Currently, the two Seventh Rank martial cultivators couldn't grasp Lin Yuan's true strength or understand his purpose for infiltrating the Martial Temple.

"Yin and Yang spirits?"

Li Qing looked at Lin Yuan, somewhat dazed.

For hundreds of thousands of years, martial cultivators were as common as fish in the river. And there were many martial cultivators who reached the Fifth Rank, condensing martial spirits. However, among those at the Fifth Rank, the martial spirits they condensed were diverse, but only one was called Yin and Yang spirits, as far as Li Qing remembered.

Yin and Yang spirits meant cultivating two completely opposite forces. Any slight mishap would lead to irreversible consequences.

Wanting to merge Yin and Yang, and then condense Yin and Yang spirits, since the birth of Martial Dao, only Li Qing's master, the founder of Martial Dao, had achieved this.

Meanwhile, Nie Yun and Shan Yang were in a dilemma, unsure whether to intervene or not.

If they intervened, they had no certainty. Shan Yang couldn't even move Lin Yuan despite exerting all his strength. Even if the opponent hadn't reached the Tribulation Period, the difference in strength probably wasn't far off.

With their strength, even with Li Qing, a Seventh Rank at its peak, they wouldn't gain any benefits. On the contrary, they might completely rupture relations with the other party.

But if they didn't intervene...

Nie Yun and Shan Yang looked at Li Qing, deciding to leave the matter to her.

However, when they looked at Li Qing, they found her expression changing constantly, her gaze fixed on Lin Yuan, hesitant to speak.

"What's going on?"

Nie Yun and Shan Yang were puzzled.

"Little Li, after so many years, you're still the same." Lin Yuan smiled slightly, looked at Li Qing, and spoke.

At this, Li Qing's eyes began to redden, almost unable to control her emotions, and subconsciously uttered two words, "Master."

For hundreds of thousands of years, only the former Lin Yuan had called her that.

Li Qing had almost forgotten that she still had such a 'nickname'.

"Tell me."

"What has happened over these years."

Lin Yuan found a place to sit down casually. For the past century, he had mostly been in cultivation. Although he learned a lot about the Spirit Realm and the Ethical Immortal Sect through the Martial Temple, it was certain that Li Qing, as a Seventh Rank at its peak, knew much more in detail.


Nie Yun and Shan Yang were once again confused.

What happened?

Why did Li Qing address Lin Yuan as 'master'?

In an instant, a bizarre thought surfaced in the minds of the two Seventh Rank martial cultivators.

Li Qing's master was the legendary Martial Ancestor.

Could it be that the little guy in front of them was the Martial Ancestor who pioneered Martial Dao?

But how was this possible?

Wasn't the Martial Ancestor supposed to have disappeared long ago?

"Don't just stand there, have a seat." Lin Yuan glanced at Li Qing, Nie Yun, and Shan Yang, speaking casually.


An invisible force emerged.

Nie Yun and Shan Yang instinctively sat down.

Li Qing also sat down lightly.

"This force?" Nie Yun and Shan Yang felt their scalps go numb.

In the face of this invisible force, they had no resistance at all, and their proud martial qi and blood seemed to fail.

"Martial Ancestor."

"So, this is the Martial Ancestor."

Nie Yun and Shan Yang were shocked. Lin Yuan's current impression on them was far more powerful than the Azure Immortal, who was only a step away from becoming an Immortal King in the Ethical Immortal Sect.


"You finally returned." Li Qing's eyes were moist. For hundreds of thousands of years, she had never stopped searching for Lin Yuan's whereabouts.

The Ethical Immortal Sect claimed that Lin Yuan had never ascended from the Ascension Platform to the Spirit Realm. It was likely that he broke through the barriers of the Lower Realm and entered the Spirit Realm through the chaos of the void.

However, this method of entering the Spirit Realm had a high degree of uncertainty and would not usually occur in Dongyun Daozhou, or even within the range of the Three Thousand Dao Provinces.

The Spirit Realm was vast and boundless, with the Three Thousand Dao Provinces being only a partial area, with much more being wasteland.


"Is that what Li Qing calls him, master?"

The Supreme Elders standing there respectfully were in a state of shock. Although they had already greatly overestimated Lin Yuan, they never expected him to be Li Qing's master.

How could this be possible?

"Martial Ancestor, Chang'er is the Martial Ancestor."

The Supreme Elder's mind trembled.

Even though the scene before them was extremely unimaginable, how could Lin Chang be associated with the Martial Ancestor? However, Li Qing would not lie.

As the direct disciple of the legendary Martial Ancestor, Li Qing must be very familiar with the Martial Ancestor and wouldn't mistake him for someone else.

"I once thought that Chang'er was born for Martial Dao?"

The Supreme Elder's scalp tingled. Such an evaluation was a heartfelt affirmation and recognition for any martial cultivator. It might even push Martial Dao to a whole new level. But if the subject was the Martial Ancestor, it wasn't praise; it was blasphemy.

Born for Martial Dao?

Totally wrong.

The entire Martial Dao arose because of the Martial Ancestor.

"Encountered some things that caused me to only come now." Lin Yuan explained his experiences over hundreds of thousands of years in just a few words.

Li Qing and the others didn't doubt this much. The Spirit Realm was vast, containing countless mysteries. Even Immortal Kings in the Tribulation Period might be trapped for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years if they stumbled into some kind of trap.

As for why the Martial Ancestor would return in the form of Lin Chang, Li Qing didn't doubt much either. True Immortals in the Integration Period possessed the means of reincarnation, which was also one of the most powerful life-saving methods for True Immortals.

Of course, no matter how many times they reincarnated, their soul lifespan wouldn't increase. True Immortals lived freely and could survive for tens of thousands of years, but once their soul lifespan ended, no matter how many times they reincarnated, it would be futile.

"It's good that Master is back. Nothing else matters." Li Qing's tone was joyful. Through this conversation, she was already convinced that the person in front of her was her master, the founder of Martial Dao in the Middle Earth Divine Continent.

This could be inferred from the way he spoke and his tone. Li Qing rarely disclosed information about Lin Yuan to outsiders, and many habits were known only to her.

"Master, after you disappeared six thousand years ago, I entered the Sixth Rank of Martial Dao based on the guidance you left behind."

"Not long after, I ascended to the Spirit Realm through the Ethical Immortal Sect's Ascension Platform," Li Qing began recounting her experiences over the years.

"After ascending to the Spirit Realm, the Azure Immortal kept his promise and even designated a city as a place to spread martial arts," Li Qing said, with a hint of gratitude in her tone.

Without the Azure Immortal and the protection of the Ethical Immortal Sect in the early stages, as a mere martial cultivator at the Sixth Rank of Martial Dao, she would have had to join a powerful force and serve for thousands of years to stabilize her position in the Spirit Realm.

In order to repay the Azure Immortal, Li Qing voluntarily joined the Ethical Immortal Sect and fought for it.

Of course, the Ethical Immortal Sect also paid sufficient rewards. During the battles in the Profound King Domain and other major domains, Li Qing also grew rapidly.

Finally, according to the twelve ways left by Lin Yuan to enter the Seventh Rank, she chose one.

After reaching the Seventh Rank, Li Qing gained the power to advance and retreat. As an existence comparable to a True Immortal, even within the Ethical Immortal Sect, she belonged to the absolute upper echelon.

In this way, Li Qing led the Xiaoyao City Martial Temple, almost cooperating with the Ethical Immortal Sect's way of doing things, until today.

Li Qing fought for the Ethical Immortal Sect, while the Ethical Immortal Sect protected Xiaoyao City and provided ample rewards. Li Qing's ability to cultivate all the way to the peak of the Seventh Rank was not unrelated to the Ethical Immortal Sect.

"Initially, were you the only one among the disciples who reached the Seventh Rank?" Lin Yuan asked.

He remembered accepting hundreds of direct disciples, some of whom had the potential to reach the Seventh Rank.

"I was the only one. Those junior brothers and sisters who also had the potential all fell during their breakthrough to the Seventh Rank," Li Qing said with some disappointment.

Breaking through to the Seventh Rank was not smooth sailing, especially since Lin Yuan hadn't thoroughly perfected the Seventh Rank at that time, leaving only speculation.

Lin Yuan was able to break through based on his own strong foundation and extraordinary comprehension, like eating and drinking. But others?

Li Qing considered herself lucky.

With the support of the Ethical Immortal Sect, she finally crossed into the Seventh Rank.

But others weren't so lucky.

In fact, even in the main world, for evolutionists practicing other paths, crossing from the Sixth to the Seventh Rank involved enormous risks, especially without a complete evolutionary path and guidance from high-level evolutionists.

This was even more true in other worlds.

"They are both disciples I value highly in the Spirit Realm. Later, they both successfully reached the Seventh Rank," Li Qing immediately introduced Nie Yun and Shan Yang.

"Respects to the Martial Ancestor."

"Respects to the Martial Ancestor."

Shan Yang and Nie Yun looked somewhat restrained. From childhood to adulthood, they had heard too many legends about the Martial Ancestor from Li Qing.

The Martial Ancestor was almost mythical to them. With his own strength, he opened up the path of martial arts evolution, making the Ethical Immortal Sect submit and even prompting negotiations with the Azure Immortal.

But now, the Martial Ancestor they admired and respected was actually standing before them. Their thoughts naturally swirled with emotion.

Especially Shan Yang, who had almost come to blows with the Martial Ancestor just now, felt a bit apprehensive.

"Mmm," Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

He didn't differentiate much between these two martial disciples. As long as they cultivated martial arts, they could be considered his disciples.

"What about my elder brother and second sister, or my parents?" Lin Yuan looked at Li Qing again, asking.

Li Qing held a high position in the Ethical Immortal Sect. Even if she wasn't from the main line, she would definitely know the news about Jun Dongjin, Mu Lian'er, and others.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 258: Tai Chi Rules, Power of the Universe? (Seeking Subscriptions)

"Master's parents and relatives did not break through to the Harmonization Period," Li Qing hesitated for a moment, speaking softly.

Without breaking through to the Harmonization Period, with the lifespan of the Refinement Period, they could live for at most one or two hundred thousand years.

It's impossible for them to still be alive now, which means they passed away long ago.

"They have all passed away?" Lin Yuan sighed inwardly, not surprised by the news.

This was the most normal outcome. Breaking through from the Sixth to the Seventh Rank of Martial Dao was extremely difficult, and breaking through from the Refinement Period to the Harmonization Period was similarly challenging.

Although Jun Dongjin had a mutated Heavenly Spirit Root, one of the rarest aptitudes in the Central Plains Divine Continent, it wasn't as outstanding in the Spirit Realm.

In the Spirit Realm, besides talent based on Spiritual Roots, there were also many other types of Dao Constitutions.

Jun Dongjin had reached the peak of the Refinement Period in cultivation but failed in the breakthrough to the Harmonization Period, suffering heavy injuries.

Mu Lian'er had not reached the peak of the Refinement Period, just like Jun Xiaoyao and Jun Zhilan.

By using the methods Lin Yuan left behind to smoothly enter the Refinement Period and ascend to the Spirit Realm, their progress in cultivation afterward was slow.

"How are they doing?" Lin Yuan asked.

"They are doing well. The Ethical Immortal Sect did not mistreat them," Li Qing said immediately. Before knowing Lin Yuan's whereabouts, the Ethical Immortal Sect didn't dare to have any ideas about Jun Dongjin and the others.

Anyway, keeping Jun Dongjin and the others was not much of a burden to the vast Ethical Immortal Sect. Moreover, the Azure Immortal had summoned Jun Dongjin and others several times to lecture them.

However, reaching the Harmonization Period from the Refinement Period was not just a matter of receiving teachings twice and being given enough resources for cultivation.

Otherwise, everyone in the Ethical Immortal Sect would be True Immortals, not just dozens of them.

"Before Master's parents passed away, they asked me not to give up on finding you," Li Qing said with a slightly melancholic tone.

"That's a pity." Lin Yuan shook his head slightly. If he had traveled a bit earlier, perhaps the outcome would have been different.

"In the future, if I become a supreme being, I can try to resurrect them," Lin Yuan thought silently to himself.

Supreme beings mastered the complete rules of time and space, able to reverse time and bring back deceased beings by reversing the flow of time. Even though Jun Dongjin and Jun Zhilan had passed away in the Refinement Period, equivalent to the Sixth Rank, their life essence was powerful. Even if they didn't intentionally integrate their life essence into the Spirit Realm, after living for so long, their essence had already been recorded by the Spirit Realm.

As long as Lin Yuan became a supreme being, descended to this realm, and reversed time, he should be able to resurrect them.

As for their lifespan reaching its limit again, even if they were resurrected, they would face the limit of their lifespan within a few breaths. But Lin Yuan could extend their lifespan during those few breaths.

The means to extend lifespan in the Spirit Realm were useless, but in the main world, there were many ways to extend lifespan.

As for the backlash from resurrecting life, for a supreme being, the backlash caused by resurrecting a few Sixth Rank beings was trivial.

"Also, Master's elder brother and second sister's descendants are doing well in the Ethical Immortal Sect," Li Qing seemed to remember something and immediately spoke up.

With Lin Yuan's relationship, Li Qing, a Seventh Rank martial cultivator comparable to a True Immortal, was definitely a strong backing for the Jun family's descendants.

As long as Li Qing was alive, the descendants of the Jun family could not live poorly, especially since the Azure Immortal was watching over them.

"Is that so?" Lin Yuan glanced at Li Qing.

"Do you want me to invite some outstanding descendants of the Jun family to come and visit you?" Li Qing tentatively asked.

"That's fine." After thinking for a while, Lin Yuan agreed. After all, there was some karmic connection with the Jun family. Now that he had returned, it wouldn't hurt to meet them.

"Okay." Li Qing closed her eyes and immediately began to make arrangements.

As a high-ranking general in the Ethical Immortal Sect's external battles, Li Qing naturally had direct means of contacting the Ethical Immortal Sect.

"As for the news about Master, should it be concealed?" After transmitting the message, Li Qing asked cautiously, "The Azure Immortal once told me that if there was any news about Master, I should inform him immediately."

"The Azure Immortal... is still alive?" Lin Yuan became interested.

The old fellow's performance was quite satisfactory to him. At least, he hadn't done anything against him during his absence.

According to the information Lin Yuan knew, when the Azure Immortal was still in the Central Plains Divine Continent, he had already lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

Now, hundreds of thousands of years had passed. Even if he was at the peak of the Harmonization Period, he should have reached the end of his lifespan, right?

"The Azure Immortal has passed the tribulation of the mind, so his lifespan is much longer than that of ordinary True Immortals," Li Qing immediately explained.

To advance from the Harmonization Period to the Tribulation Period, Dao cultivators needed to overcome two tribulations.

One was the tribulation of the physical body.

The other was the tribulation of the mind.

The latter was similar to the tribulation of the heart demon.

For Dao cultivators, the most difficult one to overcome was the tribulation of the physical body.

Most of the methods of Dao cultivators were not focused on the physical body. Faced with the five decay of heaven and man within the tribulation of the physical body, the body decayed rapidly.

It was difficult to have any means of resistance.

"I see," Lin Yuan nodded.

Dao cultivators who passed the tribulation of the mind during the Harmonization Period, although still far from being comparable to the King who had passed the tribulation, their soul and will had undergone transformation.

Their soul lifespan was extended to a certain extent.

As for True Immortals, when their physical bodies decayed, they could simply switch to another body.

As long as the soul persists, one can be considered immortal.

"No need to hide," Lin Yuan said calmly.


Why would he need to hide?

Now that Lin Yuan had fully restored his strength and even advanced further, he could be considered an unparalleled powerhouse among the Tribulation Kings, not weaker than the Supreme Kings.

In this situation, there was no need for secrecy at all.

"Understood," Li Qing responded.

After chatting with Li Qing for a while, Lin Yuan looked towards the other two, Nie Yun and Shan Yang, who were sitting upright.

These two Seventh Rank martial cultivators were rising stars in the martial cultivation system. Being able to reach the Seventh Rank with the guidance Lin Yuan left behind, their martial aptitude was self-evident.

"You two have never received my guidance, which is quite commendable. Inside these jade slips are my insights into cultivation at the Seventh Rank, which should be helpful to you," Lin Yuan's thoughts stirred, and two white jade slips appeared in front of Nie Yun and Shan Yang.

These two martial cultivators hadn't delved deeply into cultivation at the Seventh Rank. Although they had taken the path Lin Yuan deemed incorrect to reach the Seventh Rank, there was still a chance for them to reshape themselves.

"As for you," Lin Yuan looked at Li Qing.

Li Qing was already at the peak of the Seventh Rank. Wanting to reshape her martial foundation was not a simple matter.

But Lin Yuan already had a plan. Just by observing Li Qing for a while, his extraordinary insight would create a martial technique suitable for her reshaping.

Extraordinary insight depended on the height Lin Yuan was at. Now that he was at the mid-Eighth Rank, creating a martial technique for reshaping at the Seventh Rank didn't require much effort.

"Thank you, Master," Li Qing said gratefully.

After reaching the peak of the Seventh Rank, she faintly felt that there was no longer any path ahead. If nothing unexpected happened, she would likely reach the end of her journey in this lifetime.

She wasn't a Martial Ancestor, possessing world-defying talent to create possibilities out of impossibilities.

Li Qing could step into the Seventh Rank not only because of luck but also because of the guidance Lin Yuan left behind.

With emotions stirring within them, Shan Yang and Nie Yun left the Martial Temple.

Martial Ancestor.

Today, they actually saw the legendary Martial Ancestor.

And the Martial Ancestor's strength, not to mention being comparable to the Tribulation Kings, was much stronger than the Azure Immortal of the Ethical Immortal Sect, who had only one foot in the Tribulation Period.

"My martial path can also give birth to such strong individuals?" Shan Yang's spirit was uplifted, returning to the cave residence with Nie Yun, unable to calm down for a long time.

The existence of the Martial Ancestor told them that the martial path was not a dead end; it was as broad as the immortal path.

"Oh right."

"The jade slips given to us by the Martial Ancestor."

Nie Yun seemed to remember something and reminded Shan Yang.

Just now in the Martial Temple, the Martial Ancestor had given them each a jade slip, saying it would help with their future martial cultivation.


"The jade slip?"

Shan Yang immediately reacted and took out the white jade slip.

The jade slip was very ordinary, almost indistinguishable from the jade slips used by low-level cultivators in the Foundation Building Period.

But to Shan Yang, a Seventh Rank martial cultivator, it was as if he was facing a sacred object, reverently placing it in front of him.

After exchanging glances, Shan Yang and Nie Yun simultaneously looked at the content of the jade slip.

Just a moment later, both of them were shocked, waves of shock and excitement surging in their hearts.

So this was the cultivation at the Seventh Rank of the martial path.

So this was how the Seventh Rank of the martial path could be cultivated.

So this was how martial cultivation at the Seventh Rank should be.

The content in the jade slips was not extensive, but the two Seventh Rank martial cultivators spent a whole day reading it.

Each word was pondered repeatedly in their minds, and each contemplation revealed a different meaning.

One day later...

Shan Yang suddenly snapped out of his thoughts, looking at the jade slip in his hand, murmuring to himself, "My martial path is also the path to the heavens."

Nie Yun's eyes sparkled with excitement, his gaze as if filled with divine light, "The Martial Ancestor is truly extraordinary. From nothingness, he created the martial path, and now he provides so much interpretation for the Seventh Rank."

They exchanged glances once again, stood up, shook their sleeves, faced the Martial Temple, and respectfully bowed three times.

Thank you for the Martial Ancestor's guidance.

Thank you for the Martial Ancestor's guidance.

Thank you for the Martial Ancestor's guidance.

In the Martial Temple, Lin Yuan sat there, deep in thought.

Giving guidance to the three Seventh Rank martial cultivators was just a small effort for him.

At this moment, Lin Yuan was thinking about another matter.

"Huai Long Palace?"

Lin Yuan muttered to himself.

The Huai Long Palace was a Hegemonic power in the Nine Rivers Region, and for tens of thousands of years, the Ethical Immortal Sect had been in constant conflict and battles with them.

The two forces clashed fiercely over the Heavenly Water Essence, and wars erupted every few hundred to thousand years, involving nearly a dozen True Immortals in the Hegemonic stage.

Li Qing and the other two Seventh Rank martial cultivators had mostly been on the battlefield with the Huai Long Palace.

When Jun Dongjin ascended to the Spirit Realm and reached the peak of the Refinement Stage, he was severely injured by a Dragon Descendant Saint of the Huai Long Palace.

If it weren't for that severe injury, Jun Dongjin might have had a chance to enter the Hegemonic stage.

Of course, it was just a possibility; in reality, he probably would still have failed in his breakthrough.

But at least the backlash would have been lighter, allowing him to live for a few hundred more years.

Above the Spirit Realm.

From high to low, there were nine levels of heaven.

Each level of heaven contained some kind of phenomenon, either the manifestation of the fundamental rules of the Great Dao or some kind of 'miracle' involving the essence of the world.

The Fourth Heaven.

A figure stood there like a burning sun.

It was Lin Yuan's Sun Elemental Spirit.

"With my current strength, I can only reach the Fourth Heaven at most. As for the Fifth Heaven..."

Lin Yuan looked up at the sky, where dark clouds gathered, countless faint purple thunderbolts interweaving.

To enter the Fifth Heaven, one must overcome the Ninefold Thunder Tribulation, which is even more terrifying than the Flesh Tribulation in the Hegemonic breakthrough and countless other heavenly trials.

Although True Immortals in the Hegemonic stage can traverse the Nine Heavens of the Spirit Realm, those at such a level typically only wander around the first or second heaven.

As for the third heaven, it's basically inaccessible, and the fourth heaven is the domain of the Hegemonic-stage True Immortals.

The Fifth Heaven? It's likely that only the strongest among the True Immortals could withstand the Ninefold Thunder Tribulation to enter.

The Sun Elemental Spirit is ultimately just a spiritual entity, far inferior in combat power to the true self. Unless the Lunar and Solar rules merge to form the Taiji Elemental Spirit, there's a risk of spiritual collapse if one rashly undergoes the Ninefold Thunder Tribulation.


"Let's wait a bit longer."

"I can feel that the fusion and transformation of the Lunar and Solar rules is almost complete."

"At that time, my spiritual body will undoubtedly greatly increase in power."

Lin Yuan felt anticipation rising within him.

Ever since he reopened his inner world, the fusion of Lunar and Solar rules had formed a sphere of light suspended above the sky of his inner world, undergoing slow transformation.

Lin Yuan had a feeling that once the transformation was complete, an incredible change would occur in the Lunar and Solar rules.

In his cave dwelling.

Lin Yuan was cultivating.

At that moment, Lin Yuan quietly opened his eyes.


Within the inner world.

Lin Yuan's consciousness avatar appeared.

Looking up at the sphere of light composed entirely of Lunar and Solar power.

At this moment, Lin Yuan felt a palpable excitement, vaguely sensing that the transformation within the sphere of light had reached its final stage.


A sound of shattering, audible only to Lin Yuan, suddenly rang in his ears.

The sphere of light above the sky began to crack gradually.


Strands of entirely new power, or rules, slowly emerged.

This power appeared in black and white, seemingly no different from before on the surface, but the same applied in the infinite microscopic realm.

This meant complete fusion, where the newly born power or rules were not a combination of Lunar and Solar forces but existed naturally as they were.

The flawless Yin and Yang power transformed into the perfect Taiji power, swiftly integrating into the inner world.


Lin Yuan's consciousness returned to reality.

Raising his right hand, pure black and white Yin-Yang power emitted a dreamy halo, gently affecting the surroundings.

At that moment.

Lin Yuan felt an absolute sense of control.

Within his perception range, he could control everything.

"Why does this feel so similar to the invincible cosmic power of the Eighth Rank?"

Lin Yuan's eyes lit up. Although he couldn't replicate the invincible power of the Eighth Rank in the main world, some characteristics of the Eighth Rank's invincible power were recorded.

Among them were descriptions related to the cosmic power realized by the invincible Eighth Rank.

Almost all invincible Eighth Ranks realized cosmic powers had one common feature.

That is control.

Control over everything.

Absolute control.

"The fusion of Lunar and Solar forces into Taiji has unexpectedly become a prototype of some kind of cosmic power?"

Lin Yuan felt joyous. At this moment, even without relying on his inner world spanning 2.6 million miles or numerous innate divine techniques, he could still contend with other invincible Eighth Ranks.

Because he was now an invincible Eighth Rank himself.

(End of this chapter)