
Read the new one : INFINITE REVIVAL

As you can see guys Webnovel banned this book, i have modified every chapter they asked me to, it's still banned. It has been more than a week now. As this book doesn't have many chapter that's why I decided to completely shift this book to a new one with same TITLE(Infinite Revival:- Becoming Invincible with 100 Billion Lives) and i will continue this story there. Read this book here. Link:- http://wbnv.in/a/dfhK6hM

Little_cultivator · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

: Suppression

Noticing other three people Staring at him

He hurriedly whispered quietly.

"My good girl, can you help your father in killing these guys?"

"Just make them Pass out like you did to Su Yan"

If you noticed something, This time Yue Yang didn't call her Ah huang , but instead he called her a good daughter.

"Not, unless I can contact them."

Ahuang's giggles sounded directly in Yue Yang's mind, and she didn't seem to be anxious at all.

So It doesn't work without coming into physical contacts.

Even if he is successful in doing so once, what about the other two?

Yue Yang knew that this trick won't work on them.

"Then do you have a way to kill them?"

"Yes, but in the end I need mom to do it yourself."

"Huh? Why?"

At this time, he didn't bother to care what Ah huang called him.

"The fragments of the world cannot commit murder"

"That is a restriction imposed by the laws of heaven."

Yue Yang couldn't help rolling his eyes, expressing his serious disbelief.

Are you joking with me, You killed your father before you were even born, okay?

Otherwise, wouldn't i still have a chance to resurrect!

"However, I can help mom completely wipe out the spiritual power in them."

Deprive them of their Spiritual power?

Then wouldn't they become ordinary people with no powers?

Yue Yang almost burst out in excitement, this skill was too OP!

With this cheat like support, why would he be afraid of anyone?

He coughed lightly and said: "Father respects your opinion of not killing them yourself, don't worry let me do it myself." "Difficult things like killing, just leave it me."

"You don't have to make your own hands dirty when I am still here."

"After all, there are always people who have to bear some burdens silently!"

"How can I have such a shameless mother like you!"

Now listening to him, Ah huang couldn't help rolling but her eyes

When The mother and daughter duo were silently planning their next move, the three people on the other side were also secretly discussing.

"What if this kid casually pointed a false direction?"

"I think he is lying!"

"Yes, this old man admits that he is handsome, but I don't believe he is telling us the truth!"

The older looking elder with a long beard and face full of wrinkles said as he frowned

"Why don't I go there alone to investigate, you two continue to have a eye on him!"

Yao Qiulin wanted to take this chance.

"Elder Yao thinks we are fools?"

"That's it, if there's really a treasure, Brother Yao will never come back after he successfully obtains it?"

"Now..now, don't waste time bickering among ourselves, i have an idea!"

The other middle-aged looking elder said with a smile on his face

"Then what do you say?"

"Why don't we let this kid lead the way instead, he if tries to deceive us we will immediately capture him and let him experience fate worse than death"

After 'the meeting was over' on both sides, the three looked at Yue Yang again.

"Boy, how can you prove that what you're saying is true?"

"We won't believe it, unless you..."

Before they could say anything else, Yue Yang interrupted them.

"You don't have to believe it, anyway, I just lied to you."

The venue was suddenly quiet for a while.

The three elders were confused wondering if they had heard him Right, they had expected him to come up with various excuses but they had never expected such a reply.

"Do you want to die?"

Yao Qiulin immediately switched to the furious mode again, and the flying sword moved again.

"Yes, I'm looking for death, come and kill me if you dare." Yue Yang smiled and pointed a middle finger towards his face.

"It was truly a waste to kill your daughter, you know she had really 'thick legs'."


Yao Qiulin's almost coughed up blood from anger.

Honestly, Before obtaining the actual location of the treasure Yao Qiulin was really reluctant to kill him now.

"Let's teach him a lesson and let him experience the pain!"

The faces of the other two elders also twitched after hearing Yue Yang.

The flying sword moved in the air,

vibrated and it let out a bright light before multiplying into six and it shot straight towards him, as the six rays of light were coming closer and closer before they disappeared only a few meters away from him.

And the flying sword also turned into a common iron sword, fading away all its brilliance, and fell to the ground with a 'thud'.

"What...How could it be?"

Yao Qiulin couldn't believe his eyes.

Since the first day he entered in the Foundation Establishment Realm to now in the Soul Realm, his flying sword had never touched the ground like this, But today..... he felt humiliated.

"Bastard, what are you doing?"

The other two elders were also very ashamed, and felt it was shameful for them to be listed as elders with this kind of person. He couldn't even execute a sword move properly how did he even became an elder.

Also was there even a need to use Flying sword to deal with such a weak man, with their power they can easily pinch him to death.

Only Yao Qiulin knew that Yue Yang was the one that destroyed his soul seal, When he invited these two elders he didn't explained the situation clearly to them , they only knew that Yao Qiulin wanted their help to kill someone.

They didn't know that Yue Yang was also a Soul Realm realm Cultivator just like them, it was because this place was a forbidden land and one could not perceive the exact amount of Aura that was within someone else's body.

So the two planned to not use flying swords rather use sword moved themselves.

Then suddenly, they screamed.

"Where is my spiritual power?"

"What happened, my spiritual power is completely gone!"

"Mine too!"

They had a surprised and panicked expression on their faces .

For Cultivators, Spiritual power or qi, Soul strength, and the body were the three fundamentals.

Without spiritual power, all martial arts and supernatural powers that require spiritual power to perform were useless.

And they were not body cultivators who could simply use their brute strength to smash theirs enemies.

Also The strength of their physical body without their Cultivation of the Soul Realm was not much stronger than foundation realm Cultivators.

And the Secret Technique to perform Soul attacks also required a certain amount of spiritual support, otherwise its power will be greatly reduced.

Now the three of them, their fighting powers were not even as good as Yao Yunling who was just in Foundation Realm.

How could they not panic in this kind of situation.

"This....Is this because of the forbidden land?"


"Although this forbidden realm doesn't have even a single trace Aura, it does not prevent high level Cultivators to use Spiritual power that is already present in their body, Also this forbidden realm doesn't have a suppressive effect on us Soul Realm Cultivators"

The three of them yelled constantly while panicking.

But no matter what they couldn't guess that all this was just the work of a little girl in front of them.

"Nice job!"

Yue Yang happily gave his daughter a thumbs up.

Then, carrying a spirit sword that he got from Yao Yunling, he swaggered in their direction and stopped just a meter away from them

"The three of you are too confident. You don't even need flying swords to kill me?"

   Seeing him coming, the three of them quickly backed away, but they calmed down shortly afterwards.

"Boy, Although we have no spiritual power left in our body but you are not immune either!"

"Yes, there are three of us here but you are alone, You will still die in our hands!"

They thought their loss of spiritual power was because of this forbidden land's suppression.

As soon as they finished speaking, Yue Yang's figure flashed and disappeared on sight.

The three elders had no spiritual power, So their speed and reaction were naturally slow, and there was no time for them to react, they couldn't escape.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Yue Yang knocked all three of them on their head, they flew into the air before crashing down on the ground

Yue Yang didn't used his sword, but instead he punched them.

Even so, the power in his body with the Soul realm Cultivation base wasn't something they could resist.

The part where he punched them in the head swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Bastard, Using a sneak attack!"

"Ungrateful animal, do you have no shame!"

The three were furious. As the elders in the Soul Realm, they were well-known figures under Qinglan Mansion.

Having a Cheap attack landed on their head, they were furious and embarrassed.

In rage, they all forgot to ask why Yue Yang still had spiritual power in his body.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I forgot your identities."

Yue Yang deliberately laughed and admitted his mistake, and then offered to correct his mistake.

Six sword shadows appeared behind him and he pointed these swords towards them and asked with a smirk on his face.

"Right, you guys deserve death!"

"So, does dying from getting chopped by the flying swords is befitting of your reputation?"