
Read the new one : INFINITE REVIVAL

As you can see guys Webnovel banned this book, i have modified every chapter they asked me to, it's still banned. It has been more than a week now. As this book doesn't have many chapter that's why I decided to completely shift this book to a new one with same TITLE(Infinite Revival:- Becoming Invincible with 100 Billion Lives) and i will continue this story there. Read this book here. Link:- http://wbnv.in/a/dfhK6hM

Little_cultivator · Fantasy
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17 Chs

: Heavenly Desolate Indestructible Body

The two of them quickly found themselves in a deep forest near a old mountain. Yue Yang and Su Yan quickly sat down cross-legged.

Yue Yang finally felt the power of the Heavenly Desolate Indestructible body.

Before he could even use the Cultivation method, the Surrounding spiritual energy entered his body automatically forming a vortex over his head and all the surrounding Spiritual energy was quickly absorbed by him completely.

This was not a forbidden place without aura, but there was no trace of Spiritual energy left nearby, This was the marvelous effect of the Top cultivation physique within the Three Realms.

Even if there was no cultivation method, the spiritual energy will still be converted into spiritual power by his Heavenly Desolate Indestructible body automatically, so that as time goes on, the body will become stronger because of the continuous nourishment of the spiritual energy.

[NOTE :- Spiritual energy/Aura/Qi when is absorbed and refined by Cultivators then it is called Spiritual power / Inner Qi]

Once he activated the Moon Watching Mind Method of the Extreme Moon Sect, Su Yan which was on the side could not draw any more aura.

This time, the aura within a radius of tens miles was moving like a whirlpool, and at the center of the whirlpool was Yue Yang.

Spiritual energy rushed into his body madly, The whole Forest and even surrounding mountains trembled slightly from strong wind currents.

The most terrifying thing about this Heavenly Desolate Indestructible body was actually not the amount of Energy it absorbed, but the speed of absorption.

Speaking of the absorption of spiritual energy, Some Holy sons and daughters from the holy lands.

Disciples of Top-notch Sect and Clans that have eaten spiritual pills from the day they were born. They simply couldn't compare to his speed of Aura absorption.

Although Using Aura pills to supplement lack of Aura wad a good method but the thing here was that they couldn't completely absorb all the Aura from those pills because it was too much, their body couldn't refine all the Aura from pills in a short time, so naturally a person's speed of cultivation depends mostly on their body physique and Yue Yang's physique was best in the whole Three Realms.

This was the importance of the physique. Even a Fool with a Immortal physique can become a Expert.

But for a genius with poor body physique? It was simply impossible and the chances of ordinary people with poor physique becoming a Top Notch Expert was almost One in a Billion.

Unless we are talking about a person who is like the Protagonist of a fantasy novel who was born in a poor family but got a cheat tool like Heaven defying Cultivation techniques that can simply change his body physique into a Immortal physique.

Heavenly Desolate Indestructible Body doesn't seem to have any problems in the absorption aspect at all. There was almost no limit of transforming Spritual Energy into spiritual power.

Su Yan was stunned at this scene.

She herself was called a cultivation genius that rarely appeared in this World, The elders and her master in the Sect were always shocked when they saw her during Cultivation.

She could also absorb the spiritual energy from the surrounding area without even using her Cultivation techniques.

But Yue Yang's range was not only ten times larger than her, The way his body was absorbing the surrounding Aura was astonishing.

It didn't seem like he was cultivating but it seemed more like he was robbing Aura directly from the World, He was simply plundering Aura.

After a few minutes it was like Yue Yang finished the whole dish and didn't even leave soup for her

This kind of cultivation was almost like eating best grade Spiritual pills as candies and absorbing it, one can only imagine how fast the cultivation speed will be.

"The Sect master is really a god!"

Su Yan looked at him with sparkling eyes.

When Yue Yang stopped practicing, his realm had risen from the third level of Soul Realm to the fourth level.

"Sect Master, have you finished your training?"

Yue Yang realized Because of his cultivation Su Yan was unable to absorb even one bit of Spritual Energy .

Thinking that this girl had been silently keeping a watch for himself just now, He couldn't help but feel guilty.

He always thought of her as a tool, it seems he was wrong.

"Sorry, I will be careful from next time when I practice."

Su Yan quickly shook her head and smiled: "It's okay, it's the blessing for our Sect if Sect Master becomes stronger!"

She is such a good person!

Yue Yang got up and looked up at the sky. It was already the Next day.

"Let's go to Flying Fairy Sect."

The resurrection cool-down was over and he was now full of confidence.

"Huh? Didn't we planned to make a strategy first before heading there?"

Su Yan asked with a confused face.

Yue Yang again started his Oscar level acting

"This Venerable has just broken through, and his strength has improved greatly. There is no need to waste time anymore, we will go directly eliminate them!"

Su Yan didn't understand what was going on in his mind was, but when she heard that his strength was increased, she immediately became happy.

She smiled and asked, "I wonder what realm the Sect Master has broken into?"

"Higher than you can think!"


Su Yan couldn't help covering her small mouth, Only one thought was in her mind, Has Sect master gone above The Destiny Realm.

She was shocked and thrilled upon hearing Yue Yang.

As soon as the two people took off into the air.

A sound came from nearby .

Then, three dishevelled looking young men and a women walked out from behind the bushes.

After seeing Su Yan, They excitedly waved their hands quickly.

"It's Sister Su! Come out, everyone!"

Su Yan was also very happy after seeing them.

"Senior Brother Luo Yuan, Sister Yin Xueer, and Junior Brother Jiang chen,

You guys are still alive, that's great!"

Then, more than twenty Disciples of Flying Fairy Sect appeared there in a distance.

After the two sides met, they cried in each other's arms, and the scene was very touching.

Yue Yang had nothing to do, and was a little bored.

"Nephew Su, have you seen other members of the Sect?"

These people were all true disciples of Flying Fairy Sect.

When Flying Fairy Sect was annihilated, they were sent out desperately by the elders so that they can escape and survive.

Only If they survived then they can take Revenge and Rebuild the Sect.

In addition to the twenty-one disciples, there was also an elder named Liang who was lucky enough to get out of the disaster, He can be regarded as the backbone of this group of pitiful people.

They were still being pursued and were

hunted down by the enemies, So now they can only hide in the deep mountains and vast forests.

The joy of reunion disappeared, Su Yan shook her head with a sad expression.

"Reporting to Elder Liang, I haven't seen anyone else"

"how about you? Are there other Elders and juniors who escaped?"

Elder Liang smiled miserably: "It seems that there are only more than 20 solitary seedlings left in the Flying Fairy Sect."

"Damn Ji Yuezong!"

"There are Xuanbing Sect, Five Thunder Sect, and Sky Flame Sect!"

The junior Luo Yuan flicked the spirit sword in his hand, Slashing at the ground with a sound.

"Master passed his Nine Jue Swords to me before he died. I swear If I don't honour our masters and elders with the blood from these four sects, I won't stay still!"

At the same time Yin Xueer looked at the ring on her finger, tears began raining from her eyes.

"These are spiritual stone and medicine that Master left me before he sent me away. When I cultivate to the Soul-Splitting Realm in the future, I will avenge definitely him!"

The other disciples saw these and they also made heavy oaths.

"Uncle Liang, Sister Su, where should we go next?"

"The first step is safely get out of here first!"

"What about after going out? Will everyone stay together or switch to other sects separately?"

"What? are you going to betray Flying Fairy Sect?"

"I don't! I just want to cultivate to a higher level. I will never forget to avenge my teacher!"

All the disciples expressed their opinions and talked about their situation.

Elder Liang glanced at their storage rings,spirit swords and their spirit armors.

His greedy eyes flashed.

Although he was an elder, these people were all true disciples before.

When their masters desperately protected them so that they can escape, In order for them to continue their Cultivation practice, they gave away all of their wealth to them.

Just like her fellow disciples, Su Yan was not only wearing a defensive fifth-grade spirit weapon, but She also had many Cultivation resources stored in her Inter-spacial ring, It was the savings of the former Sect Master.

This ring, Elder Liang couldn't even think of it before.

"Everyone please be quiet and Pay attention!"

As soon as he spoke, everyone looked at him.

After all, he was the only elder surviving, and they still had to listen to him.

"If you want revenge, you don't have to wait for the future, you can do it now!"

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, the disciples all stood up, becoming impatient one by one.

"Does Elder Liang has a way?"

Even the Flying Fairy Sect that was flourishing in the past may not be able to beat the Extreme Yuezong Sect, not to mention that Flying Fairy Sect was destroyed now and all that's left was few disciples from New generation who had not fully grown up.

Revenge? It was left only for the future.

"As long as I can avenge my master, I am willing to do anything!"

Elder Liang smiled and waved his hand, motioning everyone to stay calm.

"Our strength alone is not enough for revenge!"

Luo Yuan frowned and said, "Uncle Liang meant to look for help from other sects?"

Elder Liang stroked his beard and nodded: "Yes!"

"But we don't have deep friendship with other sects, why would they help us."

Although these disciples want to take revenge as soon as possible, they were still very clear-headed.

They were outstanding talents that became true disciples of the Sect so they naturally weren't Naive and fools.