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I_Am_Not_Siscon · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Suzuka Kasugano

Haru forcefully put his paranoia aside and turned his attention to the approaching Rika.

Rika was a tall and sensual woman with a slender figure, ample breasts, a tan skin tone, purple hair, and reddish-colored eyes. She wore a light blue top and a dark blue pencil skirt over black leggings that wrapped her long, alluring legs. Finally, she left the uppermost button of her security's uniform open with stylish sunglasses hanging there.

After stopping in front of Haru, Rika amiably greeted him. "Kasugano, are you picking up your sister as usual?"

"Yes," Haru nodded his head and replied.

"Then, you can wait in the office with me. Come."

"Thank you, Minami-san." Haru slightly bowed his head in gratitude before following Rika.

After Haru followed Rika into the security office, he immediately inspected the interior. Although he had the memory about this place, he wanted to examine it with his own eyes. He saw a wooden desk with a desktop computer, a small plastic drawer, and a stack of documents on it, a swivel, a small refrigerator in one corner, a trash bin in another corner, an air conditioner, and a bench. Overall, it was what you expected of the security office.

"You're still minor, so no alcohol for you. There is also no juice, though. You won't mind mineral water, right?"

Rika's voice took Haru's attention. He turned his head to Rika and saw her crouching in front of the small refrigerator. Her back was facing him, and her tight and lovely posterior looked enticing. He could even see the lines of her thongs. Her purple hair, which she tied in a high ponytail, did a poor job in hiding the stimulating sight.

"Er, yes?" Haru's voice cracked. He cursed his new body and teenager's hormones in his mind. The tantalizing sight of the former military agent's butts was arousing sight for him, and he was reacting on it as a hormonal teen he was. He already knew that his new body was extraordinarily lewd. But, knowing and experiencing something was a different concept!

Haru understood that the character called Haruka Kasugano had a high libido from the anime. However, Haru had a low sexual drive in his old life and prioritized building his future because of his handicap as an orphan. Thus, he lacked experience in both romance or sexual relationships.

Thankfully, Haru had successfully calmed himself when Rika finished with her thing and turned her body around.

"Here." Rika offered a bottle of cold mineral water with her right hand; her other hand was holding a can of cold beer.

"Thank you," Haru accepted the bottle and thanked Rika.

Rika sat on her swivel, while Haru sat on the bench, after which he opened the bottle and desperately drank the cold water. He needed to cool himself after seeing such a stimulating sight, after all.

After that, Haru and Rika casually chatted to pass the time. A while later, they stopped their chat because they had no topics to keep their conversation going. It was when Haru decided to take out his laptop and start writing his novel. Just like that, time passed by leisurely until the bell that signified the end of the last homeroom rang.

However, Haru didn't stop and continued writing. At this time, Haru almost reached half of volume 1 of his novel.

Haru ignored Rika when she walked out of the security office to open the iron gate. He overlooked the entering and exiting cars that picked up the wealthy princesses and heiresses of influential families who attended this all-girls school.

"Thank you for your hard work today, Suzuka-oneesama."

"Don't mind it. It's my responsibility as the student council's president."

Haru stopped his activity when he heard that short exchange outside of the security office. After saving his progress and storing his laptop into his bag, Haru stepped outside. He then fixed his attention on a purple-haired girl, who waved her hand to her friend, who was inside a limousine. When Haru saw Suzuka for the first time, her beauty stole his breath away.

Suzuka wore the uniform of this academy, consisting of a long-sleeved white top with a red butterfly ribbon under the light blue colored pinafore. She had tied her exotic purple hair, which was a shade lighter than Rika's hair, with a red ribbon in a high ponytail style. Her dark blue schoolbag was hanging on her shoulder.

Before long, Suzuka turned her head to Haru. She had a refined smile, yet her blue eyes that were glimmering in happiness betrayed her real feelings. She then approached Haru with skips in her steps.

"Onii-chan, sorry for making you wait," Suzuka apologized after stopping in front of Haru.

"No problems. Let's return home," Haru replied while smiling refreshingly at Suzuka.

Suzuka became silent, her expression unreadable. Haru and Suzuka silently stood there, watching each other's eyes with an unreadable expression. It looked like a tense standoff.

"Good grief," Suzuka suddenly shook her head in exasperation and muttered under her breath. In return, Haru made a wry smile.

"All right. Let's return home quickly," Suzuka exclaimed, and Haru silently nodded in agreement.

"Ah," Haru suddenly remembered something, "Could we stop at a convenience store first? Sora asked me to get snacks for her."

"That lazy, *grumble*—*grumble*!" Haru raised his brow when he couldn't hear Suzuka's low mutter, but he had a hunch that it related to Sora and wasn't a pleasant thing.

"We can visit a convenience store on our way back home. I also need to buy stuff for dinner," Suzuka finally gave her consent.

"All right, let's go!"

Suzuka gazed at Haru with an unreadable expression before following him. They walked on the roadside side by side. As they walked in silence, Haru recalled Haruka's strained relationship with Suzuka. It happened just like in the Imo-Imo series, albeit Haruka Kasugano replaced Yuu Nagami (the protagonist and the older brother of Suzuka Nagami). However, there were some twists.

Their strained relationship began after Suzuka lost in the amusement park they visited in their childhood. At that time, Sora was still living with Haruka's grandparents in the countryside.

Suzuka had run away after Haruka remarked that they couldn't marry because they were siblings. After she got separated from everyone, Haruka and their parents were searching for her. In the end, Haruka was the one who found her first.

At that time, Haruka didn't understand the concept of step-siblings. In Haruka's perspective, Suzuka was his little sister, and he couldn't marry her after overhearing his classmates' conversation.

Haruka said that to Suzuka because he had overheard that if a brother and a sister married, it would make the sister unhappy. While Suzuka had shown a sign of hopeless brother complex at a very young age, Haruka didn't know about that. He only thought that Suzuka was very close to him as any pair of siblings out there. He also enabled her bro-con inclination because he was always eager to please her. He did that to fill the emptiness in his heart because of the absence of his twin, Sora.

Speaking of Sora's past, let's backtrack a bit. Haruka and Sora lived in different places when they were young. They got separated at a very young age. It was the age when they had trouble remembering the event around that time. Haruka only knew that he had another sister, but his memory about her was limited to pictures. Sora lived with their grandparents in the countryside because of her weak body; their grandma was a doctor, and she could take care of Sora.

On the other hand, Haruka lived with his father in the city. At first, Suzuka's birth mother was working as Haruka's caretaker, but Haruka's father and Suzuka's mother hit it off and then married. That's more or less the complicated situation in their childhood.

Back to the topic of Haruka's and Suzuka's strained relationship, the incident in the amusement park was half of the cause. The other half was the accident that accosted Suzuka's birth mother's precious glasswork.

Let's backtrack a bit once again. Since a young age, Suzuka was already good at house chores. Her main drive to raise her proficiency was her dream to be a perfect housewife for Haruka. Although she was very young, she had grit, determination, and talent to refine her skill. Now, let's back to the main topic. One day, Suzuka accidentally broke her mother's precious glasswork. Suzuka was scared and began crying. Haruka found her and promised to help her. In the end, he took the blame and got scolded harshly by Suzuka's mother.

Haruka took the blame because he didn't want Suzuka to become upset. He was close to tears when his stepmother gave him that scolding. But alas, Haruka's goodwill backfired. Instead of thanking him, Suzuka snapped and became angry at him. It was the beginning of their strained relationship.

'I wonder if it is similar to what happened in Imo-Imo,' Haru pondered in his mind.

Since Haru had read the series until the last volume, he had an inkling about Suzuka's unreasonable outburst. In Imo-Imo, Suzuka Nagami was angry at herself because she caused what she perceived as Yuu Nagami's sufferings due to their father's scolding. She didn't understand her feelings at that time. Thus, she unreasonably snapped at Yuu Nagami. Just like Yuu Nagami, who wanted Suzuka Nagami to be happy, Suzuka Nagami also wanted the same thing for Yuu Nagami; it was a misunderstanding that caused their strained relationship.

'If Suzuka Kasugano is similar to Suzuka Nagami, which is very likely, then I know how to mend our relationship.'

Thinking so, Haru stole a glance at Suzuka from the corner of his eyes. At the same time, Suzuka also sent a glance at him. Their eyes met, and they stopped suddenly and turned their head to each other.

My P*treon Link: bit.ly/515con

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