
Reaching the pinnacle of power: Getting an S rank skill at the start

Uhh am new to this so here we go.... Join our MC Grey heart as he uses his special ability and godly cheat as he aims to be the strongest power user in the world. pls be patient with me am new to this

Lazy_Swordsman · Fantasy
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Chapter 2: Wait I have a WHAT?!


"Ugh am up jeez" Grey woke up to his alarm clock making a ruckus.

[Grey's POV]

OK today is the day that's going to define my entire life, Am gonna get my power today. I rushed off my bed and performed my morning routine. I brushed my teeth, took a quick shower, take a jog and Eat! .

Today dad made pancakes and eggs, when we were done Dad took us or should I say flew us to Athena Hall. About some minutes later we finally arrived at Athena Hall, When we arrived we saw a bunch of kids along with their parents waiting to be tested. I turned to look at my dad and said "am gonna look for Nathan", "Ok am gonna look for Fiona's friends to.

After that I and my Dad went our separate ways, I looked around the hall for some minutes before I heard someone call out to me "Grey over here" I turned around and saw Nathan beside his mum waving towards me, I rushed over to say hi "Morning Mrs. Azure, Yo Nathan wassup", "Nothing much, am just nervous" Nathan replied with an awkward face. "Don't be nervous am sure you'll get an awesome power", "Yh I hope so, we'll talk later". I left off to find my dad when I heard. "THE AWAKENING CEREMONY IS ABOUT TO BEGIN PLEASE LINE UP WITH YOUR KIDS". I felt Space distort beside me and Fiona and dad appeared, he grabbed my shoulder and a bright light covered my eyes and we appeared at the back of the line, we stood for a while before the first name was called "ZACK KING!"

A boy with black hair and dark eyes walked up the stage and touched the spherical orb, it shone a bright light before it dimmed out "ZACK KING,




Zack walked off the stage with his head up high, when he got to his parents the praised him gloriously, "NEXT MARTHA GREENWOOD " a girl with a shy expression walked up the stage and touched the orb , this time it shone a barely visible light before the announcer called out "MARTHA GREENWOOD,




Martha after hearing the news had teary eyes before releasing a bloodcurdling scream "ARGHHHHHHHH, WHY ME, WHY ME…. *BOOM*" before she could say more her father gave her a chop to the neck before she went limp and fell into his arms, he performed a bow and vanished with his daughter, the process continued until it reached me and Nathan's turn.

"Nathan Azure", Nathan walked up the stage with confidence before he touched the orb, and instead of it shining brightly it glowed with a pitch black light, the announcer trembled for a bit before he said *Ahem,* "NATHAN AZURE,




Everyone got on high alert as they stared at Nathan with hatred before someone called out "HE'S A DEMON KILL HIM!!!" right before they could do anything to him dad and Mrs. Azure appeared beside him and teleported out the building, after that the crowd settled down and it was my turn " GREY HEART!!" I walked up the stage with a nervous and excited feeling in my heart, while walking up the stage a voice rang out in my head



"Uh what's going on", I reached the orb and placed my hand on it and nothing happened.


"Place your hand on the orb again" the elder spoke out

[100%. Initialization complete]

This time when I placed my hand on the orb it shone with a bright light comparable to Nathan's own before dimming "GREY HEART,




After that, I walked of the stage with a content look and checked for my dad to see if Nathan was alright, then I spotted him with my sister , I walked up to them and asked if Nathan was alright then he nodded lightly, then he held my arm and we warped back to our home.

When we arrived I rushed into my room and locked the door, at the corner of my vision I saw a grey icon I tried swiping my arm towards it but I hit nothing but air , then I tried to touch it mentally and a status window appeared in front of me

Host: [Grey Heart]

Age :[16]

Hp: [ 110/110]

Power:[ ABSORBSION]- has the ability to copy or take the skills of others, currently can only copy abilities from [B-F]Rank and can only copy 3 powers at a time.

Skills- [None]

Copied powers – [None]


RANK – [S+]

Level 1–[exp 0-100]



STR – 13 [Strength]

AGI – 8 [Agility]

END – 13 [Endurance]

SPD – 11 [Speed]

Attribute points: [0]

skill points:[0]

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Lazy_Swordsmancreators' thoughts