
Reaching The Peak

Reif Callan is the strongest mage in History. On his way to another world in hopes to reach higher heights, his world's Overseer intercepted him. If not for the mysterious book that suddenly turned into a gem, he might have died already. He was forced to fuse the small speck that remained from his soul to a kid that has a mutated [Nature Vessel] Constitution in order to prevent the other world's Overseer from harming him. Join Reif Callan in his journey to the peak!

KenceRussel · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 12: Sparring

"[Flying Stars!]" Ram muttered in a low voice. Two of his fingers were raised in front of him and five gray-colored magic circles appeared

The magic circles release 5 sharp star-shaped metals each. All the 25 star metals drew a beautiful arc in the air

The star metals acted as if they have eyes of their own as they spread in a wide area to make sure that their target would not be able to escape them

As for their target, Reif created metal blades and grips them tightly with his hands

When the first batch of star metals reached Reif, he instantly wielded his blades and accurately hit the weak points of the star-shaped metals

In return, the flight trajectory of the star metals was forcefully altered. Four star metals hit each other sending them in different directions

The four star metals then collided with 4 more star metals and their numbers now reached 8

With just a single move, Reif managed to prevent the star metals from harming him

Reif along with the 3 brothers are currently in a wide-open space. It has already been a few days since he healed Ram to an acceptable level and he asked the man to spar with him resulting in the current situation

Just like other people, Ram was shaken at Reif's magical mastery. In just a single move, he took advantage of the weak point of the flying stars spell of Ram

The star metals that were originally cooperating were forced to knock each other away

Fortunately, Ram is still a 5th circle magician. If he can't at least do something about this situation, that would be a huge shame for him

Ram controlled his magic again as he wishes to see just how skillful Reif really is

"[Ignite!]" Ram chanted and the star-shaped metals were instantly ignited with crimson fire

The surrounding temperature rose almost immediately. The star metals once again became lively

This time, they didn't just fly directly towards Reif. They instead surrounded Reif in an encirclement. The flaming metals are now completely surrounding Reif and they even flew closer to him

Even then, there wasn't the slightest bit of panic in Reif's face. He looks like a person that was still in complete control of everything in this fight

Instead of panicking, an earthen brown magic circle just appeared below Reif and his mana was spread to the ground

"Rise!" Reif muttered and a block of earth rose from the ground instantly placing him in a higher level

"[Leg Boost!]" Reif then poured strength into his legs and swiftly jumped from the block of earth he manipulated causing it to crack

Reif uses this chance to get closer to Ram but a 5th circle mage is still a 5th circle mage

The flaming metals' speed exploded. Even though Reif's back was facing the flaming metals, he can still sense the mana in them

As a result, Reif forcefully twisted his body. One flaming metal after another barely misses his body

However, Ram never loses control of the flaming metals that miss their target. And now, Reif is facing attacks from the front and behind

The fight was so intense that Lance and Seph momentarily forgot how to breath

Is this really a fight between a 2nd and 5th circle magician? Why is it too intense?

Although Ram was not using all of his power, the way Reif resisted is still not something a kid like him should be able to do

He was lacking in raw power but his every move was skillful. There wasn't a single wasted movement at all

Seeing that there was almost no room for him to dodge, Reif also places two fingers in front of him and a white fog suddenly spread with him as the center

"[Illusion Fog!]" Reif chanted. The fog was quite thin and his figure can still be seen

However, the three can now see 6 Reif instead of one. This confuses Lance and Seph that were watching in the side. They didn't know who among the six is ​​the real Reif!

But Ram is different. As a 5th circle mage, his spiritual sense was much better compared to mages with a lower level than him

He can sense where the real Reif is and he controlled the flaming metals to target him

But then, the other 5 fake Reif shielded him from the metals

When the fakes were hit by the metals, instead of vanishing or dissipating, they instead issued an explosion that threw the star metals away

Reif exited the fog's range fully unscathed and three green-colored magic circles instantly appeared around him

The magic circles release thorny vines that went to attack Ram. This man was still far from fully using all of his strength and a giant hand made from mana formed above him

The giant hand caught the thorny vines easily. But that is a mistake

As a blood descendant of the Spring Clan, the vines that Reif created can easily suck mana from the opponent

Even if Reif doesn't absorb the mana into his body, he can still use it to some extent

The absorbed mana from the giant hand was injected into the numerous thorns of the vines and their size grew larger and larger

In just a matter of a few seconds, the enlarged thorns detached themselves to the vines and flew towards Ram

The more Ram fought Reif, the more his blood boiled. Who would have thought that a mere 2nd circle mage is this enjoyable to fight with?

Reif easily threw the common sense that people have towards 2nd circle mages

Ram dissipated the giant mana hand to prevent the vines from absorbing more mana

Instead, Ram created a shield of gray metal in front of him. Whether it be the large thorns or vines, they were easily deflected due to how hard and sturdy the metal wall is

Reif body starts to descend and Ram took the chance to attack him

"[Haste!]" Ram chanted and his speed instantly exploded. The speed boost he had gained was definitely much higher than mages that has a lower level than him

Ram clenches his fist, ready to punch Reif in the guts. However, Reif was still skillful. He immediately regained his balance after landing and twisted his body so that Ram's fist will miss

However, this body of his is not a body that can fully accommodate his skills. Reif accidentally twisted his ankle and pain traveled throughout his body

As a result, Reif did his best to jump away and put as much distance as he can from Ram

His ankle swelled from him stepping it wrong but this level of injury only needs a bit of time to heal. But that time is not something that Ram will give to Reif

"[Lion's Strenght!]" A slightly yellowish aura surrounded Ram's whole body and his overall physical qualities were boosted

Ram dashed in Reif's direction leaving deep footprints in the ground. He engages the kid in a close combat

If not for Reif's skill and battle senses, he would have been punch to death already. Even then, he was only barely holding on

If Ram was not holding back, he has the power to swiftly end this fight almost immediately

However, Ram decided to help. He was adjusting his battle pace in consideration to Reif

The more they fought, the more he can see Reif's movement improving. In truth, this was just Reif's body getting used to his movements

The vessel was not able to unleash the full power of its soul but in this fight, it was being refined

Minutes passed and Reif was already fully soaked with his own sweat. The swelling in his ankle became larger and larger but he was acting as if he didn't feel the pain at all

Even when Reif's body is already screaming for a rest, he still didn't stop. The air in his lungs was already thinning and the beating of his heart sounds like a horse galloping with all its might

The more Reif's body is being pushed past the limits, the more refined it would be

Finally, after some more minutes, Reif's body finally gave out. His legs were not able to support him anymore and gave in

Reif heavily landed on the ground while breathing hard. His hair looks as if it just came out from the bath while his nose and lips were doing their best to inhale as much oxygen as possible

There was a burning sensation in Reif's chest and it was very suffocating. His limbs don't have any strength anymore while his cheeks were flushed with a crimson red color

Reif's current appearance can surely strike the hearts of the Noble Ladies. He was drenched in sweat but his handsome looks were very manly

Even the smell he was emitting has a tinge of musky and woody scent. Might be because of his Spring Bloodline

"That's a good fight" Ram said with a smile. He was only a little bit out of breath since the latter fight only involves fist combat

Compared to Reif's condition, he only had a bit of fatigue. Far from using up all of his power