
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

To Learn You Must Suffer

For the most part most people didn't know why it was called the Myriad Locked Forest or why it was completely restricted for most people to even go in but they all knew that it was a dangerous area for normal people, so the majority of people didn't get upset or complain about not having access to such an area.

But that didn't stop people from trying to go there to see what was in it or other curious minds trying to find other treasures or other things. For the most part though it was a pretty sanctioned area where no one visited.

Which in turn made it a perfect place for him to start practicing fighting and getting stronger. All he had to do was keep to himself and not let anyone catch him and stick to the outer layer of the forest which is the safest.

It's most likely even structured like that because the "king" of this forest created a natural hierarchy and there is probably something attracting all these creatures here and even turning the leaves different colours which is probably the reason for it to even happen in the first place but it was just a guess that he and others had. though no one knows who or what it is that is doing it, everyone assumes its something.

As he walked through the forest and looked at all the looming trees overhead and their different colours he finally spotted a normal animal that didn't have any special traits or special strength. From what he could see from this distance it looked like a wild dog.

Which was perfect seeing as he needed something that could put up a fight but at the same time not be too life threatening at the start unless he massively messed up.


Just before he was about to start creeping up on it he suddenly remembered something incredibly important, he didn't have a weapon.

"How could I forget, I'm so stupid." The most basic of the basics and he actually didn't bring or make one himself.

"Looks like I need to give up on the dog and go back and look for a weapon even if its a sharp rock or a blunt object." Reluctantly he watched as the dog slowly but surely went further and further away from where he was standing. It was disappointing knowing he couldn't start fighting right away but he knew it was a lot smarter to wait until he found something he could use and practice with as a weapon.

In the future he would definitely have one. But for now he needed to make the most use of his time and practice everything he could at once. Especially since it was the most dangerous at the start with his experience

So he started to search a couple of meters back. Where he could slowly crawl along the ground with his eyes to try and find something that could be used. Unfortunately though for the most part all he could find were small stones and sticks.

"Ugh this is gonna take forever."

He really wanted to smack the him from an hour ago for getting to caught up in the moment and not thinking of something so simple but wanting to punch his stupid smug self wasn't going to produce a weapon so he quickly gave up and started moving forward knowing that next time he needed to be better prepared or else it could be an even bigger more life threatening mistake at that time. At Least though he realized it this time before anything happened.

"Thankfully I'm not a total idiot. haha..ha.haa....haaaaaaa"

Ending with a sigh he kept looking and looking in the area until eventually an hour later, he finally gave up trying to look for a weapon because there wasn't anything suitable at least to use as one for him and tried to think of how he could make this work even if there wasn't much around.

His first thought was to keep looking. His second thought was to try and use all the sticks and small stones he found as a weapon in its own right and his last but probably most effective thought was to try and make his own with the things he had around him.

Of course this wouldn't be perfect but he didn't have the time nor the energy to contemplate anything else at the moment all he could do was hope whatever he made could at the very least prove to be useful to him at least for today's training.


Another small sigh escaped his mouth knowing he messed up and was gonna end up with a problem on his hands but he knew it had to be done seeing as how far he came. Reluctantly looking around for the biggest stick he could find and the sharpest rock as well he slowly started to get to work on a makeshift stake to use even if it wasn't perfect. An hour later after searching for the materials and creating it, he finally had a weapon that he could use for today.

"Well that wasn't nearly as bad I'd thought it'd be at least."

His icy voice sounded throughout the forest for no one to hear but himself.

At Least he got the job done and could finally start looking for another animal to start practicing on but unfortunately he could probably only fight and hunt one or two animals now seeing as how late it had gotten. The sun was departing making less light shine through the tree leaves and branches. Making it slightly harder to see but it wasn't to the point where it would be impossible for him to find anything thankfully. Though it would take more work to locate something again.

Walking through the forest was once again with weapon in hand he was finally prepared to actually fight this time around. He might not find another wild dog this time but at the very least he hoped to find something of similar strength to hunt down and test his strength and combat against.


Step by step through the forest pushing leaves or bushes outta the way when needed to. He spotted another wild dog a few tens of meters in front of him.

Holding in his joy that threatened to explode out of him at the case of easily finding an easy prey once again he crept closer and closer. Starting to prepare his mind and body for whatever possible scenario he could think of that might happen when fighting this dog.






"I actually forgot to check my footing around myself and ended up stepping on a twig, I'm such an idiot." Realizing he probably made a bigger sound then he should of he looked up only to be very disappointed. From where he stood he could see the dog turn around and spot him then it quickly dashed away at a speedy pace in which he was unable to catch up to at this distance.

"Weird they usually aren't that scared of people and are often seen as a more aggressive wild animal so why'd it run only when it saw me?"

"well whatever now I need to waste even more time and find another animal damn my luck."

As he was taking a step forward though he finally heard a sound behind him that shouldn't of been there and turned around. The second he turned around he was absolutely terrified. Standing stock still was all he could do as he watched in fright as a medium sized creature was quickly pouncing on him the very moment he spun around.

"You have got to be kidding me!"

He was extremely indignant but he had no idea how to handle this situation. He knew he had to do something though, even if it was just moving but to no avail his nerves were too on end and he was panicking so all he could do was watch as his body slowly got pounced on by the Astral Wolf


My Mc is definitely not perfect and won't be a super genius either. I want him to experience and learn through the story and maybe one day he'll reach that level of God-Kun Hehe.

But that won't be today or tomorrow unfortunately for him.

Also I want my pace to be relatively normal so this might of been more abrupt event which in the end will happen sometimes.


Thank you for reading...

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