
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

The End Of The Night

"It looks like this is goodbye for now Keltie. I'll come back again soon to check up on your search if mine has failed. Let's both hope that doesn't happen."

Laughing Althea took a hold of Yilel's hand and disappeared before his very eyes just as silently as she came. Feeling Althea's restraints breaking off, Keltal could finally move his body as he looked around the courtyard at all the blood left in place of where his people used to be. In one night it felt like he had aged years yet the chaos Althea had spread only lasted a couple hours. Sighing he swept his tired eyes for one last look as he turned to walk away. Even though some people probably deserved what was coming for them it still made him sad to see such things especially when there were ones that didn't deserve it.

"So powerless..."

Walking out of the entrance he noticed someone standing in a corner nearby that he hadn't noticed before.

"Zelfin what are you doing here."

Panicking at being seen Zelfin quickly composed himself as he turned to the Clan Leader.

"After all the commotion I woke up and went for a stroll to get a breather sir. Sorry for interrupting."

"Very well, but you should be going back to sleep soon. Even if the sun is rising soon some sleep is better than none."

"Haha, I understand. Thank you for the concern."

With that Zelfin turned around and walked back to his room as Keltal watched on. Little did he know that would be the last time he would ever see zelfin in his clan again. With the commotion over and everyone else also heading back to sleep one lone boy quietly sneaked his way out of the clan and ran in any direction that brought him anywhere but where he currently was.

"No point being in that hell hole anymore. With that freak gone and her I need to find another way to get to her. Though I have no idea where she went."

"So the monster wanted a name, did he. Well Xilo you better hope I don't find you."

Fading into the night he slowly disappeared.

Feeling Shudders run over his body Xilo Quickly opened his eyes as he looked around the room. Every night for the past two months he had been sleeping in the same room as Xelfia to keep her company. Feeling that tingly feeling run over him for a couple of seconds he tried to look around for the source of it but there was nothing in the room currently and there was nothing outside that seemed to be giving him that feeling. After making sure everything was alright he shook it off as it started to fade and go back to normal once again.

"What the Heck was that"

Maybe it was him being too overly sensitive now with all the changes that had happened to him recently after he had hit the Transformation Stage. Thinking that he threw it to the back of his mind and quickly forgot about it. "Now that I'm awake I might as well see how Xelfia's doing." Looking over at her body he moved closer to her and checked to see if there was any difference but like every other time he had done so there was still nothing different.

Sighing he sat back down but just as he was about to sit back down he saw a slight twitch in the corner of his eye where Xelfia was that caused him to spring back up and rush to her again. Looking at her he waited to see if anything would happen but after a couple of minutes nothing still happened. "Maybe I'm going insane and seeing things?" With all the stress he had over Xelfia's condition he wouldn't havebeen surprised if he was starting to see things he wanted to see. But once again as he was about to give up he saw another twitch of her hand slightly.

"That time I saw it for sure."

Confident he saw correctly excitement and hundreds of other feelings welled up inside him as he finally saw the first changes in months to Xelfia. So excited in fact that he forgot to go get Tearia's grandmother or even check on his surroundings as he patiently waited by Xelfia's side to see if anything else would happen and he was pleasantly surprised when he spotted more movement in another area.

"Wake up, Wake up. Please. The things I have to say.."

Clenching his fists he felt like something was stuck in his throat as he waited. He didn't even want to think of the possibility that she still wouldn't wake up or he would probably go insane. Meanwhile Xelfia was currently stuck in her dreams that had been happening the last two months of her coma. When she first saw them they terrified her so much so that she didn't even look at them and chose to ran away but no matter where she ran she saw the scene of her failing her fight against the undead creature in the forest.


Shutting her eyes she squatted down as she gave up trying to run as she could only silently hope it would be over soon. "Xilo, Xilo, Xilo, Xilo...Help." Crying his name under quiet mumbles she was panicking like a little girl as she still heard the sounds of fighting around her. She was no longer the same composed playful woman she was in front of Xilo but a scared lonely child with no escape.


Hearing that voice enter her ears she shuddered as more and more voices started to enter her ears.


"Who needs you."

She didn't know where these voices were coming from but she couldn't drown them out of her mind. Those words kept repeating in her mind, drowning out her own thoughts until eventually she heard the fighting sounds stop alongside the voices as well. Giving it a couple of minutes she eventually hesitantly opened her teary eyes warily in hopes of not seeing anything. When she finally opened her eyes enough for them to see she saw three figures standing in front of her with sneers on their face looking down at her. Xilo, Herself and her lizard form were standing there sneering at her. Though her lizard form was a lot bigger than the last time she had remembered as her scales shined brighter but also darker in some areas.

"Look at yourself. What are you even doing? Sniffling on the ground asking for another's help. Where's the pride you had of yourself and your race."

The FIrst one to speak was the larger lizard that sneered the most at her and drummed into her ears the loudest out of all three of them. But she couldn't say a word in reply to that version of herself as her words got stuck in her throat as more tears welled up in your eyes. But it wasn't over.

"So you lost and instead of standing back up and fighting again you chose to run away and hide? What is that ever going to accomplish? Will acting like that get Xilo's attention, is that what you hoped. Isn't that just pathetic?"

Next came her own voice that slashed another heavy wound on her heart as she watched herself latch onto the Xilo at her side and rub herself on him as Xilo patted her head. But this time she actually could speak a word.

"N..o that isn't-"

"Isn't what? You failed plain and simple. What's the point of you even being here if you can't even protect yourself. I can't do everything you know."

Being interrupted she was hurt by the voice that mattered the most to her.


That same cold soothing voice she had heard thousands of times before and warmed her heart stabbed into her as she started to cry more than before but unfortunately before she could reply the sounds of fighting started once again all around her and drowned out her voice and thoughts. Panicking at the sight again she tried to close her eyes but she couldn't this time around. Forced to look at the scene in front of her she watched over and over as her Astral Energy exploded outwards and ended in her defeat but something was different this time.

"No,No. Please don't go."

Every time after her defeat she watched on as Xilo looked over at her with disappointment as he took Tearia's hand and walked away from her without looking back again. Over and Over she was forced to watch one of her worst nightmares and thoughts on repeat. Sometimes those thoughts would even keep her up at night in the past but she would force them in the back of her head as she leaned harder on Xilo and tried to forget about them. But now she couldn't forget, use Xilo to cope or even look away as it played thousands of times in front of her. Each one slightly different and even sometimes with different women. But without Fail it always ended with Xilo abandoning her. She felt like she was losing her mind.

"Just please stop. Don't Leave me anymore...I need you."

For days on end she watched it go on as she drowned in her own suffering that felt like someone clawing at her throat until one day something slowly changed. Xelfia slowly tried harder and harder to move her body towards Xilo every time he walked away but no matter how many times she had tried or didn't want him to leave she could barely move a centimeter. Until one day where as she watched Xilo walk away with Tearia once again but instead of being depressed, sad or lonely about it she got angry instead. Angry at herself as she thrusted her hand forward one last time tired of begging.

"Not again."

Thrusting her eyes open as her hand forward she was greeted with the sight of Xilo excitedly looming over her. Seeing her hand in front of her face again as the same familiar Xilo she was used to was once again in her sight she soon started to cry as her nightmare was finally over. Xilo, seeing her finally open her eyes and begin to cry panicked at first as he held her hand quickly.

"Are you okay? Xelfia, Xelfia."

Maybe a little too excited XIlo was losing a grip on his emotions slightly as he grabbed her soft familiar hand that he hadn't felt in quite a while. Coupled with that same beautiful face that he remembered he gently rubbed her tears away with his other hand as he caressed her face while making sure she was okay. Thankfully Xelfia told him she was fine as she held his hand back and lightly smiled at him as she stared at the same face she had seen countless times before while slowly calming down but soon noticed the way he was acting was different from what she remembered. He was gently looking at her with a natural smile on his face that was different from all the ones she had seen before. "Almost like a loving look." Thinking that she blushed at the thought slightly and tried to pull away but Xilo didn't let her go as they locked eyes with each other.


Unable to reply in time Xilo stole her lips as they quietly kissed. Feeling his lips touch hers as he stared into her eyes Xelfia's heart began to race as her embarrassment grew levels higher than before. However it helped her calm down and drown out her thoughts and worries of her nightmare as happiness and excitement mixed in as she started to kiss him back after being taken by surprise. Both Clumsily pecked and sucked at each other's lips as they took in both of their scents mixing together as their breathing synchronized only pulling away from each other for quick breaths before continuing once again. Pulling Xelfia closer against him Xilo kept her in place as he snatched her breath and got lost in her eyes as her intoxicating scent entered his nose. He was slowly losing more and more control as the kiss continued and Xelfia was just the same.

After minutes which felt like an eternity to them they finally separated with a small trail of saliva connected them until eventually breaking. Both heavily panting they were overtaken by how good it felt kissing each other and Xilo almost went back to try again but soon stopped himself as his reasoning gained control once again, he knew Xelfia just woke up and probably needed some adjustment especially after what he just did so suddenly. "Maybe that was a little hasty..." Embarrassed at himself he backed away and sat back down as Xelfia's breathing finally settled down as she laid in her bed.

Caught up in their own world and pace they both failed to notice one person looking at their scene through the crack in the door.

This Chapter was a little later then usual but as you can also see it's double my usual length, This would have been two but I honestly didn't know how long it would be when creating it and I wanted that ending to be included in the chapter while also wrapping up this part so that's why there was delay and quite. honestly I'm very fond of this chapter so I hope you all are as well.


Thank you for reading..

NoNamesLeftcreators' thoughts