
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

The Differences You Show

Walking through the familiar streets the two didn't say a word to each other as they traveled home both with different opinions on the matter. Xilo was rethinking some of his actions and how he handled the situation. "I was too rough." Even though he was irritated with those punks that didn't mean he had to be so violent with them at the end of the day but unfortunately his emotions went a little out of control. He knew his emotions were unstable at the moment due to what happened with Xelfia but he also knew after the times he had a anger spell in the past for the next couple days he would always be more easily rattled then other times which led him to avoiding people even more when those times occurred however now that wasn't an option.

Letting out a sigh he was a little regretful but more than anything he was scared. Scared of the small feeling of joy he felt when fighting those punks. He had noticed that joy and rush of excitement before when fighting but every time it occurred it was getting a little stronger than the last. Thankfully he had noticed before that it didn't occur unless he was struggling and had adrenaline pushing him. Like with the first Astral Wolf that attacked him or the Nature spirit which had helped ease his worry. However now he had experienced it in a completely different state compared to the past and that brought along more uncertainties and worries with it. "What am I going to do.." Most likely taking a break tomorrow was his only option but at least he would get to spend time around Xelfia and that could help him calm down faster.

"Are you okay?"


Turning to Tearia he tried to ask her how she felt after that but he got no answer in reply. Finding it weird she didn't respond he looked at her but it seemed like she was lost in her own thoughts as she walked beside him. Figuring she was probably a little disgruntled with the situation or maybe even a little scared of him after that display he left her alone to her thoughts but made sure to keep an eye on her in case she accidentally separated from him.

Thankfully they were in view of the inn so they didn't have to walk too much further before they could both be able to just relax and settle down. they both had a lot to think about that's for sure.

"Hey Tearia."


"Tearrriaa...? We've arrived you know."

Calling out to her he tried to get her attention since they had arrived but she still didn't reply right away so he had to try a couple of times before she finally responded and looked at him. Seeing she was ok he let out a forced smile.

"We're here, come on."

Spinning around Xilo started to walk into the inn only to realize a second later that Tearia still hadn't followed him. He was sure she heard him so he turned back around to find her still in the same spot as before for a second before finally talking to him ever since the fight at the Astral Zone.

"I've actually got something to do. I'll be back later."

"Oh, want me to come with you?"


With a little panic in her voice she denied Xilo but seeing she might have hurt his feelings after that she quickly corrected herself.

"I mean it isn't anything important and won't take me too long. I don't want to waste your time. So go check on Xelfia and I'll be back soon."


Taking a second to agree he probably figured she needed her own alone time herself so he left it be without pestering her and walked in the inn. Once he entered the inn he saw Tearia's grandfather in the same place as always but unlike before the instant he spotted Xilo he switched from his typical demeanor. "How does he do that."Each time he saw it he was always just as surprised as the first time with the way he changed pace.

"Where's Tearia?"

"She said she had something to do and she'd be back. I tried to go with her but she wanted to be alone it seems."

"I see, My wife's in the back with Xelfia you can go see her if you want."

"I will."

With that Tearia's Grandfather watched as Xilo walked into the back. After Xilo disappeared from vision he turned around and closed the inn for the night.

Meanwhile Xelfia was quickly arriving at a back alleyway a little bit away from the inn and patiently waited until the person she was waiting for arrived. After about 10 minutes of waiting they had finally arrived. Standing in front of her were three extremely familiar figures except different from the first time she had seen them they were extremely ragged and beat up.


Scoffing at the sight of them she was irritated that nothing went the way she wanted it to.

"You're late."

"How could we help it."

"I don't care. Show up on time. Useless bastards."


Ignoring their complaints she brought out a couple Astral Stones out of her pocket and threw them at their feet. Seeing the Astral Stones at their feet the leader scrambled down in pain to quickly pick them up and count them.

"Oi. What's the meaning of this?"

"Of what."

"There isn't even half of what we were promised before."

Getting angry at the little sum of cash they were given they would have lashed out at Tearia then and there but unfortunately they were way too injured to probably even beat a Stage one Astral Keeper even if all three ganged together at this moment. Hearing their complaints though she ignored the ringing of garbage entering her ears as she replied.

"You three idiots couldn't even do your job properly, why should I keep my end of the bargain then? Did you really think I would pay you fully for such a trash job. What a joke"

"How is that our fault bitch! You fed us false information. We thought he was weaker than that."

"Pft. Not my problem, it's yours. Now I'll be gonig. Though I'll probably be in touch with your boss eventually."

With that she turned to leave completely disappointed with today's results. "Haa...if only they were better. It would of made it alot easier." Little did she know after she passed them the three thugs all wore fierce disgusting expressions on their faces as they turned around fiercely. They were tired of the way she was treating them and combined with their early beating they had a lot of pent up anger so even if they were killed in the process they all wanted revenge especially after not even getting paid in full. Completely unaware of their thoughts and actions Tearia calmly walked out of the alley. Quickly following her the three Jumped at her before she could get out in the open only to run into something that completely blocked their advance.

"Oh Hello boys, What do we have here."

A carefree voice entered their ears suddenly as they looked up.

Having a messed up sleeping pattern is the worst which led to yesterday's no chapter, Sorry.


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