
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs


"I don't know what you mean..."

Sitting there she tried to play it off like she didn't know what Felli was talking about but she knew how awkward she was being currently and with what had just happened if she got out of this situation without an explanation it would be a miracle. "It's worth a shot though." Her chest still hurt just thinking about it as she blinked her purple eyes a couple times before tears could blurr her vision. Grabbing at her hair she yanked at it a little bit while she tried to think about why that even happened but nothing came to mind.

"Hey Tearia or Rose, whatever, Do you think I'm an idiot?"


"Then talk to me."

Brushing some of her hair out of the way Felli looked at Tearia as she curled herself into a ball and walked towards her. "I'm tired." Teleporting herself along with someone else was a lot of work for her still so she needed a break and she figured Tearia needed one too currently. "I also want to know more about that necklace." Looking at the silver chains along with the slightly dull purple jewel she recognized it since the very beginning which is why she took a bit of a liking to Tearia. "But if she stole it." Keeping that in the back of her mind, she wiped some of the sweat off her face as she sat beside Tearia and leaned against the wall as her face was finally in full view no longer covered by her hair.


Sighing she looked at Felli for the first time since meeting her and got lost in her beauty for a second. "So pretty." Feeling a little envious, she looked at the girl who's hair typically covered her face all the time. She had black lipstick on her small lips, along with a small sharp nose that carried a sense of pride and arrogance with it but what mesmerized Tearia the most was the Purple vortex her eyes trapped her in. Watching that purple glow swirl around in her eyes she was captivated by its charm and the similarity they had. "She's kind of like a more beautiful...Gothic me." Though Tearia had one thing over her at least. "Small boobs it seems." But that wasn't too important right now. "Right get back on track." Now wasn't the time to be impressed by another look's.

"So what do you want to know."

"First of all your name is Tearia right, not Rose?"


"Alright, then who was that man back there."

The pressure he gave off in that moment still made her shiver in fright just thinking about it. "Too strong but..." Thinking that she heard something that surprised her quite a bit.

"He's...The man I love."

Like that Tearia started to talk about her relationship with Xilo. While the man himself took a slash to his knee from a small black blade that he didn't see coming. "What the..." Looking at Lexi he never even saw her swing her attack, he only noticed the pain that came after it. "Fast." That speed was something even he had trouble keeping up with. He wasn't really in the best mindset to think to hard about things but his instincts told him to run in this situation and the current him could only rely on them. Feeling his blood drop from his leg he bounced backwards as he threw an ice wall up and ran in the opposite direction.

"This pesky wall again...well whatever. I found some interesting things out and got something important, so you can run for now."

Staring at the keychain in her pocket she sheathed her sword as she let Xilo run off and called all the girls back as she walked inside the room to see what happened. "So those two are gone, figured as much when I felt that fluctuation." Looking at the empty room with no one else in it anymore she shook her head before looking around for anything of value. "So be it, It'll be harder to kill them later but at least I don't have to pretend anymore with them and they used whatever treasure they had to escape from here so they probably can't do it again anytime soon." She may have felt the space ripple but she could only assume something else was used to do it since it was incredibly rare otherwise. "I wonder what these keys go to.." Not finding anything in the room she assumed that man from before probably had something on him too from here.

"Maybe I was too hasty in letting him run...Well whatever I'm sure we'll meet again."

Pushing her hair to the side she walked back into the hallway as her girls returned and smiled.

"Come, we've got some real exploring to do now along with a hunt or two."

Looking at the wall Xilo created she started breaking it down as a few more appeared behind it. "Smart..." Chipping away at them she was impressed by their strength as time went on and eventually the last wall left behind by Xilo was broken. "He's got some skills with ice if nothing else at least." The durability and speed he could create those was more then she could do even and he was weaker then her. "Interesting person...." Continuing to talk Tearia got more and more lost in her conversation with Felli as it went on. She just couldn't help it, Talking about Xilo to another person was rare for her. It was something that she had never done before and it was something she enjoyed, so she kind of started to ramble at some point until Felli finally stopped her.

"Haha, alright I get it, so he's your one sided lover."


"Does he love you back?"


"Then shush, now tell me something, Where did you get that necklace around your neck?"

Hearing that Tearia instantly stiffened up as she grabbed at her neck and jumped to her feet instantly on guard.

"Relax alright, I'm just curious."


Looking at Felli she tried to sense any lies in her words but she sensed nothing.

"Haa...My Grandfather made it for me."

Lost track of time, sorry this was late. ;c


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