
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

One's Own Will

Searching around in that open void of memories Felli eventually found something that caught her off guard. It didn't seem to be related to the name Aeon from what she could tell though. A little hesitant to dive into that memory she saw her Mother in her room in the old run down house crying. "....Just a peek." Following her child self's footsteps they both peered around the corner into their Mother's bedroom. They didn't really know what happened at the time, however their Mother was crying. She was quietly mumbling a name but Felli couldn't make it out at all, it was too quiet. Walking up to her, the child version of Felli tapped her on the leg to grab her attention. "My hair was a lot shorter back then." With a bit of concern Felli didn't know what to do about her Mother being sad, so she just sat beside her in silence leaning her head against her body.

"Hello dear, Sorry if I worried you."

Her mother quickly cleared up her tears as she grabbed her daughter's hand.

"Is everything alright?"

"Just some bad memories, I was remembering your grandfather and...someone else. Thanks for checking up on me though. We should get going soon, your Grandmother is waiting for us at the Castle. We have a lot of things to do now and while it's still far away from today, you'll be a Queen yourself someday. When that time comes make sure you find a better husband than me."

Laughing to herself Katrin felt her heart squeeze tight as she gripped Felli's hand harder.

"Be a better Queen than me as well. Regardless of what happens you'll always have my full support."

Cutely tilting her head at her Mother's words Felli watched that memory fade away into the back of her mind. "Was she calling out Aeon's name?" Playing it over in her head multiple times Felli didn't understand anything. In that void of space Felli sat there paralyzed by everything. Sneaking up on her, Althea snaked her hands around Felli's body as she gave her a big hug, locking her in her grasp. Whispering hi, Althea smiled at that little scene as she teased Felli. Unable to move, Felli recognized Althea's voice as some of her anger flared up. Even after all this time Althea wouldn't leave her alone and she just kept becoming a bigger mystery to her.

"What are you doing here Althea, I have no time to deal with a snake like you."

"I came to pay you a visit, it seemed like you needed some help."

"Didn't you say you were done messing around with me? What happened to that, just go away. You know I'll never kill Xilo or join you."

"You might not but your Mother will, so just listen to me for a bit. After that you're free to make your own choice."

Two different smaller versions of Felli appeared in front of her own face. These were the ones from earlier that were fighting against each other when her mind split. "What's going on?" Switching between both, Felli was confused yet listened regardless. There was something a tad bit different about this Althea that Felli noticed, that change didn't stop her from wanting her gone though. Althea just smiled as she listened to the girl's complaints. "Of course she's like this." This Althea knew all too well how everyone treated her. Making sure Felli couldn't escape, Althea dropped the act as she started talking with her. Explaining her plan, this was something Felli had to do, if not the Queen would kill Xilo.

Listening to Althea's words Felli felt herself grimacing as thoughts tore her apart. She was stuck on two different sides and she couldn't just pick one. Her whole body screamed at her to side with her Mother no matter what. That was just the natural thing to do. Her mind reminded her of what she just saw happen and all the death she herself was causing because of her Mother. "We're both...." With Althea finishing her explanation she silently waited for Felli to decide. "Betray your friends or your Mother..." The only way to beat the Queen would be with everyone working together including Felli. With the help of the Other Althea, Katrin was getting too strong for her own good.

Seeing Felli still hesitating after a few minutes, Althea played the last thing she could.

"Maybe this won't help or maybe it will but if your Mother keeps fighting like this she'll die regardless. Every little bit of Astral Energy she uses from now on will destroy her life at a rapid rate. Even destroying a couple more Zones might kill her within a year."

Feeling a jolt of electricity run up her spine, Felli froze at those words. "She'll die?" Hearing that sent a sliver of doubt into her mind. She had always wondered how her Mother planned to use all that energy. She had asked a few times even but was always given the same answer. "None of your concern." Those cold words had turned her away so many times. "Even if Althea is lying about it..." Flipping to the other side Felli remembered the words her Mother said to her. "You'll always have my full support." Taking a long deep breath Felli felt Althea grip on her slipping as she stared at the two copies of herself in front of her. Shaking her head she reached out her hand and took a hold of her choice.

Watching Felli's choice Althea shook her head with a hidden grin.

"Silly girl."

Coming back to reality, Felli was still trapped in her bindings that Xelfia had placed on her. Looking at all of her own friends trying their best to help her and her own Mother using her life for power Felli gritted her Teeth. It was time for her to stop running and hiding behind someone else. "I'm my own person as well." Felli knew that and it was time for her to follow her own will for once, not someone else's. Glancing at Xilo her eyes cleared up a bit as she spoke up. Sensing a slight change in Felli, Xilo thought he had maybe broken through to her. Some excitement entered his voice as he called out to Felli while the others were fighting.

"Let me go, I have things to do."

Felli wanted to be released.

Was a bit yesterday but here's todays c:


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