
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs


Studying Levia, Yanyan's eye travelled to her baggy attire that covered their entire body. A black jacket with a grey shirt to go along with it full of dust. Along with washed out blue jeans that seemed a bit too big it seemed like a very old set of clothing. Rather than try to show off with fancy clothing it was more practical while trying to hide most of her body. At first glance most wouldn't even be able to tell if it was a man or woman. "Why would this person help me?" They really didn't give off a friendly aura so Yanyan was curious why they stepped in. Letting go of Levia's hand she took a step back and instantly fell to the ground.


Yanyan's butt hit the ground as Levia tried to grab onto her.

"Are you alright?"

Her entire body felt like jelly as she leaned back onto the ground and stared up at the sun.

"Why did you help me, Levia?"

"A silly question especially in your current state. You seemed like you were in trouble so I stepped in."

Levia didn't believe it herself but she still said it as she cleaned up the mess around them. There was still one person that she left alive that she had to take care of. She had thought about asking him a few questions however there was no need for that. "I got my answer." Standing over him, Levia didn't hesitate as she brought her blade down straight into his heart. Tearing his flesh cleanly she ended the man's life as she kicked his corpse away. She wasn't going to show any respect for Hunters. Hearing Yanyan from afar, Levia did her best to reply.

"You don't seem like the helpful type though and as you can clearly see I'm far from a normal human being. Most people would have tried to kill me already or ran away so what makes you different?"

Yanyan knew she could potentially be walking towards her death with these questions.

"Eh, you're different so what. I know that you're a demon and that doesn't phase me. I'm also pretty different myself, not that you'd be able to tell from first glance. If it helps to ease your worry then know I did it because I dislike Hunters. They one sidedly chase after anything they think is evil and murder it. Good enough?"

"I guess, so these Hunters chase demons and kill them then. That would explain why they were after me for so long....even though I'm not a demon."

She whispered that last part under her breath as Levia walked up to her. Bending down Levia handed her a bottle of water she had on end and took a seat next to her. Asking a couple of questions Levia wanted to get to know this demon more. It was rare to see someone so young out on their own. To even just be alive while against that many hunters was already lucky. Yanyan quickly used some of the things she had already made up when she was with Relia to help her answer. She lost her home to those Hunters after her parents gave up their lives to give her time. It wasn't the best lie but it was good enough to get most people off her back about her past.

"Not that anyone talks to me..."

Hearing Yanyan's story Levia nodded her head as she listened.

"I'm sorry to hear that, being alone so young isn't easy."

Levia's voice was raspy and full of grit like she wasn't using her real voice yet Yanyan didn't mind.

"....Why are you out here, this is pretty far off from any Cities isn't it?"

"I'm a mercenary that travels to a bunch of different places. This route just so happened to lead me to my next destination."

Tilting her head, Yanyan didn't know what a mercenary was.

"What's a mercenary, is that why you seem to be covered from head to toe in such..rough clothing?"

"Sort of."

While those two were talking Vandor's small group made their way inside the Castle. Sneaking around they made sure they weren't spotted by anyone as they headed to the prison area. They had to be quick just in case something happened to them before they got there. "We should be there soon." Everything was going smoothly so far and if they kept up the pace they could be gone within less than an hour. "Multiple presences coming up." Halting the two behind him Vandor peeked around the corner as he spotted multiple guards standing in front of a doorway. "Let's take them out quietly." Turning to Yulrin that was her speciality, he was too aggressive and loud for that kind of thing.

"You can handle them?"

Nodding her head Yulrin pulled out multiple knives as she moved closer. She intended to take them out quickly and quietly. Moving in between pillars Yulrin stayed in their blind spots as she got close to them. There were three in total watching the front door and plenty more inside. Feeling the knives slide across her fingers Yulrin got up behind the first one and stabbed him right in the back of the neck. Letting him drop to the floor she bolted to the next one before he could react and did the same thing again. The last one turned towards her in a panic giving her easy access to his throat. Cutting his throat instantly he fell to the ground dead.

Waving the other two over they moved aside the bodies as they got ready to go in.

"let's go."

Since Xilo never told them to not kill anyone they didn't have any care for the lives that were here except the people stuck in prison.

"Right behind you."

Following behind Vandor it was time for them to get serious and stop trying to be stealthy.

"Here we come!"

Shouting Vandor busted open the door with his body.


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